Mission and objectives WHO Country Office Kuwait inaugurated in June 2021 is mandated to support the Ministry of Health and other national institutions in meeting the targets of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 aiming to improve health and well-being for Read more…
Category: Kuwait
Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian territory, Saudi Arabia
January 31, 2024
Background The ABA Center for Human Rights’ (the Center) Justice Defenders Program is seeking a contracting organization based or with expertise in one of the following countries in Southwest Asia & North Africa (SWANA): Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, or Iraq. The Read more…
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- Career Advice (29)
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- chile (5)
- China (15)
- China – Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region) (11)
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- Congo (51)
- Costa Rica (20)
- CĂ´te d'Ivoire (115)
- Croatia (1)
- Cuba (1)
- Cyprus (8)
- czechia (10)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (528)
- Denmark (72)
- Dili (East Timor) (1)
- Djibouti (29)
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- Dominican Republic (39)
- DR Congo (22)
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- Finland (7)
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- Gambia (25)
- Georgia (23)
- Germany (145)
- Ghana (108)
- Greece (87)
- Grenada (2)
- Guadeloupe (France) (4)
- guam (1)
- Guatemala (141)
- Guinea (47)
- Guinea-Bissau (8)
- Guyana (7)
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- ILO (7)
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- IOM (951)
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- Kiribati (7)
- Kosovo (1)
- Kuwait (2)
- Kyrgyzstan (36)
- Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) (18)
- Lao people's democratic republic(the) (24)
- Latvia (1)
- Lebanon (230)
- Lesotho (17)
- Liberia (63)
- Libya (65)
- Lithuania (3)
- Loan (7)
- Logistics (1)
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- Mauritius (12)
- Mayotte(France) (7)
- Meeting ( France ) (2)
- MEXICO (96)
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- Moldova (93)
- Mongolia (9)
- Monrovia (1)
- Montenegro (6)
- Morocco (88)
- Mozambique (166)
- Myanmar (135)
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- Nauru (2)
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- Netherlands (146)
- New calendonia(France) (34)
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- Nicaragua (8)
- Niger (212)
- Nigeria (5,018)
- North Macedonia (1)
- Northern Mariana Islands (The United States of America) (1)
- Norway (42)
- Occupied Palestinian territory (557)
- OCHA (56)
- Pakistan (135)
- Palau (2)
- PANAMA (54)
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- Paraguay (9)
- Peru (61)
- Philipines (261)
- Philippines (266)
- Poland (52)
- Puerto Rico (The United States of America) (1)
- Qatar (74)
- Question and Answer (71)
- Remote (9)
- Republic of Korea (6)
- Reunion(France) (3)
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- Rwanda (122)
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- Sao Tome and Principe (6)
- Saudi Arabia (41)
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- Senegal (88)
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- The Republic of North Macedonia (14)
- The Savior (32)
- They had (36)
- Timor-Leste (44)
- Togo (27)
- Tonga (4)
- Travels (1)
- Trinidad and Tobago (2)
- Tunisia (117)
- Turkey (120)
- TĂĽrkiye (314)
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- Tuvalu (7)
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- Ukraine (877)
- UN Children's Fund (15)
- UN Jobs (6,160)
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- UNICEF (11)
- UNIDO (1)
- United Arab Emirates (20)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (481)
- United Republic of Tanzania (161)
- United States of America (357)
- UNOPS (74)
- Uruguay (1)
- USA (1,372)
- Uzbekistan (21)
- Vanuatu (14)
- Venezuela (49)
- Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (272)
- Viet Nam (40)
- Wallis and Futuna (France) (2)
- Western Sahara (2)
- WFP (150)
- WHO (25)
- Yemen (246)
- Zambia (55)
- Zimbabwe (50)