National nutrition expert, N’Djamena, Chad At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )

FAO is committed to ensuring – gender, balanced geographic distribution and linguistic diversity – among its staff and the international consultants it employs, to best serve Member States in all regions.

  •  FAO is committed to ensuring the diversity of its workforce, ensuring balanced representation of women and men as well as nationalities, profiles and cultures.
  •  Women, nationals ( e ) s of unrepresented or underrepresented Member States and persons with disabilities with the required qualifications are encouraged to apply.
  •  Everyone working for FAO is required to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct and to respect the values of FAO.
  •  FAO, as the specialized agency of the United Nations, has adopted a zero tolerance policy with regard to behavior incompatible with its status, objectives and mandate, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of power and discrimination.
  •  The references and background of all selected candidates will be subject to rigorous verification.
  •  All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

Under the general supervision of the FAO Representative of Chad and under the technical supervision of the Policy Load of. SFC in collaboration with the Program Representative Assistant, the Food Systems Resilience Strengthening Program Coordinator « Taste of Life » ( P2RSA ) and the FAO Policy Officer, the National Nutrition Expert Consultant will assume responsibility for the tasks assigned to him, in accordance with FAO rules and procedures, guidelines and good practices available within the Organization.

Chad has set up a National Roadmap on Food Systems ( FRNSA ) formulated within the framework of the World Summit on Food Systems in 2021, organized by the Secretary-General of the United Nations with the objective of formulating courses of action to guide the sustainable transformation of food systems, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals ( ODD ) by 2030 and the African Union Agenda 2063. FRNSA has been developed in an inclusive manner, with the participation of all stakeholders and stakeholders in the food and nutrition security sector and sustainable agriculture ( SANAD ) in Chad, based on an assessment of national food systems.It was in the context of its operationalization that the Government of Chad sought financial support from the Program to strengthen the resilience of food systems « the taste for life » ( P2RSA ) implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) and the World Food Program ( PAM ) funded by the European Union.

Hierarchical position

The program holder will work under the general supervision of the FAO Representative in Chad, under the direct supervision of the Policy Officer Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa.

Area of specialization

Food security and nutrition.

Tasks and responsibilities

– Proposer une méthodologie de conduite de l’étude et un chronogramme des activités ; – Participer à une réunion de cadrage qui regroupera le Chargé de Programme de la FAO, le Chargé des Politiques de la FAO, l’Assistante au Programme, le Président et le Secrétaire de l’Alliance parlementaire pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle et les deux spécialistes nationaux ; – Réaliser la collecte, l’analyse et le traitement des données (revue documentaire, entretiens) auprès des acteurs gouvernementaux et les acteurs non étatiques ; – Rédiger les différents Drafts du rapport jusqu’à la version finale en y intégrant les amendements et contributions des acteurs et parties prenantes de l’étude ; – Produire la synthèse des principaux résultats de l’étude à soumettre aux participants lors des concertations ; – Préparer et présenter les résultats de l’étude à un atelier de lancement officiel des concertations nationales sur les systèmes alimentaires.


Conditions minimales à remplir

– Être titulaire d’au moins d’un diplôme d’Ingénieur ou de Master 2 en nutrition, alimentation ou technologie alimentaire ou en sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle ; – Justifier d’une expérience professionnelle d’au moins 10 ans dans le domaine agricole, rural ou la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle ; – Connaissance courante du français et connaissance moyenne de l’anglais ; – Être de nationalité tchadienne ou résident dans le pays avec un permis de travail régulier.

Compétences de base exigées par la FAO

– Attention portée aux résultats ; – Avoir l’esprit d’équipe ; – Sens de la communication ; – Établissement de relations constructives ; – Partage des connaissances et amélioration continue.

Aptitudes techniques/fonctionnelles

– Have a good knowledge of food supply chains, food environments, diets, the impact of diets on health and the environment ; – Have in-depth knowledge of policies and strategies in the fields of nutritional security in Chad or the sub-region ; – Having participated as a consultant in carrying out at least one similar study preferably in Chad or in countries of the Sahelian sub-region or in Africa ; – Have confirmed experience in conducting consultations for the benefit of technical and financial partners in general and the Agencies of the United Nations system in particular ; – Have a very good knowledge of documentation analysis methods and participatory research approaches ;- Knowledge of the National Roadmap on Food Systems ( FRNSA ) in Chad will be an asset; – Have confirmed design, critical analysis capacities, synthesis and reporting.

Selection criteria

– Ability to work independently with minimal direction and supervision; – Ability to work under pressure; – Coordination and management skills, able to supervise and build synergies within teams; – Good judgment, integrity, sense of initiative, high sense of responsibility and work organization; – Have relevant work experience in or with the ministries involved in the field of food and nutrition security; – Knowledge of UN agencies and other institutions involved in food and nutrition security issues; – Have a mastery of the computer tool; including Word, Excel, Powerpoint software. – Be available.

Please note that all candidates must adhere to the values ​​of FAO – commitment to the Organization, respect for everyone, integrity and transparency.


  •  FAO does not charge fees at any stage of recruitment (application, interview, application processing).
  •  Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. For any questions or requests for assistance, please contact .
  •  Applications received after the closing date of the notice will not be accepted.
  •  Please note that FAO only considers degrees and diplomas issued by recognized institutions listed in the World Higher Education Database, the list maintained by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/UNESCO . To access the list, please click here
  •  For other questions, please consult the Employment at FAO webpage:

HOW TO APPLY  To apply, please complete the online application form on FAO’s recruitment website, Jobs at FAO. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Only applications received through the recruitment portal will be considered. Candidates are encouraged to register their application, allowing ample time before the deadline. For assistance, write to:



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