Deputy Head of Mission for Programs – Kinshasa – DRC At First International Emergency

12 mois Fixed-term contract – Family posting

ASAP RDC-Kinshasa

PUI around the world

With its 40 years of experience, Première Urgence Internationale:

  • Helps nearly 6 million beneficiaries
  • With a budget of more than € 100 million per year
  • Distributed in 22 countries, on 5 continents
  • Thanks to the involvement and commitment of:
  • More than 2000 national employees
  • Around 200 expatriates of 45 different nationalities
  • And 90 employees at headquarters

PUI works in 10 sectors of intervention and stands out for the implementation of an integrated approach in its response. This method aims to identify and understand all the needs of people affected by a crisis. Our teams are mobilizing to provide a global response to all the basic needs of populations victims of humanitarian crises in an emergency, allowing them to regain autonomy and dignity.

To find out more about our history , our values , our areas of intervention.

Focus on our activities in the DRC

Our mission in the DRC has existed since 2001. PUI is developing its integrated approach there with projects in primary health and the fight against malnutrition. PUI operates in Ituri with health and nutrition projects, and in North Kivu through an integrated approach to emergency health and nutrition supplemented by food security activities.

And the Deputy Head of Mission for Programs – Kinshasa in all this?

As Deputy Head of Mission for Programs, you will be responsible for the implementation of programs across the different bases, ensuring the steering and development of a relevant, appropriate and technically sound program strategy.

To this end, your responsibilities will be as follows:

  • Programs: You will be in charge of implementing programs, ensuring that programs are carried out in accordance with the PUI charter and respecting internal technical directives and contractual procedures. You will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of programs at the mission level. You will be in charge of calling on the bases on quality improvement needs.
  • Development/Strategy: You will lead the analysis of needs and gaps, and propose new operations based on identified needs, in direct coordination with the Field Coordinators and Technical Coordinators. You will lead donor mapping to develop the fundraising strategy.
  • Human Resources: You will directly manage the technical coordination team and ensure that the Field Coordinators and Deputy Field Coordinators benefit from their support.
  • Representation: By delegation from the Head of Mission, you will ensure and coordinate the representation of PUI at the national level with partners, donors and authorities. You will participate in technical forums (working groups).
  • Coordination: You will ensure effective interaction between the technical coordination team and the bases. You will also ensure that the technical coordination department ensures adequate liaison with the Support Coordinators.
  • Logistical, administrative and financial monitoring: You will participate, in direct collaboration with the technical coordinators, in the overall supervision of the links between the technical coordination department and the logistics, HR and administrative departments. You will guarantee that the implementation of all activities is done in compliance with internal and external logistical and administrative frameworks.

The challenges that await you:

– Contribute, with your team, to improving the quality of PUI DRC projects. – Continue the deployment of the 2023-2024 program strategy, focused on emergency responses. – Support the restructuring of certain key departments (MEAL, etc.) and sectors (protection, etc.). – Nurture reflection on innovative interventions.

What you will need to succeed

  • Training : You can provide proof of a higher diploma (Master 2 or equivalent) in a field related to project management, international development and/or social sciences.
  • Experience: With at least four years of management of multi-sectoral humanitarian projects (including at least two years in a coordination position), you also have experience in project management, needs assessment and proposal development, in external representation, and team management. Have you already worked with Première Urgence Internationale? This will be an undeniable asset!
  • Skills : You master project management, team management, as well as database management software and statistical packages. You with in-depth knowledge of donor requirements and expectations, particularly ECHO, BHA, WFP, UNHCR, CDCS, AFD and BPRM, as well as excellent writing skills (especially for proposals and reports).
  • Qualités requises : Vous montrez de solides compétences en matière de leadership et de prise de décisions. Vous disposez de bonnes capacités d’analyse et de synthèse, êtes un bon négociateur et un bon communiquant, autant à l’écrit qu’à l’oral, et savez garantir des résultats efficaces sous la pression des délais. Vous faites preuve d’organisation, de rigueur, de flexibilité et d’une forte résistance au stress.
  • Langues : Le français et l’anglais n’ont aucun secret pour vous ? Tant mieux, c’est indispensable pour ce poste ! Si vous parlez aussi l’arabe, cela représentera un atout indéniable.

Le mot du manager

« PUI RDC a fêté ses 20 ans en 2022, mais reste une mission très dynamique, à l’image du contexte congolais. Les années 2021 et 2022 ont permis à PUI de voir son volume opérationnel augmenter, et les années 2023-2024 devront se concentrer sur la structuration et la stabilisation de la mission. Dans cette optique, le rôle du/de la CDM Adoint.e Programme sera fondamental pour développer cette stratégie et garantir la mise en œuvre efficace de nos différents projets, avec une volonté forte de montée en qualité. »

PUI vous proposera

  • Statut: Executive en Contrat à Durée Déterminée
  • Salaire brut mensuel: 2,970.00 – 3,500.00 EUR selon votre expérience en solidarité internationale + 50€ par semestre d’ancienneté avec PUI
  • Assurance comprenant couverture médicale et complémentaire santé, assistance 24h/24, rapatriement et prévoyance
  • Hébergement en maison collective OU Poste ouvert au statut famille
  • Frais de vie (“Per Diem”)
  • Régime de breaks: 5 jours ouvrés à 3 et 9 mois de mission + prime de break
  • Régime de Congés Payés: 5 semaines de CP/an + billet d’avion A/R au domicile tous les 6 mois

Nos engagements

Première Urgence Internationale considère la diversité des nationalités, genres, croyances, profils et statuts au sein de ses Ressources Humaines comme un atout majeur pour son action humanitaire, et s’astreint donc au strict respect du principe de non-discrimination tout au long de son processus de recrutement.

Première Urgence Internationale pratique une politique de tolérance zéro envers l’exploitation, les abus sexuels et à la maltraitance, sous toutes ses formes, des femmes, enfants et toutes autres personnes vulnérables. Elle mobilise l’ensemble de son personnel dans la promotion, la diffusion et le respect des principes édictés dans sa charte éthique.

Veuillez noter que Première Urgence Internationale ne sollicitera en aucun cas une participation financière pour des frais administratifs liés au recrutement. Toute information allant dans ce sens serait frauduleuse, merci de ne pas en tenir compte.

Do you recognize yourself in this profile and do you agree with our commitments? Do you feel ready to take on the challenge and join the big PUI family?

How to apply

Please follow this link and complete the form on our careers site.


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May 2024