Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer, P2, Mopti At UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships

In complex humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters where UNHCR is designated as the Protection Cluster Lead Agency under the Cluster Approach, UNHCR performs a dedicated coordination, strategy development and advocacy function through the positions of P5/P4 Protection Cluster Coordination Officer and the supporting positions of P3 Protection Cluster Coordination Officer and/or P2 Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer.

These latter P2 level positions normally report directly to the P5/P4 Protection Cluster Coordination Officer. The UNHCR Representative has final accountability for the performance of UNHCR as Cluster Lead Agency.

The Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer supports UNHCR to work within the framework of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and the Cluster Approach. The position reinforces UNHCR Protection Cluster Lead Agency functions by providing support to the role of Cluster Coordinator in ensuring UNHCR¿s leadership within a diverse protection community.

The Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer is expected to facilitate the work of the Protection Cluster through the provision of support in analysis, organization and reporting. This includes the provision of active support, as applicable, to sub-clusters or working groups of the Cluster which may be coordinated by other Agencies. As a result, the incumbent supports an inter-agency team in an environment that requires high standards of accountability, facilitation, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, in which respect the principles of partnership and collaboration are essential.

The Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer supports the Protection Cluster Coordinator in Inter-Cluster Coordination mechanisms, for advocacy and facilitation of protection mainstreaming and cross-cutting issues of age, gender and diversity in the humanitarian response and early recovery activities.

The Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer works closely with multi-functional Protection Cluster Support staff in the areas of data and information management, needs assessment, profiling, registration, reporting and advocacy.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR¿s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.


– Support the Protection Cluster to ensure that protection informs and shapes the overall humanitarian response and that the protection response is integrated into the Humanitarian Country Team¿s common humanitarian action plan.

– Organize and facilitate meetings in line with the Principles of Partnership, ensuring that cluster meetings are consultative and results-oriented.

– Facilitate coordination with government counterparts and other relevant authorities

– Facilitate the coordination and conduct of Protection Cluster or Inter-Cluster level protection needs assessments, including participatory assessments of affected populations.

– Provide inputs to development of common funding criteria, resource mobilisation and prioritization within the Protection Cluster for inclusion in Consolidated Appeals and pooled funds processes.

– Assist in the delivery of protection training activities for Protection Cluster members, other local partners, and relevant authorities.

– Coordinate initiatives to build the protection capacity of the national and local government, partners and civil society.

– Through Cluster-wide consultative processes, provide input into the development of global protection policy and standards led by the Global Protection Cluster.

– Support reporting and information sharing within the Protection Cluster and at the inter-cluster level.

– Support and facilitate the Protection Cluster information management strategy and mechanisms.

– Ensure that the Protection Cluster produces regular updates and briefing notes on the protection concerns in the affected population, response activities, challenges and recommendations.

– Help foster a consistent interpretation and application of international law and related UNHCR and IASC legal standards and protection policies.

– Promote the Protection Cluster¿s adherence to international human rights instruments, the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement as well as other relevant international and regional instruments; in cooperation with the Humanitarian Country Team support local interventions when violations of international protection standards and principles occur.

– Promote and help strengthen national legislation relevant to internal displacement and durable solutions.

– Draft reports and prepare advocacy statements on behalf of the Protection Cluster – for clearance by Senior management.

– Organise and facilitate cluster meetings, work and cooperate with focal points sub-groups/working groups and ad hoc/task-related bodies for specific issues.

– Facilitate negotiation with the Humanitarian Coordinator/Resident Coordinator, the Humanitarian Country Team and cluster members on the prioritization and inclusion of project proposals and common funding criteria for inclusion in inter-agency funding appeals.

– Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Education & Professional Work Experience

Years of Experience / Degree Level

For P2/NOB – 3 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Law; International Law; Political Sciences;

or other relevant field.

(Field(s) of Education marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Certificates and/or Licenses

HCR Coordination Lrng Prog; Tri-Cluster Knowl/Coord Skills; HCR Protection Learning Prg;

Prot in NaturalDisaster Situat;

(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience


Good knowledge of International Refugee and Human Rights Law.


Not specified.

Functional Skills

LE-Human Rights Law;

LE-International Refugee Law;

(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.

For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.

For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

Desired Candidate Profile

Under the direct supervision of the Head of Field Office and in close collaboration with the Senior Protection Cluster Coordination Officer , the Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer will reinforce the capacity of the cluster to organize and conduct needs assessments, and support the Cluster to ensure centrality of protection and strengthen protection mainstreaming in order to have a humanitarian response more protection sensitive. This includes the provision of strategic orientations on protection to the various protection actors, contribute to build capacities of protection, non-protection actors and authorities. The Associate Protection cluster coordination Officer will also closely work closely the different areas of responsibilities (Child protection, GBV, Mine Action, House land and Property) to ensure better implementation of the Protection strategy. It is expected from the incumbent to have a good knowledge of the humanitarian architecture to build strategic partnerships with different forums such as the CIMIC, access groups as well as key UN agencies and NGOs leading working groups such as UNICEF, UNFPA, UNMAS and NRC.

Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):



Desired languages


Operational context

Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:

The political and security crisis that the country has been experiencing since 2012 continues to generate flows of refugees and internally displaced persons, particularly in the central and northern regions (Mopti, Ségou, Timbuktu, Gao, Ménaka and Kidal), but also, to a lesser extent, in certain regions in the south of the country.

The forced displacements of Malian populations inside the country are not only caused by attacks and threats from terrorist groups and inter and intra-community conflicts, but also by the effects of climate action, including the drought which is extends to more than 80% of the regions with the corollary of a scarcity of water resources and an exponential increase in food needs (1.8 million people are at risk of severe food insecurity), as well as by the displacement of people who are victims of the slavery by descent (representing 5% of internally displaced persons), the majority of which are in the Kayes region.

There are several challenges, including: the destruction/closure of many public infrastructures, including civil registry centers, because of exactions by armed groups; the likely impact on local populations of ongoing discussions on the delimitation of Mali’s borders; the complex situation of long-standing refugees; and the low birth registration rate since the 2012 crisis, particularly among nomadic populations.

The mixed flows of displacements observed since 2019 are due to the worsening of the political and security crisis, the various types of violence (tensions and community clashes) observed in the northern and central regions and the operations of armed actors in localities adjoining the borders of the Burkina Faso and Niger (Liptako-Gourma region).

Security Considerations

On a 1 to 6 overall security level scale, Bamako is at 4 (substantial) while the central and northern parts of the country are at 5 (high). The capital city is at the same security level as the Southern regions which is higher than those of the Western regions. Notwithstanding Bamako ‘s security level, staff are discouraged from using accommodations that are not recommended by UNDSS or renting apartments in unrecommended suburbs. All accommodations need to be approved, and residential security measures (RSM) implemented.

The capital city ‘s security level 4 rating hides high levels of security threats related to terrorism, civil unrest and criminality. Past incidents and frequent security threats demonstrate that these threats remain a concern. Recent attacks at Kati military barrack (15 km from Bamako) by extremist combatants, reported presence of sleeping cells of terrorist groups in Bamako highlight the intention to harm within Bamako. Furthermore, with a long-lasting socio-political crisis, demonstrations are recurrent in Bamako and other urban locations and are set to take place very often. Up regions, road movements remain the main challenge to the access of POCs due to asymmetric warfare of extremist groups. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and highway banditry are frequent. UN humanitarian agencies enjoy the broad acceptance by communities through their leaders, but criminals and Non-State Actors are beyond the control of the community leadership. Al Qaeda affiliated groups are present in the center of Mali (Mopti and Tombuktu) while the Islamic State in the Great Sahara operates mostly around Gao and Menaka, yet their demarcation lines of influence overlap very often.

The UN staff remain potential targets of crime, armed assaults, and robberies. The crime threats exist both in Bamako and elsewhere in Mali and are becoming more and more violent. Road Traffic accidents also represent a substantial threat with scores of careless ridings of motorcyclists and driving irresponsibility.

For additional information on occupational safety and health considerations for this duty station, please visit this link:

Nature of Position:

The humanitarian crisis that is affecting Mali since 2012 continues deteriorating with an increase of human rights violations, protection incidents causing massive displacements in both inside and in neighbor countries. In addition, the situation of neighbor countries worsened with movements to Mali especially from Burkina Faso and Niger. Mopti has been the most affected region with an increase of different types of violence such as intercommunal conflicts as well as attacks from different non-state armed groups and a multiplication of military operations forcing the civilians to flee the clashes. Mopti is counting a total of 159027 IDPs out of the 440436 in total as registered by the CMP (Commission Mouvement de Population) in September 2022. This number is not capturing those who might be displaced in areas that are not accessible due to the increase of access constraints. In addition, even if the incumbent is based in Mopti, she/he should be ready to conduct missions in two other regions Bandiagara and Douentza that were separated from Mopti with the new administrative division when access constraints and security are allowing it. Consequently, this requires building strong relationships with local authorities and actors present in these regions. In such complex situation, physical security with an increase of arbitrary arrests, SGBV, Child Protection, civil documentation and statelessness related issues, human trafficking in its different forms, are the main protection concerns faced by IDPs, refugees and returnees and migrants.

Under the direct supervision of the Head of Field Office and in close collaboration with the Senior Protection Cluster Coordination Officer , the Associate Protection Cluster Coordination Officer will reinforce the capacity of the cluster to organize and conduct needs assessments, and support the Cluster to ensure centrality of protection and strengthen protection mainstreaming in order to have a humanitarian response more protection sensitive. This includes the provision of strategic orientations on protection to the various protection actors, contribute to build capacities of protection, non-protection actors and authorities. The Associate Protection cluster coordination Officer will also closely work closely the different areas of responsibilities (Child protection, GBV, Mine Action, House land and Property) to ensure better implementation of the Protection strategy. It is expected from the incumbent to have a good knowledge of the humanitarian architecture to build strategic partnerships with different forums such as the CIMIC, access groups as well as key UN agencies and NGOs leading working groups such as UNICEF, UNFPA, UNMAS and NRC.

Given the frequent rotation of staff in connection with the short R&R cycle, the incumbent could be exceptionally the backup of the Protection officer. Therefore, a cross-sectional experience with different areas of protection within UNHCR ‘s operations is essential for the position.

Living and Working Conditions:

Mopti is a `E’ category non-family duty station with 18 months of SAL and 6 weeks R&R cycle with Dakar as the designated location. Its climate is hot, dry and dusty, the average annual temperature is about 40 °C. The medical facilities are very limited. International United Nations staff members have access to primary health care at the MINUSMA Camp in Mopti. For security reasons, local markets, places of worship, playgrounds, entertainment, and other gathering places are not recommended. In terms of place for provisions, MINUSMA has a shop (B&S) selling some necessities accessible to international staff from United Nations agencies, including UNHCR.

Seven Banking services are available in Mopti, the main currency of transaction being XOF. Possibilities of accommodation renting are relatively limited in particular because of the security aspects.

UNHAS and MINUSMA are providing flight support to liaise with Bamako. Armored vehicles are available for movements inside Mopti city and around.

Additional Qualifications



BA: International Law (Required), BA: Law (Required), BA: Political Science (Required)


Coordination Skills Workshop – Other, HCR Protection Learning Program – UNHCR, Protection in Natural Disaster Situation – Other, Tri_Cluster Knowledge/Coord Skills – Other

Work Experience

Working with Persons of Concern: Asylum Seekers, Working with Persons of Concern: Internally Displaced Persons, Working with Persons of Concern: Refugees, Working with Persons of Concern: Returned IDPs, Working with Persons of Concern: Returned Refugees, Working with Persons of Concern: Stateless


Accountability, Analytical thinking, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Empowering & building trust, Judgement & decision making, Organizational awareness, Political awareness, Stakeholder management, Teamwork & collaboration

UNHCR Salary Calculator


Add.2 to Bi-annual Compendium 2022 – Part B

Functional clearance

This position doesn’t require a functional clearance

How to apply

For a full job description and to apply, interested candidates are requested to visit

The UNHCR workforce consists of many diverse nationalities, cultures, languages and opinions. UNHCR seeks to sustain and strengthen this diversity to ensure equal opportunities as well as an inclusive working environment for its entire workforce. Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction on grounds of race, colour, sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

Closing date of receipt of applications: 16 February 2023 (midnight Geneva time)

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