The Climate Parliament ( is an international, multi-partisan network of legislators working worldwide to combat climate change and protect the living planet. We work mainly with national legislators in the Global South. We have had a major impact on renewable Read more…
Category: Seychelles
Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania
January 26, 2024
About Seven Star Consultants LtdSeven Star Consultants Ltd is a multi-faceted company with an unwavering commitment towards excellence and client satisfaction through the delivery of cutting edge development consulting services. We offer a well-rounded range of stand-alone and integrated services Read more…
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- Costa Rica (20)
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- czechia (8)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (525)
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- Dili (East Timor) (1)
- Djibouti (29)
- Dominica (4)
- Dominican Republic (39)
- DR Congo (22)
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- Gambia (25)
- Georgia (22)
- Germany (145)
- Ghana (108)
- Greece (86)
- Grenada (2)
- Guadeloupe (France) (4)
- guam (1)
- Guatemala (141)
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- Guinea-Bissau (8)
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- Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) (18)
- Lao people's democratic republic(the) (24)
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- Libya (65)
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- Loan (7)
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- Poland (52)
- Puerto Rico (The United States of America) (1)
- Qatar (73)
- Question and Answer (71)
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- Reunion(France) (3)
- Romania (16)
- Rwanda (118)
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- Senegal (85)
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- United Arab Emirates (19)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (472)
- United Republic of Tanzania (156)
- United States of America (350)
- UNOPS (74)
- Uruguay (1)
- USA (1,372)
- Uzbekistan (21)
- Vanuatu (13)
- Venezuela (44)
- Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (269)
- Viet Nam (40)
- Wallis and Futuna (France) (2)
- Western Sahara (2)
- WFP (150)
- WHO (25)
- Yemen (245)
- Zambia (53)
- Zimbabwe (49)