National Project Coordinator, Praia, Cape Verde At ILO – International Labor Organization

Closing date: Sunday, October 1, 2023

Grade: NOC

Position number: DC / Dakar / NO / 2023/07 Publication date: 09/15/2023 Closing date ( midnight, Praia time ): 30/09/2023

Job ID: 11239 Departure: BR-Africa Unit: ETD / BP-Dakar Place of employment: Praia Type of contract: Determined duration

Duration of the contract: 12 months

According to Article 4.2 ( e ) of the Staff Regulations, the filling of vacant posts in technical cooperation projects is not governed within the framework of Annex I to the Staff Regulations and is done by direct choice of the Director-General.

In order to fill this position by direct selection, the ILO invites interested persons to submit their applications online before the deadline mentioned above.

Can submit their application:

  •  Internal candidates, in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of Annex I to the Staff Regulations.
  •  External candidates / tees*

*The recruitment process for national officials is subject to the specific criteria for local recruitment and eligibility.

The ILO attaches great importance to diversity among its staff and welcomes the candidacies of qualified women. We also encourage those of people with disabilities. If you cannot complete our online application form due to a disability, please send an email to

Appointments to technical cooperation contracts do not confer the right to a career at the ILO or to an automatic renewal of the contract or a conversion for a commitment of another kind to within the Organization. One year of fixed-term contract will be granted. In addition, the extensions of technical cooperation contracts are conditioned in particular on the following elements: the availability of funds, the continuity of the need for the functions exercised and the services and satisfactory conduct.

*Conditions of employment for external candidates: In accordance with the practice in force at the ILO, the external candidate will normally be recruited at the first step of this grade.


As part of its Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development ( PEDS ), the government of Cabo Verde aims to “promote sustainable, inclusive and continuous economic growth, full productive employment and decent work for all”.

By resolution No. 45/2018 of May 21, the government of Cabo Verde has adopted a Strategy for the transition from the informal to the formal economy and has created an Interinstitutional Commission for the strategic management of the transition from the informal to formal economy, coordinated by the Ministry of Finance. This strategy highlighted certain constraints to formalization, namely :

  •  Complex administrative procedures ;
  •  The impact of the tax burden ( and the impact of the social security calculation on the same ) as well as the limitations in the application of the Special Scheme for micro and small enterprises ( NOTE ) at certain sectors of activity ;
  •  Poor coordination among the institutions in charge of formalizing businesses ;
  •  The limited capacity for control and taxation of the institutions in charge of formalizing businesses ;
  •  Poor information and communication on rights, duties and obligations, as well as on incentives for formalization.

The current situation requires multisectoral solutions to facilitate the creation of sustainable and decent jobs. So, since 2016, the government of Cabo Verde has started to focus on reforms aimed at improving the conditions for the formalization of businesses ( the introduction of the EMN and the launch of the ‘ Fomento ’ financing program).

However, the formalization ecosystem, that is to say all the actors involved in different ways in promoting the transition to formal, remains particularly fragmented. The fragmentation and weaknesses mentioned above underline the need to strengthen the capacities of these institutions, of the social partners, as well as social dialogue in Cabo Verde on themes related to the transition to the formal economy and the promotion of decent work.

The government, through its Integrated National Program for the Acceleration of the Transition from the Informal Economy to the Formal Economy 2023-2026 intends to provide a response to the weaknesses of the support mechanism for the formalization of businesses. For three years, the Program has set itself the ambitious objective of supporting the formalization, of 33,200 of all the Informal Production Units, identified in the country in 2015.

Both in Cabo Verde and globally, the pandemic has shown that informal businesses, especially those operating in economic sectors such as trade or tourism, are most affected by macroeconomic shocks. It is therefore essential to strengthen the resilience of informal companies, while reducing the risk of formalization.

Form @ Empresa aims to contribute to the promotion of decent work in Cabo Verde, by implementing a series of measures to support formalization, development of microphones, small and medium-sized enterprises, and capacity building of Cape Verdean tripartite constituents around the main issues of decent work. In order to achieve its objectives, Form @ Empresa is organized into two components, namely : Component 1 – Coherent and integrated policies and programs to support the transition from the informal to the formal economy in Cabo Verde.

Component 2 – Decent work and capacity building of tripartite constituents

  •  Supervision

The national ( director ) ( e ) of the ( CNP ) Project will be primarily responsible for managing the project and achieving the results targeted in the various components of the project. He / she must ensure that the activities to be carried out by the ILO are implemented within the set deadlines and that the results as planned in the various reference documents are achieved.

Placed under the general responsibility and direct supervision of the Director of the ETD / BP-OIT Dakar, the CNP will also benefit from the technical support of the Specialists, in particular the Specialist in Business Development and job creation, the ACTEMP Specialist, the ACTRAV Specialist and the Specialist in Social Dialogue and Work Administration of the Dakar ETD.

Essential functions and responsibilities

  •  Ensure the planning, implementation, monitoring and progress of the technical activities of the project within the set deadlines and in close collaboration with the ILO technical services and tripartite principals. Ensure that the results, as planned in the program document, are achieved, including the organization of meetings, workshops, seminars, training sessions, while ensuring the proper allocation of resources according to ILO rules and procedures ;
  •  Plan and manage the finances and budget of the program, human resources and any necessary administrative operation. Provide strategic and authoritative advice to management on all matters relating to program management.
  •  Manage and support consultants and program staff in the technical areas concerned, set up well-defined work objectives on the basis of the annual work plan and provide regular feedback ;
  •  Identify problems and propose corrective solutions and measures, identify priorities, ensure follow-up with the relevant departments, in the institutions responsible for execution, public bodies, to constituents and other organizations in Cabo Verde, in order to hasten implementation and achieve objectives ;
  •  Conduct and coordinate research studies and analyze the data necessary for the execution of program activities. Prepare an analytical report which contributes to the monitoring of the program ;
  •  Ensure the sharing of information and documentation of results, good practices and lessons learned from the program, including in the preparation of technical notes, brochures and other publications ;

7. Monitor specific ILO procedures, in particular with regard to the management of consultants, service provision contracts, or any other development cooperation work procedure.

8. Present and have approved the annual work plan by the relevant parties to the program ;

9. Ensure coordination and contribute ( i ) to the development of training guides and materials, ( ii ) to the effective transfer of skills to the national structures concerned ;

10. Coordinate the preparation of technical and financial reports to be submitted to the ILO, the donor and the various partners of the program ;

11. Monitor indicators, assist in technical evaluation and socio-economic impact of project achievements and report on them to be submitted to the ILO, the donor and the various partners ;

12. Participate in the work of the thematic groups of the UNS Cooperation Framework and reflect the ILO’s orientations in terms of formalization and decent work.

13. Perform any other tasks requested by the Director of the ILO Office in Dakar.

Qualifications required


Minimum university degree in management, economic or social sciences or other relevant disciplines.


At least five years of work experience at the national level, or within international organizations with a good knowledge of international agendas


Excellent mastery of Portuguese. A good knowledge of French and English is an asset.


  •  Excellent knowledge of the political, socio-economic environment in Cabo Verde, and ILO constituents
  •  Good knowledge of the issue of information in Cabo-Verde and of the policies that promote the transition to formality
  •  Proven management experience, with solid knowledge and experience in all aspects of the project cycle, i.e. design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  •  Proven experience in creating partnerships and networks, mobilizing resources and relationships with donors.
  •  Experience in job creation and / or business formalization projects will be an advantage.
  •  Good ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing.
  •  Knowledge of ILO policies and procedures, in particular development cooperation projects, would be an advantage.
  •  Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to adopt non-discriminatory behavior that is gender sensitive.

Recruitment process

Please note that all applicants must complete an online application form. To do this, please go to the ILO People site. The system provides the necessary instructions to facilitate the online application procedure.

Fraud alert

The ILO does not charge any fees at any time during the recruitment process, either when applying for the interview, the actual recruitment procedure or the training. Messages from email addresses different from those of the ILO – – should in no case be considered. In addition, the ILO does not need and does not request to know the information relating to the applicant’s bank account.


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