Head of Projects-based Field Office, Kananga, Democratic Republic of Congo At UNDP – United Nations Development Programme

Closing date: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Job Identification : 13769

Locations : Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Posting Date : 10/17/2023, 11:53 AM

Apply Before : 10/25/2023, 03:59 AM

Job Schedule : Full time

Agency : UNDP

Grade : P4

Vacancy Type : Fixed Term

Practice Area : Crisis management / Country Management Support

Bureau : Regional Bureau for Africa

Contract Duration : 1 Year with Possibility for extension

Education & Work Experience : Master’s Degree – 7 year(s) experience OR Bachelor’s Degree – 9 year(s) experience

Required Languages : French

Desired Languages : English

Vacancy Timeline

1 Week

Mobility required/no mobility

mobility required

Job Description


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP: we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD) 2020-2024 aims at supporting the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in all its forms and to reduce inequalities and the vulnerability of the population. To this end, an integrated approach to three main priorities has been adopted: (1) promotion of governance: which aims to improve the legal and institutional environment necessary to strengthen the inclusion of target populations in decision-making and promote their well-being; (2) economic transformation: which aims to support the achievement of a structural transformation towards a sustainable and inclusive green economy using a human development approach; and (3) stabilization and resilience: which targets support to fragile and conflict-affected regions through a comprehensive and integrated package of support.

The Greater Kasai region, located in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is administratively structured into five provinces: area of 325,044 km2 (14% of the national territory), 13.8 million inhabitants (16.2% of the population). The DRC has the largest number of food insecure people in the world and the second largest number of internally displaced people (5.2 million), of whom 1.4 million are from Greater Kasai. Estimates indicate that 1 million children in the DRC suffer from severe acute malnutrition, 26% of whom live in the Kasai region. Large geographical areas of the region are isolated due to the lack of road links with the main economic centers of the DRC (Kinshasa and Lubumbashi) and with neighboring Angola, making development very difficult and costly. Women continue to face discrimination in all parts of the region, mainly because of customary law and power structures. The region’s poverty incidence is 77%, the highest in the country with an average human development index of 0.392 (DRC 0.464).

The establishment of UNDP’s local presence in Greater Kasai is part of the logic of improving efficiency in the implementation of its country program. In doing so, the Country Office opted for decentralization in its program portfolio management with a strengthening of its presence in some provinces.

The realization of this vision through a strategic positioning, notably conditioned among other things by the withdrawal of MONUSCO from Greater Kasai, was done according to a gradual approach that began in 2018 and led to the effective establishment during the second half of 2020 of a presence in Kananga (epicenter of the Kasai region). To date, they sub-office projects are active in the provinces of Kasai (Tshikapa) and Sankuru (Lodja). Operational coordination within the local presence is strengthened by two types of meetings.

In view of the context of socio-economic development in the greater Kasai region, UNDP, in accordance with its mandate and the programmatic priorities of the 2020-2024 cooperation cycle, focuses its efforts and support in the region on three main areas of intervention:

  •  Promoting governance for development.
  •  Support for stabilization and strengthening community resilience;
  •  And the fight against poverty and inequalities for which UNDP supports the Government of the DRC in the implementation of the Local Development Program of the 145 Territories (PDL-145T) which is fully in line with the LCPI (Accelerated Presidential Program for the Fight against Poverty and Inequality) and is aligned with the PNSD, UNSDCF 2020-2024 and contributes directly to nine SDGs.

In this view UNDP is recruiting an experienced head of sub-office, who will work under the direct supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative-Programme (DRR/P), with matrixed reporting to the Deputy Resident Representative in Charge of Operations (DRR/O).

Position Purpose

  •  Office management
  •  Representation and Coordination
  •  Program Development Strategic Analysis, Planning and Advice
  •  Program Oversight, Quality Control and Assurance
  •  Security and Common services

Duties and Responsibilities

1) Office management:

  •  Ensures the smooth running of Office including good management and supervision of staff, finance and administrative matters in accordance with relevant UNDP rules and procedures;
  •  Is accountable for the appropriate use and management of resources attributed to the Office and to the portfolio of the geographic area;
  •  Promotes team work, collaboration and synergies within his office among the project teams in his/her area of supervision and the program units at the Country Office level;
  •  Ensures timely and regular reporting.

2) Representation and Coordination :

  •  Under guidance of the DRR/P, represents UNDP in the region of Great Kasaï and provides the orientation of the UNDP at local level and supervises all activities of the office;
  •  Provides strong coordination support to UN Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and national authorities through the establishment of a wider consultation process and appropriate fora to enhance coordination between humanitarian and transition-to-development partners, thus strengthening the links between relief, early recovery and development activities;
  •  Ensures proper support, coordination and inputs to the implementation of the PDL and of the strengthening of the governorate and the ministry of planning;
  •  Responsible for the coordination and of programs and projects;
  •  Provides support to overall resource mobilization efforts of the Country office in close coordination with the Program Units at the CO level.

3.) Program Development Strategic Analysis, Planning and Advice:

  •  Is responsible, in close collaboration with the relevant Program units at the Country Office level, for the implementation of the CO strategic direction and oversight and quality control of program;
  •  Advises the Country Office, national counterparts and other aid partners on policies and strategies to adequately respond to transitional recovery and development challenges and needs;
  •  Ensures identification and promotion of joint programming and planning opportunities.
  •  Coordinates with MONUSCO residual team, UN-organizations and other interventions at local level;
  •  Based on monitoring and evaluation of the recovery and development situation, provides programmatic responses to the deficits in these area;
  •  Promotes identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned for organizational sharing and learning.

4) Program Oversight, Quality Control and Assurance:

  •  Ensures proper implementation of programs based on continuous monitoring and analysis of (a) the most critical recovery and development needs, response capacities, access situation, operational environment and applicable security issues and (b) implementation progress of the programs in his/her geographic area;
  •  Leads the UNDP program and facilitates attainment of expected results in his/her geographic area in close collaboration with the Country Office;
  •  Ensures effective application of RBM tools, monitors field office and project unit work plans, program effectiveness and achievement of results;
  •  Ensures the integrity of financial systems, review of budget requirements and the consistent application or rules and regulations;
  •  Synthesis of lessons learned and best practices
  •  Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
  •  Performs any other related task assigned by the supervisor.

5) Security and Common services :

  •  Ensures security of project staff and premises at Kananga and at any others project sub presences in the region;
  •  Supports the implementation of UNDP MOSS compliance at Kananga and at any others project sub presences in the region;
  •  Ensures the implementation of security measures agreed in the SMT and for compliance with security policy in Kananga;
  •  Ensures UNDP support to and coordination of common services:
  •  Provides policy support, guidance and advocacy on the development, establishment and management of common services arrangements at Kananga;
  •  Oversees the effective provision of services including financial, human resources, procurement and logistics;
  •  Maintains a secure, reliable infrastructure environment for ICT and adequately plans for disasters and recoveries.

Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities:

The position directly supervises a diverse team of international and national staff comprised of both the different project managers attached to the unit and the unit management team. S/he ensures smooth collaboration with all members of the CO senior management and operations leads.



Achieve Results:

LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact

Think Innovatively:

LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems

Learn Continuously

LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences

Adapt with Agility

LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands

Act with Determination

LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results

Engage and Partner

LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration

Enable Diversity and Inclusion

LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity

People Management

UNDP People Management Competencies can be found in the dedicated site.

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies (insert up to 7 competencies)

Thematic Area



Business development

UNDP Representation

Ability to represent UNDP and productively share UNDP knowledge and activities; advocate for UNDP, its values, mission, and work with various constituencies

Business Direction & Strategy

System Thinking

Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system

Business management

Results-based Management

Ability to manage programmes and projects with a focus at improved performance and demonstrable results

Business management

Portfolio management

  •  Ability to select, prioritize and control the organization’s programmes and projects, in line with its strategic objectives and capacity; ability to balance the implementation of change initiatives and the maintenance of business-as-usual, while optimizing return on investment

Partnership Management

Relationship Management

Ability to engage with a wide range of public and private partners, build, sustain and/or strengthen working relations, trust and mutual understanding

Partnership Management

Resource Mobilization

Ability to identify funding sources, match funding needs (programmes/projects/initiatives) with funding opportunities, and establish a plan to meet funding requirements

People strategy and planning

Workforce planning

Knowledge of theories, mechanisms, and tools to analyze the current workforce, determine future workforce needs, as they align to the needs of the business, identify the gap between the present capabilities in the workforce and the organization’s needs, and design and implement talent acquisition and development solutions so that an organization can have the required capacity to accomplish its mission, goals, and strategic plan

Required Skills and Experience


  •  Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in political or social science, international studies, public administration, economics, or other related fields, OR
  •  A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) in combination with an additional two years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree.


  •  Minimum of 7 years (with master’s degree) or 9 years (with bachelor’s degree) of progressively responsible professional experience in recovery and development affairs, crisis response and prevention, recovery and development, or other related area is required.
  •  At least 3 to 5 years of senior-level management responsibilities of similar size and complexities is required.
  •  Experience in the use of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc), and advanced knowledge of web-based management systems such as ERP is required.

Knowledge and Skills:

  •  Demonstrated experience, knowledge of and exposure to a wide range of humanitarian assistance, emergency relief, human rights and development-related issues is desirable.
  •  Prior experience in analytical capacity, including the ability to analyze and articulate recovery and development dimensions and related issues that require a coordinated UN response is desirable.
  •  Demonstrate experience in identifying issues and to use sound judgment in applying technical expertise to resolve a wide range of problems required;
  •  Prior experience and good knowledge of the country and region of assignment, including the political, economic and social dimensions is desirable.
  •  Prior experience and knowledge of institutional mandates, policies and guidelines pertaining to recovery and development issues and sound knowledge of the institutions of the UN system is desirable.;
  •  Experience in international organization and familiarity with UNDP management system is highly desirable.

Language Requirement:

  •  Excellent communication (spoken and written) skills in French , including the ability to draft/edit a variety of written reports and communications and to articulate ideas in a clear, concise style is required;
  •  Good knowledge of English (spoken and written) is desirable

Please note that continuance of appointment beyond the initial 12 months is contingent upon the successful completion of a probationary period.


Informations importantes pour les candidats

Tous les postes dans les catégories FTA International P4 sont soumis à un recrutement International.

Informations pour les candidats concernant le « Roster » du PNUD

Note : Le PNUD se réserve le droit de sélectionner un ou plusieurs candidats de cet avis de vacance. Nous pouvons également conserver les candidatures et prendre en considération les candidats postulant à ce poste pour d’autres postes similaires au sein du PNUD, au même niveau hiérarchique et avec une description de poste, une expérience et des exigences éducatives similaires.

Diversité de la main-d’œuvre

Le PNUD s’engage à assurer la diversité au sein de son personnel et encourage tous les candidats qualifiés, indépendamment de leur sexe, de leur nationalité, de leur handicap, de leur orientation sexuelle, de leur culture, de leur religion et de leur origine ethnique, à postuler. Toutes les candidatures seront traitées dans la plus stricte confidentialité. Nous encourageons vivement les candidatures féminines.

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