Senior Short-Term Expert (Preparing and Managing the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG)) at the Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP)

The Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) is a four-year (2019-2023) Technical Assistance support programme to guarantee the country’s economic growth and development strategies while meeting its Paris Agreement (2017) pledge of conditionally reducing its Greenhouse Gas emissions by 45% by 2030, when compared to “business-as-usual” levels.

The NCCRP is funded by the European Union (EU) and will be implemented at the territorial level of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the selected pilot states of Kano in the north of the country and Ogun in the south of the country. The programme’s genesis is traceable to the EU’s desire under its Global Public Goods and Challenges Thematic Programmes, and is designed to contribute to Nigeria’s progressive achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 on “climate action”. Additionally, It promotes progress towards goals 7 “affordable and clean energy” and 5 “gender equality”.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Senior Short-Term Expert (Development of a Manual of Procedures for Preparing and Managing the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory in Nigeria)

Contract No.:ENV/2019/409-995
Location: Abuja Nigeria
Reference No. of the Mission: S334/STE/2022/01-12
Date of Transmission: 31/08/2022
Category of Expert: Senior (International Expert)
Key Experts Responsible, Mr. Todd NGARA, Team Leader, Mr. Jacques KOUAZOUNDE, MRV and Greenhouse Gas Inventory Expert
Title of the Mission: Development of a Manual of Procedures for Preparing and Managing the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory in Nigeria
No. of Working Days (WD): 32 Working Days
Indicative Dates: 16/01/2023
Duty Station: Abuja (FCT)
Mission outside of Duty Station: N/A

Name of Project

  • Implementation of Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP), EuropeAid/140100/DH/SER/NG

Context and Justification

  • Following the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2017, Nigeria committed itself to reduce its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions unconditionally by 20% and conditionally by 47% come 2030 in line with its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) pledge.
  • To support the Federal Government of Nigeria’s efforts towards the fulfilment of its conditional NDC target, the European Union (EUD) through the provision of technical assistance for the implementation of the Nigerian Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) is supporting the country with the objective (among others) to establish the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework and implement sustainable MRV systems for waste and energy sectors (Task 1).
  • The technical assistance for the implementation of the NCCRP is being provided by the Conseil Santé Consortium (French consulting company) in accordance with the methodology document that it developed in this regard (NCCRP methodology), to support the Department of Climate Change (DCC), Federal Ministry of Environment, as the main beneficiary. A participatory approach is adopted by the Conseil Santé Consortium (see annex) involving consultations between the Technical Assistance Team (TAT), the staff of the DCC and other institutions involved in the institutional MRV framework.
  • Largely focused on mitigation-related MRV, the NCCRP Task 1 covers the MRV of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and MRV of mitigation actions.
  • The main activities to be developed under this task are the following:
    • Development of the legal architecture for the institutional MRV;
    • Set up the MRV for the energy and the waste sectors;
    • Capacity development of data management and reporting procedures (e.g. training, capacity building, workshops).
  • National greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories constitute a major component of the information communicated by countries under the current MRV system and also the upcoming reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. They are required to keep track of GHG emissions and removals and progress towards implementing Parties NDC under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement.
  • A robust national GHG inventory system helps to produce GHG inventories on a more continuous basis. It is a way to organise and structure all the steps and elements needed to estimate, report, review, archive, and improve estimates of GHG emissions and removals. It comprises both the documentation of the GHG inventory (i.e., what was calculated, how, and what does it mean) as well as documents associated with the inventory, e.g., work plans, manual of procedures, legal and organizational basis, responsibilities, reporting obligations, etc
  • The purpose of the consultancy is to develop a manual of procedures for preparing and managing the national GHG inventory in Nigeria in accordance with the NCCRP methodology (Intervention 1.3 “Development and implementation of the institutional MRV framework”, Activity 1.3.2: Capacity building for the implementation of the MRV framework).
  • UNDP. 2005. Managing the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Process available at

Objectives of the Mission

  • The goal of the consultancy is to provide the DCC with technical support for developing a sustainable national GHG inventory management system.

Specific Objective of the Mission

  • The main objective of this consultancy is to develop a national GHG inventory manual of procedures for providing guidance for the inventory planning, preparation and management in Nigeria.
Estimated time Schedule of Intervention of the Expert(s)’ Mission Tasks to be Carried Out No. of WDs
Task 0: Development of the STE’s inception report 2
Intervention 1.3: Development and implementation of the institutional MRV framework
Activity 1.3.2: Capacity building for the implementation of the MRV framework
Task 1: Analyse the requirements on the national GHG inventory under the ETF for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement; Task 2: Critique the current national GHG inventory system in Nigeria; Task 3: Design a national GHG inventory manual of procedures that provides guidance for inventory planning, preparation and management. 30

Expected Outcomes and Deliverable(s)
Detailed list of expected outcomes and corresponding deliverables are shown in the Table below:

Outcomes Deliverables
Result 0: Inception report detailing the understanding / interpretation of the ToR, the proposed methodology to conduct the mission. Deliverable 0: Inception report
Result 1: The current national GHG inventory system in Nigeria, including the inventory planning, preparation and management,is critiqued Deliverable 1: National GHG inventory manual of procedures providing guidance for the inventory planning, preparation and  management
Result 2. The designed national GHG inventory manual of procedures for preparing and managing the national GHG inventory in Nigeria in accordance with the reporting requirements under the ETF of the Paris Agreement

Modalities for Submission of Deliverable(s):

  • To be submitted electronically to the Team Leader and the Project Director at Conseil Santé who in turn submits the deliverables to the Project Officer at the EU seeking approval.

Structures / Actors / Stakeholders Involved:

  • DCC
  • EUD
  • GHG inventory team.

Title of the Position(s):

  • One international expert will be recruited to carry out this mission: International Technical Expert for the development of a national GHG inventory manual of procedures.

Date of Submission of Deliverable(s):
The deadline dates of the submission of deliverables to the Team Leader are as follows:

  • Deliverable 0: 18/01/2023
  • Deliverable 1: 31/03/2023.

Expert(s)’ Profile(s)

  • Education & Training: Minimum Qualification: relevant University Degree, preferably with MSc, or equivalent, in Environmental Sciences, Policy, Engineering, or economics or other related fields.
  • General Experience: Minimum 10 years’ professional experience in missions with similar tasks, out of which at least 3 years in African countries; Experience in the field of climate change, and specifically in building national GHG inventory systems.
  • Specific Experience:  knowledge (i) in transparency framework and reporting requirements based on the UNFCCC and Paris agreement (ii) 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories; (iii) national GHG inventory management system; Specific Experience with the design of a national GHG inventory manual of procedures, reporting requirements under UNFCCC (e.g. national communications, biennial update reports, etc.); Carried out at least two assignments of a similar nature.

Provisional Date and Duration of the Mission
The duration of the Mission is estimated at 32 Working Days in Abuja spread over a period of 6 weeks in Abuja, according to the provisional Work Schedule found below.

No. Activities Deadline (Month)
1 Task 0: Development of the STE’s inception report January 2023
Task 1: Analyse the requirements on the national GHG inventory under the ETF for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement; Task 2: Critique the current national GHG inventory system in Nigeria; Task 3: Design a national GHG inventory manual of procedures for planning, preparing and managing the GHG inventory. March 2023
  • Indicative Commencement Date: 16/01/2023


  • All weekends and public holidays are not considered to be Working Days unless previous exceptional approval has been obtained from the FMoE and the EUD

Global Provision for Use of Incidental Expenditure for a Mission:

  • If the activity is to be financed under the Incidental Expenditure, a detailed Excel Sheet is needed for indicating the breakdown of the budget details.

Dates of Approval from the FMoE and the EUD:

List of Annexes pertinent to the mission:

  • Technical assistance methodology of the Conseil Santé Consortium for the NCCRP implementation;
  • EUD ToR;
  • Reports on the development of the MRV systems in Nigeria.

Application Closing Date
Not Specified.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Click here for more information (MS Word)

CV Template (MS Word)

Note: The CVs should be in the EU format in line with the template below. CVs submitted in different formats will not be considered.

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