Specialist in facilitating public policy and planning processes, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


Specialist in facilitating public policy and planning processes

Job advertisement : Apr 11/2023

Publication cancellation date : Apr 25/2023, 9:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit: FLDOM

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: PSA ( Personal Service Agreements )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Dominican Republic-Santo Domingo

Duration: 67 effective days ( 100 calendar days )

Position Number: N / A

_ FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.


  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

Agriculture ( crops, livestock, forests, fisheries and aquaculture ) absorbs 26% of the global impact caused by medium and large-scale disasters and 82% of the impact of drought ( FAO, 2021 ). These events, derived from threats of natural origin, such as hurricanes, floods or droughts, they affect rural populations in a more profound and disproportionate way, devastating their livelihoods and putting their food and nutritional security at risk ( SAN ). These impacts are frequently aggravated by threats of human origin such as the unsustainable use of natural resources, forced migration, violence and insecurity, economic crises and gender and ethnic-racial differences that directly affect the ability of populations to prevent, anticipate, mitigate,face and recover from such impacts. Mitigating the risk and effects of disasters and shocks in the livelihoods and SAN of the rural population in vulnerable situations is possible. Latin American countries have established risk management systems focused on agricultural production, rural livelihoods and SAN, including monitoring and early warning systems ( SAT ) against various high-risk threats, such as hydrometeorological, among others. The existence of SATs allows translating threat monitoring information into timely alerts. In other words, public information that clearly and early warns of imminent threats and shocks. Once the pre-established thresholds have been exceeded, these alerts can activate anticipatory actions ( AA ), also called early actions.AA are ideally identified measures in peacetime that, accompanied by previously defined implementation mechanisms, can mitigate the scale and/or impact of a disaster or shock on the livelihoods and SAN of the rural population. On the other hand, the countries of the region have been pioneers in building social protection systems ( PS ) under robust programs of social assistance and rural productive promotion. Given that anticipatory action and social protection share the objective of mitigating adverse impacts on the affected population derived from different types of shocks, it is desirable to seek greater articulation between them to act against impending disasters by supporting vulnerable populations quickly,efficient and relevant before crises to avoid negative coping strategies that often involve loss of assets. They can also bring fundamental lessons to national governments to create social protection systems that are informed about impending risks and are able to mitigate the impact of such crises, and incorporate the resilience approach into poverty exit strategies. However, the coordination and articulation between risk management systems, particularly SATs, and social protection are incipient and based on a reactive approach after the materialization of the threat of a disaster or shock. Therefore, anticipatory action is infrequent or non-existent, and all interventions tend to have coverage gaps,aggravated by structural conditions of exclusion and of an intersectional nature, such as those resulting from the complex framework of socially constructed conditions or markers of inequality, such as gender and ethnic-racial belonging or by barriers established in the design and operation of the systems themselves, which are deepened in rural areas.

Hierarchical dependency

The person hired reports directly to the FAO Representative in the Dominican Republic; will be under the general supervision of the Assistant Program Representative and will work in coordination with the emergency and resilience team of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and of the gender focal point of representation. In addition, it will maintain constant communication and synergy with the team of the Programmatic Area of Climate Change and Natural Resources of the Representation, supporting existing initiatives

Field of specialization

The specialist must provide technical assistance and support to decision makers related to the needs and gaps identified through the feasibility study to articulate early actions in the face of climate alerts, of disasters and crises with instruments of social protection to reduce the impact of threats on vulnerable rural poor with an intersectionality approach in the Dominican Republic, carried out within the framework of the project “ Articulating early actions in the face of climate, disaster and crisis alerts with social protection from a gender perspective ” ( TCP / RLA / 3804 ) during 2022. Equally,in synergy with the projects “ Strengthening governance and Integrated management of water resources to increase efficiency in the use of water in agriculture ” ( TCP / DOM/3801 ) and “ Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic ” v ( OSRO / DOM / 100/WFP ) raise awareness of anticipatory actions for agricultural drought, always considering the observation of a gender and intersectionality approach, as well as accompanying participatory and inclusive elaboration and guaranteeing the technical validation of the Road Map that has been drawn up with a view to promoting the articulation between Anticipatory Action and Protection Social. With it,promote a programmatic look towards the development of anticipatory actions that mitigate the impact of climate shocks, disasters and crises on agricultural livelihoods and food and nutrition security of the most vulnerable population in rural areas of the country

Tasks and responsibilities

The ( the ) Specialist will have the following responsibilities:

  •  Prepare a Work Plan with a monthly updated schedule and work methodology, considering all the products of the position, delivery times and reviews.
  •  In coordination with the TCP / RLA / 3804 project reference group, organize work sessions and hold a workshop to prepare in a participatory manner and obtain the technical validation of the Roadmap for the articulation between Anticipatory Action and Social Protection, based on the recommendations of the Joint Feasibility Study and key actors.
  •  In coordination with the TCP RLA 3804 project reference group and other key actors, carry out three ( 3 ) workshops to sensitize decision makers on the importance of developing anticipatory actions, implement an early warning system for agriculture and the added value of coordination with social protection with a gender focus and intersectionality to strengthen the resilience of rural households vulnerable.
  •  Consult with women’s organizations to adapt the feasibility analysis methodology for articulating social protection with early warning systems
  •  Ensure and follow up on project indicators
  •  In coordination with projects TCP / DOM / 3801 and OSRO / DOM / 100/WFP participate in awareness-raising efforts on the Agricultural Drought SAT ( ASIS-Country ) and in the preparation of the Anticipatory Actions Plan against Agricultural Drought; and within the framework of these efforts, facilitate training sessions related to the gender and intersectionality approach for the articulation of Anticipatory Actions with Social Protection.


Minimum requirements:

  •  University degree in agronomic engineering, forestry, public management, social sciences or related areas, with specialization studies in irrigation management
  •  Minimum experience of 5 years relevant to the position
  •  Practical knowledge of the Spanish language ( Level C ) oral and written; limited knowledge oral and written English language ( Level B ), desirable;
  •  National of the Dominican Republic or legal resident in the country or with a work permit.

FAO core management competencies

  •  Results-based approach
  •  Teamwork
  •  Communication
  •  Building effective relationships
  •  Knowledge exchange and continuous improvement

Technical / functional skills

  •  Experience in training and education dynamics with different audiences.
  •  Work experience in development projects and with government institutions.
  •  Experience in facilitating institutional strengthening processes and supporting inter-institutional coordination and collaboration processes.
  •  Experience in support of participatory processes of construction of public plans and policies, especially in the area of food security, agricultural livelihoods, disaster risk management and social protection.
  •  Work experience in the area of disaster risk management and / or social protection.
  •  Experience in mainstreaming the gender equality approach
  •  Work experience with projects financed with international donors.
  •  Work experience with agencies of the United Nations system, specifically FAO, desirable.
  •  Excellent inter-personal communication skills;
  •  Willing to work as a team and in multicultural contexts,
  •  Ability to work under pressure and against tight deadlines.
  •  Ability to prepare reports.

Selection criteria

  •  Solo serán contactada/os los/as postulantes pre-seleccionado/as que pasarán a la etapa de entrevista de Panel.
  •  Entre las candidaturas recibidas se realizará una preselección basada en la compatibilidad de los perfiles profesionales y las competencias requeridas.
  •  La persona con mejor desempeño en la entrevista será aquella que resulte como la seleccionada.
  •  Se podrán considerar postulantes para otras posiciones abiertas en FAO.
  •  Esta posición está abierta solo para nacionales de la República Dominicana o residentes legales en el país

Se hace notar que todos los candidatos deberían adherirse a los valores de la Organización de compromiso con la FAO, respeto hacia todos e integridad y transparencia.


  •  La FAO no cobra tasas en ninguna etapa del proceso de contratación (solicitud, entrevista, tramitación).
  •  Incomplete applications will not be taken into account. If you need help or have questions, contact: Careers@fao.org
  •  Applications received after the expiration of the application deadline will not be accepted.
  •  We inform you that FAO will only consider academic degrees or credentials obtained from a teaching institution included in the World Database on Higher Education, which is a list maintained by the International Association of Universities ( IAU ) / UNESCO. The list can be consulted at: www.whed.net/
  •  For any other questions visit the FAO website on employment: http://www.fao.org/employment/home/es/.

HOW TO APPLY Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: Careers@fao.org



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