State Facilitator At CTG

CTG overview:

  • CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.
  • CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.
  • Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.
  • Visit to find out more

Overview of position:

  • In 2020, Nigeria was declared WPV free for having gone without any WPV case for over 4 years. However, Nigeria is still experiencing outbreaks of cVDPV2 due low routine immunization coverage, which is further complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nigeria had 1,028 cVDPV2 in 2021 of which 420 were AFP cases & 123 in 2022 as of 22 August, of which 33 are AFP cases.
  • Risk communication & social mobilization are critical components in the outbreak response, campaigns & routine immunization to curb the hike of cVDPV2. It utilises the Volunteer Community Mobiliser (VCM) network of more than 18,500 members deployed in 12 high risk states in the northern part of Nigeria, working closely with stakeholders, caregivers & the community at large to promote vaccination. Members of the network conduct active, community based AFP case search & reporting, house to house visits, organise compound meetings & community dialogues, track new born & under 5 children, give 0 dose polio vaccinations, engage members of polio survivors group, track & vaccinate children at internally displaced camps, refer pregnant women to health facilities & under 1 children for routine vaccination & systematically track & vaccinate missed & non compliant children during in between rounds activities in their assigned settlements.
  • The network is supervised through a comprehensive network of Facilitators at ward, LGA & state levels. The VCM network is a proven catalyst for change & a standard for community engagement at the grassroots level to drive community mobilisation for polio & routine immunization, individual & group health education sessions & promotion of essential family practices.
  • State & LGA facilitators, as supervisors to the VCM network, are key actors who have supervised the VCM network in raising community awareness, tracking the new born & their immunization status, promoting behaviour change & engaging prominent influencers to resolve non compliance & reached out to underserved population since 2012. In the era of post WPV, their intensified communication is expected to contribute immensely to the polio outbreak responses & lingering immunization challenges of Nigeria.
  • Our client has the need to sustain & strengthen its support in intensive community engagement & social mobilization with particular focus on ensuring improved coordination & partnership with key community leaders of underserved populations & in polio high risk states. One of the key approaches in community mobilization is the identification, sensitization & engagement of prominent influencers in underserved & mobile communities. Intensified engagement with the religious institutions in Nigeria is critical to addressing key communication challenges that the immunization program is facing. There are still lingering challenges with small groups predominantly in northern Nigeria which has resulted in non compliance with a correspondingly high number of children remaining unvaccinated against vaccine preventable diseases both during campaign & routine immunisation.
  • These Facilitators will be located at the state & LGA level with frequent trips to the LGAs & wards. Emphasis will be on SBC approaches to ensure successful polio outbreak responses, improve routine immunization & to support emergency non polio SIA, including COVID-19 vaccines.

Role objectives:

  • Work with a cluster of LGA / ward teams, to ensure deeper ward analysis, planning & implementation of strategic communications & Social Behaviour Change (SBC) interventions & be responsible for monitoring of program implementation & of team performance. The specific SBC interventions to be implemented in each area will be provided by national guidance & benefit from the application of local knowledge & the unique characteristics of the wards / settlements.
  • Support development of LGA social mobilisation action plans for polio & / or non polio SIAs & mop ups, targeting high risk wards in the high risk LGAs within the state.
  • Facilitate, under the supervision & guidance of our clients field offices, the effective use of our clients social mobilisation funds (channelled through the govt. departments) at the state, LGA & ward levels for SIAs.
  • Support training of state / LGA / ward staff & vaccination personnel in social mobilisation activities, including interpersonal communications.
  • Advocate with LGA / ward policy makers, religious & traditional leadership for support for the implementation of polio & non polio campaigns & routine immunization as regards increased community participation, vaccine acceptance & reducing missed children during campaigns, as well as other SBC programmatic & operational activities.
  • Participate in the planning & implementation of media & communication activities & work with media groups & networks for coordinating our client supported programs during SIPDs.
  • Participate in the design & implementation of group specific strategies to reach hard to reach, nomadic & minority groups at the LGA, district & ward levels.
  • Participate in the state / LGA social mobilization committees within their cluster of LGAs & provide direct action advocacy support for addressing issues related to refusal, resistance & rejection at the ward level.
  • Participate in state / LGA / ward IPD management team activities geared toward successful implementation of SBC activities.
  • Supervise the collection of data at the state, LGA, district & ward levels & analyse data for specific trends / patterns of non compliance, poor coverage, dropouts, left outs etc., & undertake coordinated action to facilitate the process of reaching such communities / households.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders such as NGOs, CBOs, religious groups, women’s groups & youth groups for their involvement & participation in polio eradication, SIA & SBC activities.
  • Work in close collaboration with other partner like WHO, ROTARY, Red Cross, NTLC, SPHCDA & other relevant govt. partners.
  • Ensure strong supervision of the LGA Facilitators & other polio communication team members in their cluster of LGAs within the accountability framework (only for the states that have LGA Facilitators), accountable for accuracy of monthly reimbursable claims submissions to FO for processing & submission of monthly reports as may be assigned.
  • Support all required activities in respective cluster of LGAs to increase coverage for routine immunization.
  • Support any emergency non polio SIAs, such as COVID-19, as required by the organization & any other duties as assigned by supervisor.

Expected output:

  • Based on the major tasks outlined above, a work plan should be submitted for approval by supervising Facilitator / SBC Specialist / Health Specialist 2 weeks after joining with clear monthly deliverables for each month of the contract period.
  • A detailed work plan at the beginning & monthly work plans thereafter (1st week of each month).
  • Monthly report of activities, outcomes, mission reports & Notes for the Record (NFR) on meetings etc. (monthly).
  • Accountability dashboard indicators submitted monthly & strict adherence to the accountability framework in the state.
  • One report after each IPD by using a supplied template on intervention & other social data tools / social mobilization indicators (as per IPD conducted).
  • One end of contract report.

Expected results:

  • Data driven & evidence based high risk operational plans with strong communication component in place across all LGAs within the assigned cluster of LGAs contributing to a reduction in missed children & quality campaigns (every campaign).
  • Immunization barriers identified, analysed & overcome by social mobilization groups & key influencers (updated monthly in all LGAs).
  • Number of missed children & non compliance are reduced through intensified social mobilization activities.
  • Full implementation of the accountability framework across all LGAs within the cluster leading to high quality immunization activities (monthly dashboard updated & quarterly review of Facilitators).
  • Polio & routine immunization, M&E reports from LGA are available at state, field office & Abuja levels (weekly report submitted & monthly report submitted).
  • Functioning social mobilization committee & polio task forces in place across all states & LGAs within the assigned cluster of LGAs.
  • Volunteer community mobilizer network, is highly operational, delivering results as reported through accurate & timely reporting (weekly reports submitted).

The primary outcomes will be:

  • Quality implementation of all polio & non polio IPDs / supplemental immunization activities leading to reduction (to almost 0) in the level of missed children (non compliant & / or absent) & 0 dose children.
  • Increased commitment from LGA officials, traditional leaders & religious leaders through frequent LGA Facilitator feedback & engagement on all SBC activities for our clients programs.
  • Social mobilization working group & committees at LGAs hold regular meetings & use social mobilization data for planning, monitoring & implementation of SBC interventions in polio, routine immunization, health, nutrition, education, WASH & child protection.
  • Improved use of social & Expanded Program on Immunisation (EPI) data in communication strategy development & planning by the LGA team including social mobilization working group members through technical inputs.

Project reporting:

  • This role reports to the line manager.

Key competencies:

  • University Degree in Social Sciences, Communication, Public Health, Community Nutrition, Community Development or related technical field.
  • Fluency in English & knowledge in a local language is an asset.
  • At least 3 years progressively responsible professional work experience with national & international humanitarian organisations in program planning, management, monitoring & evaluation of programs.
  • At least 3 years of similar experience in social mobilization, advocacy & communication in health related programs, training / capacity building, team leading & team building.

Team management:

  • This role has no team management responsibility.

Further information:

  • Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

How to apply


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July 2024