Deadline : 07-Aug-23
Posted on : 16-Jul-23
Development Area : CONSULTANTS
Reference Number : 97894
Link to Atlas Project : 00144887 – Timor Leste HCFC Phase-out Management Plan, Stage-II
Documents : Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Terms of Reference
Overview : The United Nations Development Programme in Timor-Leste (UNDP) invites National candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Timor-Leste Nationally Managed Experts Roster.
The applicant may look into all areas of expertise indicated below and then choose their relevant field as appropriate to submit the application. Individuals may apply for more than one area if they have the required qualifications and professional skills.
Areas are:
- Capacity Development & Training
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Policy and Strategy Development
- Project Design, Formulation & other project related functions
- Research and Documentation
- Gender
- Community forestry/energy
- Communication
- Engineering
- Operations management support (admin/ finance)
For detailed information please refer to the attached Terms of Reference.
The following documents must be attached to your offer and sent to bids.tp@undp.org with Ref.2023-001_Roster in the subject not later than August 07, 2023:
- A brief cover letter, clearly identifying the “Areas of Expertise” and number of expertise years as mentioned in the section above
- Detailed CV + contact details of 3 referees (phone and email) and;
- Proposed daily fee for the scope of assignment if selected (please use the attached form OFFEROR’S LETTER TO UNDP)
Any questions may be addressed to procurement.staff.tp@undp.org.