USAID Nigeria State Accountability, Transparency and Effectiveness (State2State) Activity
Title: LGA Coordinator
Location: Akwa-Ibom State with travel to other State2State partner states and Abuja, contingent upon security considerations
Start date: November 2022
The purpose of the five-year (2020-2025) “State Accountability, Transparency and Effectiveness” (“State2State”) Activity is to increase the accountability, transparency and effectiveness of selected state and local government areas (LGAs) in Nigeria. This will be achieved by: strengthening governance systems (with a focus on public financial management [PFM] and procurement, as well as monitoring and evaluation) related to the delivery of services in key sectors (basic education, primary health care, and water, sanitation and hygiene [WASH]); increasing government responsiveness to citizen needs and priorities; and improving government and civil society capacity to manage conflict (through work on prevention, mitigation and reconciliation with the same sectoral partners, not stand-alone assistance to the police or judiciary). State2State will achieve this purpose by facilitating the strengthening of subnational governance systems in a sustainable manner, supporting the efforts of local reformers, and building on locally-derived solutions including, to the extent possible, reforms already working in other parts of Nigeria.
Position Objectives:
The LGA Coordinator will support the implementation of all aspects of State2State at the LGA Level. S/he will provide support to their LGA Manager and ensure LGA interventions, which correlate with State2State Sub Purpose(s) and indicator(s), are implemented within the state.
The LGA Coordinator will work with partner LGAs using State2Sate’s State-LGA Interface Assessment Tool to identify formal and informal relationships governing subnational governance—and help select LGAs, as appropriate, considering those with the strongest internally generated revenue (IGR) performance potential and the capacity for sustained public service delivery improvements are actively engaged.
The LGA Coordinator will apply the Local Government Performance Index (LGPI) as a baseline for LGA capacity determination and subsequent capacity building for complementing implementation of State2State prioritized interventions; supporting strengthening LGA budgeting and planning procedures and procurement processes while adapting existing citizen guides to the budget process; supporting CSO grant development to raise budget literacy; working with local partners to mitigate conflict by using grants to forge partnerships between state and LGA institutions and community activists and CSOs to support participatory, inclusive mechanisms for facilitating dialogue on project identification and prioritization and state budget development priorities.
The LGA Coordinator will provide training and mentoring to LGA finance and administration staff on developing systems for more rigorous controls on LGA expenditures; will support the development of a medium-term revenue strategy and a comprehensive review and updating of state fee structures.
The LGA Coordinator will support the project service delivery process by working with the M&E team to establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that flow down to the LGA level on primary health, basic education, and WASH facilities; and track improvements at the LGA levels in all areas of governance including auditing, budgeting and planning, and procurement processes. While the state team(s) harness reforms within the states, the LGA Coordinator will extend the push for reforms to the local level and will dedicate at an appropriate amount of time between working in the S2S state office as well as traveling to target LGAs to work out of LGA offices.
Other responsibilities as assigned by the direct supervisor or State Team Lead.
Reporting: The LGA Coordinator will report to the LGA Manager in the state.
Minimum Requirements:
- A relevant degree or HND in social sciences, development studies, etc.
- At least five (5) years of demonstrated experience in local government work in the successful implementation of international development activities, with preference given to governance activities under a USG instrument, related to technical area of the position.
- An ability to manage relationships and with a sound understanding of institutional change in complex environments.
- Ability to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences including LGA staff and community leaders.
- An excellent understanding of financial and technical delivery, monitoring and evaluation of program impact, and reporting against results.
- Demonstrated excellent project management skills to agreed timescales (timelines, targets, donor requirements, etc.).
- A broad range of relatable program implementation and management experience including logistics, training and capacity building ability.
- An understanding of, and commitment to, equal opportunity service delivery.
- Flexible, adaptable and general ability to work effectively both as an individual and also as a team member and under stress, at times, through shifting priorities and multi-tasking requirements.
- Good planning, organizational and negotiation skills.
- Excellent written and spoken communication skills.
- A logical approach to solving problems.
- Basic proficiency in computer skills particularly Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
- Fluency in English and local language (per site assignment) is required.
Women, people with disabilities (PwDs) and youth meeting minimum qualifications of position are strongly encouraged to apply.
How to apply
Please use this link to apply: https://fs23.formsite.com/OLJTgx/zh3avhejsu/index.html
Deadline is October 31, 2022