National specialist in legal aspects to support the construction of institutional arrangements for the MRV of the AFOLU sector, Managua, Nicaragua At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


National specialist in legal aspects to support the construction of institutional arrangements for the MRV of the AFOLU sector

Job advertisement : Apr 14/2023

Publication cancellation date : Apr 28/2023, 9:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit: FLNIC – FAO Representation in Nicaragua

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: PSA ( Personal Service Agreements )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Nicaragua-Managua

Duration: 64 days, distributed in 5 months

Position Number: N / A

_ FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.


  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

The main objective of FAO offices, led by an FAO Representative, is to help governments formulate policies, programs and projects to achieve food security and to reduce hunger and malnutrition, to help develop the agricultural, fisheries and forestry sectors, and use its environmental and natural resources in a sustainable way.

Hierarchical dependence

The Specialist direct supervision of the FAO Representative in Nicaragua, in coordination with the FAO Leading Technical Officer and the Project Coordinator and the Forest Officer, REDD + legal issues, the guide of the Legal Officer of the Development Law Branch of the Legal Office ( LEGN ) and in close collaboration with the counterparts of the Secretariat for Climate Change of the Presidency of the Republic ( SCCP ).

Field of specialization

  •  Analyze the state of the art of the institutional processes for monitoring and reporting information in the AFOLU sector.
  •  Build a proposal for incorporation into current regulatory mechanisms for the institutionalization of MRV processes.
  •  Support the operation of the MRV inter-institutional work teams under statutes that define objectives, lines of work and operating procedures.

Tasks and responsibilities

  •  Initial meeting to define objectives and scope with the SCCP and FAO.
  •  Preparation and presentation of the work plan for the development of the consultancy, to the SCCP and FAO.
  •  Preparation of a compendium of relevant legal information on: i ) the construction of the Measurement, Report and Verification system of the AFOLU sector, including the REDD + mechanism and the Reinforced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement; ii ) existing information in Nicaragua on previous processes on MRV / MTR of the AFOLU sector; iii ) international and national regulatory framework for environmental, climate and natural resource management in Nicaragua.
  •  Participation in the working meetings with the international consultants who will support the development of the Biennial Update Report ( BUR ), preparation of a roadmap to comply with the MTR / BTR, results payment and MRV program design for REDD pilots, institutional arrangements for MRV from the Land Use subsector, Land Use Change and Forestry ( UTCUTS ) and agriculture subsector, and FAO gender specialists.
  •  Design and preparation of a mapping of institutions and actors that must be part of the MRV system of the AFOLU sector, defining the scope of the mapping and identifying the types of actors and the relevance to the MRV system. It must be developed in collaboration with the international consultant for the development of the institutional arrangements of the Nicaraguan MRV system and the conceptual framework that it develops on the system.
  •  Preparation of a normative diagnosis of gaps in the current mandates under law that have the institutions that take part in the chain of processes of the MRV System of the AFOLU sector, including the development of reports on the mitigation and adaptation components to comply with the Paris agreement on climate change and reports of the REDD + mechanism according to the Cancun agreements and the framework from Warsaw. This activity will be carried out in coordination with the specialist for the construction of the national MRV system or the AFOLU sector.
  •  In light of the identification of institutional competences, preparation of a diagnosis of operating procedures that give way to the substantive mandates of the institutions and identify the procedural gaps for good compliance and institutional response to the requirements of the MRV system.
  •  Participation in technical meetings with national project staff and support international consultants in charge of building the BUR, the roadmap for the MTR/BTR the institutional arrangements of the Nicaraguan MRV System, the consultant for the Forest, Use and Land Use Change sector ( UTCUTS ) and the agriculture consultant.
  •  Preparation of a proposal for a plan to adjust to current regulations and development of new regulations that are necessary for institutions to comply with the MRV System process chain from the AFOLU sector. The developed proposal must detail the levels where modifications, reforms or additions are required, as this will determine the procedures to be legally established.
  •  Support in the coordination and organization of the preparation meetings to establish the technical discussion working groups of the AFOLU sector.
  •  Preparation of the statutes of the inter-institutional work teams of the AFOLU sector to develop the reports on mitigation of the AFOLU sector within the framework of the MTR of the Paris agreement and the reports of the payment mechanism for results of the REDD + mechanism.
  •  Support for the organization and activation of inter-institutional work teams to discuss and monitor the collection, processing, analysis, quality control and reporting on climate change.
  •  Development of workshops, work sessions or meetings to present and validate the results and proposals developed in the technical assistance process.
  •  Collaboration in other activities not contemplated in the terms of reference, and that are identified as essential for the correct development of consulting activities. His work will be carried out in a virtual and face-to-face way.


Minimum requirements

  •  University degree in Legal Sciences. Desirable graduate studies.
  •  Experiencia laboral general mínima cinco (5) años en temas relacionados a la administración pública desde instituciones relacionadas del sector AFOLU y análisis normativo.
  •  Dominio del idioma español. Deseable conocimiento limitado (nivel B) de inglés.
  •  Nacionalidad nicaragüense o residente en el País con permiso de trabajo regular

Competencias fundamentales de la FAO

  •  Enfoque basado en los resultados
  •  Trabajo en equipo
  •  Comunicación
  •  Establecimiento de relaciones eficaces
  •  Intercambio de conocimientos y mejora continua

Aptitudes técnicas/funcionales

  •  Capacidad de trabajar en grupos.
  •  Aptitudes y conocimientos para la transferencia de conocimientos y capacitación.
  •  Competencia en el uso de herramientas informáticas tales como procesadores de texto, hojas de cálculo y programas de presentación.
  •  Manejo de estadística y programas de análisis de datos.
  •  Redacción de informes y documentos técnicos.
  •  Conocimiento avanzado de Microsoft office: Word, Excel y PowerPoint.
  •  Conocimiento de los procesos que orientan y regulan el funcionar sustantivo de las instituciones del sector AFOLU.
  •  Se valorarán de manera especial habilidades en procesos de sistematización de información.

Se hace notar que todos los candidatos deberían adherirse a los valores de la Organización de compromiso con la FAO, respeto hacia todos e integridad y transparencia.


  •  La FAO no cobra tasas en ninguna etapa del proceso de contratación (solicitud, entrevista, tramitación).
  •  Las solicitudes incompletas no se tendrán en cuenta. Si necesita ayuda o tiene dudas, contacte con:
  •  Las solicitudes recibidas después del vencimiento del plazo de presentación de solicitudes no se aceptarán.
  •  Le informamos que la FAO solo considerará los títulos o credenciales académicos obtenidos en una institución de enseñanza incluida en la Base de datos mundial sobre educación superior, la cual es una lista mantenida por la Asociación Internacional de Universidades (IAU)/UNESCO. La lista puede ser consultada en:
  •  Para cualquier otra cuestión visite el sitio web de la FAO sobre empleo:

HOW TO APPLY Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. We



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