Systematization of the implementation of the School Feeding Law and its reform in the period 2020-2023. At Save the Children

Consulting: Systematization of the implementation of the School Feeding Law and its reform in the period 2020-2023.

Context of the Consulting

The consultancy will focus on systematizing the implementation of the School Feeding Law and its reform in the period 2020-2023, which includes the pandemic and the post-pandemic, documenting the entire process that took place before being modified, knowing the roles of MINEDUC, Congresista and LENS. The consultant will take as a basis of his work the provisions of the Internal Organic Regulation of MINEDUC ( Government Agreement 225-2008 ) the School Feeding Law, ( Decree No. 16-2017 ), its reform ( Decree No. 12-2021 ) and its Regulations ( Government Agreement No. 16-2017 ), as well as related regulations.

In this context, the consultant will involve all the actors who participated in the reforms, doing a retrospective analysis of the context and what were the motivations that influenced these changes and how it impacts the health and well-being of Guatemalan children. A list of 20 people will be provided to interview ( virtual / face-to-face ) within their work plan highlighting the what, how, when, where, etc., to make a document with technical support that records the actions carried out in the context, which will be endorsed by MINEDUC. The list includes MINEDUC, MAGA, SCI, Congress of the Republic and local producers.


  • Systematize the implementation of the School Feeding Law, the context in which the reform is carried out, processes and experiences generated in the period 2020-2023,
  • Design a timeline infographic and actors involved in school feeding law reforms.

Services provided by the provider

The activities to be carried out by the Consultant include:

  1. Organize and plan interviews with key actors (MINEDUC, MAGA, SCI, Congress of the Republic and Local Producers among others) to collect relevant information on each of the actions carried out to adapt the School Feeding Program to the pandemic, the achievement of the reforms to the school feeding law and the derived processes.
  2. Documentary and bibliographic review of the actions carried out within the framework of the School Feeding Program, conceptual and technical documents on the subject, to support the analysis of the context during the pandemic (nutritional criteria, food delivery modality, nutritional study of pre-primary and primary schoolchildren, linkage of family farming, training processes for parents, others).
  3. Collect information through interviews on successful experiences in the framework of care for the educational community in times of pandemic, identification and description of actors at different levels of the educational system.
  4. Secondary review that provides support for primary research that allows having a conceptual theoretical framework on the subject to be investigated
  5. Gather information through interviews aimed at key actors who have played an important role in reforms to the school feeding law, To carry out this activity, you must have good communication with the MINEDUC focal point to monitor this activity.
  6. Identify the role of field technical schools for school feeding as a training strategy for accredited and certified producers as experts in providers of the school feeding program, turning them as an option for offering local agricultural production.
  7. Analyze the importance of strategic alliances with cooperators, companies and international institutions and organizations for compliance with the school feeding response plan implemented by the Ministry of Education.

Location and corresponding official travel

The interviews will be carried out in person, only in the department of Guatemala. For other actors, virtual interviews will be considered.


The consultant will have good communication with MINEDUC to have the support in the development of his work plan, You will also be in close communication with the School Feeding Law Manager of Save the Children’s LENS program.

Experience and required skills

This consultancy will be carried out by a professional or a consulting team that has previously accredited experience and training, as well as their commitment to Save the Children.

Required capabilities:

  • Consulting or professional company with a Bachelor of Education and Social Sciences.
  • Experience and capacity to analyze documentary information, both primary and secondary.
  • Have technical knowledge from the Ministry of Education, School Feeding Program and State Administration.
  • Management of professional computer equipment and software for consulting.

Professional skills:

  • Know how the school feeding program works and is implemented.
  • Ability to produce quality work within the indicated deadlines and under pressure.
  • Ability to communicate, write and systematize educational experiences.
  • Excellent capacity for synthesis and data analysis.
  • Have the availability to participate in face-to-face and virtual meetings to monitor the delivery of products in their different stages.
  • Willingness to work collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams.

How to apply

The bases of this consultancy are available from September 16 at the following link:

Offer must be sent via email at the latest October 20, 2023 until 5:00 p.m. “ CLOSING DATE ”.

In the proposal it must be stated “ LAE systematization period 2020-2023. ”.

Documents must be sent in zip file, PDF documents and documents in editable files ( Word and Excel formats, to facilitate the evaluation of the offers ) to the following email:

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