Title of position: Regional Coordinator MEAL – after REGIONAL MEAL
Country: Haiti
Base of’assignment: 3 Months Port au Prince 100%, then based in Santo Domingo (RD) with missions in Haiti (30%)
Publication date: 28/09/2023
Deadline: 14/10/2023
Start date: November 2023
Duration of service: 3 + 9 months
Languages :
- good knowledge and understanding of written and spoken French necessary ;
- mastery of the’spanish
Report to:
- Caribbean Regional Manager
- Country Representative Haiti
Bilateral Relations
- He/she establishes and ensures effective working relationships with the on-site project managers and the L’ team MEAL ;
- He/she ensures effective working relations with country representatives (Country representatives) and coordinators of sectoral programmes;
- Structure the MEAL department in Haiti, including verifying team competencies and establishing staff work schedule; and;
The “ MEDAL Regional ” coordinates all monitoring, evaluation, learning and responsibility activities at regional level, with particular emphasis on monitoring aspects, evaluation of projects in the Caribbean region.
The regional MEAL supports the processes of formulating and drafting project proposals, managing implementation, capitalization of content – with regard to the components of the MEAL; however, he / she collaborates with the program department of the Region, providing information and advice, by organizing, coordinating and supervising the team of the MEAL department in the countries of the Region, by guiding the formalization processes of the projects.
During the first 3 months in Haiti :
- Establish the workflow of the MEAL team in Haiti and the team’s weekly and monthly work plan;
- Check the skills of the MEAL team in Haiti and determine the distribution of tasks;
- Examine the analysis platforms and appropriately distribute the workload according to the capacities of the MEAL team in Haiti;
- Develop the capacities of program teams in the fields of data collection and analysis ( method, formats, software, etc. ), measurement of indicators, feedback and complaint mechanisms, negative impact analysis, etc.
- Provide technical and methodological support to programs for the implementation of monitoring and evaluation activities, data management ( development of survey questionnaires, sampling, input method, identification of useful data and interpretation ) and integration of inter-functional issues;
- Support SI teams by creating or adapting tools to: monitor project indicators and the impact of ( activities through a monitoring and evaluation plan and surveys/resulting tools ); or analyze risk factors;
- Structure the analysis of the indicators of the different sectors in a homogeneous way;
- Structuring the analysis of the targeting forms of current projects in a uniform and homogeneous manner;
- Propose and develop sectoral action plans;
- Ensure that the data collected is used to make appropriate operational decisions and to meet any contractual commitment to lenders.
For the following period, based in the Dominican Republic with 30% of missions in Haiti:
Regarding the project drafting process, the regional MEAL:
- participates in the project drafting process,
- participates in the formulation of the most appropriate logical framework and indicators, both with regard to the donor and the methodology and priorities of AVSI.
Regarding the process of achievement of the project, the regional MEAL:
- collaborates both in the launch of the project, in the implementation of the logical framework and in the formulation of the tools necessary to guide the monitoring process according to the logical framework;
- supports the members of the work team in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to promote a strengthening of their skills and knowledge, as well as their capacity to maintain relations with project managers in order to monitor and evaluate projects as needed;
- dialogue with: the Regional Manager, the National Representative and the coordinators of sectoral programs, in order to define the most important priorities and the areas requiring the most support, to prioritize in work;
- When the national team has weaknesses, he / she intervenes functionally to guarantee that the expected result of the project monitoring is achieved;
- provides technical and methodological support to programmes for the implementation of monitoring and evaluation activities, data management (development of survey questionnaires, sampling, input methods, etc, extraction of useful data and interpretation) and integration of cross-cutting issues.
As regards project evaluation, the regional MEAL:
- must develop the skills of project teams in the areas of data collection and analysis (method, formats, software, etc.),’analysis of indicators, etc, feedback and complaint mechanisms, and the analysis of the’ impact in order to develop an evaluation of ongoing projects;
- contributes to the drafting of final reports, studies and monitoring and evaluation analyses carried out by the MEAL team.
With regard to the learning process, the MEAL Regionale:
- participates at the regional level and with HQ in internal reflection on good practices, lessons learned, know-how acquired in the context of projects by evaluating, evaluating, with the Regional Manager, the Country Representative and the sectoral programme coordinators, what are the priorities;
- actively collaborates by taking the lead in disclosure initiatives at an internal and external level of lessons learned, good practices and the results obtained by the interventions of AVSI – as regards the MEA
- produces a global analysis of the effect/impact of AVSI programmes through follow-ups and evaluations carried out by the MEAL service itself or by external evaluators
- holder of’a university degree;
- technical, theoretical and practical skills in database management, monitoring and evaluation management programs (kobo tools box, Open Data Kit, Activity Info, CommCare…) ;
- previous experience with MEAL activities in the context of development cooperation and humanitarian cooperation;
- experience and/or ability to work in emerging and crisis situations and in complex contexts ;
- ability to work in a team, manage a team while respecting priorities and deadlines;
- ability to share skills;
- willingness to learn, ability to understand new sectoral aspects of work and translate them into processes consistent with the overall objective of AVSI’s mission in the Caribbean ( current areas of intervention : humanitarian protection and case management, food security, nutrition, agriculture, education, urban, environment and reforestation );
great adaptability, compliance with safety rules, ability to work under stressful conditions and with safety constraints in an unstable environment.