Specialist in management consulting small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )

FAO is committed to ensuring – gender, balanced geographic distribution and linguistic diversity – among its staff and the international consultants it employs, to best serve Member States in all regions.

  •  FAO is committed to ensuring the diversity of its workforce, ensuring balanced representation of women and men as well as nationalities, profiles and cultures.
  •  Women, nationals ( e ) s of unrepresented or underrepresented Member States and persons with disabilities with the required qualifications are encouraged to apply.
  •  Everyone working for FAO is required to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct and to respect the values of FAO.
  •  FAO, as the specialized agency of the United Nations, has adopted a zero tolerance policy with regard to behavior incompatible with its status, objectives and mandate, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of power and discrimination.
  •  The references and background of all selected candidates will be subject to rigorous verification.
  •  All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

With a strong global presence, FAO offers developing and transition countries a wide range of investment support services. The Organization provides innovation, knowledge, technical skills and policy expertise to influence the investment process, providing support to countries for design, implementation and evaluation of investment strategies, plans, programs and projects.

It is in this dynamic that the FAO of Burkina Faso supports the Government of Burkina Faso regarding financial services such as the Network of People’s Banks of Burkina ( RCPB ).

According to officials of the Credit Service of the Network of People’s Banks of Burkina Faso ( RCPB ), around 20% of the institution’s total portfolio is devoted to agricultural financing. Given the dominant position of the RCPB within the SFD sector, it is possible to estimate the volume of agricultural financing by SFDs between 20 and 25 billion FCFA.

The banks’ loan portfolio is largely oriented towards the cotton sector and is mainly offered for periods not exceeding twelve months. In general, SFDs provide basic financial services limited to loans and deposits. Despite attempts to diversify ( leasing, credit warrantage ) products, the supply of credit remains poorly developed and mainly oriented towards production credit. Although it is difficult to estimate the demand for agricultural credit, it is a given that the volumes of credits granted remain clearly insufficient compared to the needs of farmers. The financial inclusion rate is modest ( 14.4% ), as is the rate of accessibility to credit for the exploitation of a trade or an agricultural enterprise ( 8.5% ).The trend towards underfunding for agriculture can also be confirmed by the fact that agriculture generates around 35% of GDP while only 3.1% of bank financing is directed to this sector. In order to help reverse this trend that the Government requests technical assistance from FAO through a request for the implementation of the Support Project for the institutionalization of the Rural-Invest tool for facilitate access to financial services and amplify rural entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso. RuralInvest is a toolbox developed by FAO and the investment center which facilitates the development of business plans thanks to these training modules as well as its software. 1% of bank financing is directed to this sector. In order to help reverse this trend that the Government requests technical assistance from FAO through a request for the implementation of the Support Project for the institutionalization of the Rural-Invest tool for facilitate access to financial services and amplify rural entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso. RuralInvest is a toolbox developed by FAO and the investment center which facilitates the development of business plans thanks to these training modules as well as its software. 1% of bank financing is directed to this sector. In order to help reverse this trend that the Government requests technical assistance from FAO through a request for the implementation of the Support Project for the institutionalization of the Rural-Invest tool for facilitate access to financial services and amplify rural entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso. RuralInvest is a toolbox developed by FAO and the investment center which facilitates the development of business plans thanks to these training modules as well as its software. In order to help reverse this trend that the Government requests technical assistance from FAO through a request for the implementation of the Support Project for the institutionalization of the Rural-Invest tool for facilitate access to financial services and amplify rural entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso. RuralInvest is a toolbox developed by FAO and the investment center which facilitates the development of business plans thanks to these training modules as well as its software. In order to help reverse this trend that the Government requests technical assistance from FAO through a request for the implementation of the Support Project for the institutionalization of the Rural-Invest tool for facilitate access to financial services and amplify rural entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso. RuralInvest is a toolbox developed by FAO and the investment center which facilitates the development of business plans thanks to these training modules as well as its software.

Hierarchical position

Under the general supervision of the FAO Representative in Burkina Faso and the direct supervision of the Program Officer, in collaboration with the national focal point and the FAO RuralInvest team as well as the appointed National Coordinator of the Government of Burkina Faso, the specialist in management consulting for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs will ensure that stakeholders are better prepared for the development of their business plans.

Area of specialization

In carrying out the project, it is planned, among other things: to establish a diagnosis of management consulting tools for agricultural and rural businesses ; plan training in setting up business plans with RuralInvest and in financial education; organize training for national trainers; improve services in the financing of entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector.

Tasks and responsibilities

The incumbent, specialist in management consultancy for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, will have to carry out the following tasks and responsibilities : – Operationalize a management consulting system for agricultural and rural businesses adapted to RuralInvest as well as on the entrepreneurial pitch; – Coordinate the training of promoters in operating management ; – Execute any other task of its competence, not specified above, which could be requested by technical supervision and / or the FAO Representative in Burkina Faso.


Minimum conditions to be fulfilled

  •  Hold a university degree ( Bac + 4 at least ) in the fields of economics, business management, rural development ( Agronomy, Livestock, Food Safety, etc. ) ;
  •  Have three ( 3 ) years of relevant professional experience in advice and training in management of rural businesses ;
  •  Current knowledge of French ( level C ) and average knowledge of English ( level B ) ;
  •  Be a Burkinabé national or be resident in the country with a regular work permit ;

Basic skills required by FAO

  •  Attention to results
  •  Have team spirit
  •  Meaning of communication
  •  Establishment of constructive relationships
  •  Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement

Selection criteria

  •  Enjoy your civil rights and be of good character ;
  •  Be immediately available ;
  •  Demonstrate a good capacity for analysis of statistical and drafting data, a great spirit of initiative and a perfect ability to work in a team and under pressure ;
  •  Having experience working with FAO or the United Nations would be an asset.
  •  Female candidates are strongly encouraged.

Please note that all candidates must adhere to the values of FAO – commitment to the Organization, respect for everyone, integrity and transparency.


  •  FAO does not collect fees at any stage of recruitment ( application, interview, file processing ).
  •  Incomplete application files will not be examined. For any questions or requests for assistance, please contact Careers@fao.org : .
  •  Applications received after the closing date of the notice will not be accepted.
  •  Please note that FAO only takes into account university degrees and degrees issued by recognized institutions listed in the World Higher Education Database, the list updated by the International Association of Universities ( IAU ) / UNESCO. To access the list, please click here www.whed.net/
  •  For other questions, please consult the Employment web page at FAO: http://www.fao.org/employment/home/fr/

HOW TO POSTULATE To apply, please complete the online form on the FAO recruitment website, Jobs at FAO. Incomplete application files will not be examined. Only applications received through the recruitment portal will be considered. Applicants are encouraged to register their applications with a largely sufficient period of time before the deadline. To get help, write to: Careers@fao.org.



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