The Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) is a four-year (2019-2023) Technical Assistance support programme to guarantee the country’s economic growth and development strategies while meeting its Paris Agreement (2017) pledge of conditionally reducing its Greenhouse Gas emissions by 45% by 2030, when compared to “business-as-usual” levels.
The NCCRP is funded by the European Union (EU) and will be implemented at the territorial level of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the selected pilot states of Kano in the north of the country and Ogun in the south of the country. The programme’s genesis is traceable to the EU’s desire under its Global Public Goods and Challenges Thematic Programmes, and is designed to contribute to Nigeria’s progressive achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 on “climate action”. Additionally, It promotes progress towards goals 7 “affordable and clean energy” and 5 “gender equality”.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Senior Short-Term Expert (Multimedia Production Specialist) – Provision of Technical Support to Produce Both NCCRP Videos and Radio Programmes
Reference No. of the Mission: S334/STE/2020/ToR/02-6
Location: Abuja
Title of the Mission:Provision of Technical Support to Produce Both NCCRP Videos and Radio Programmes
Category of Expert: International Senior Short-Term Expert
Key Experts Responsible: Mr Todd NGARA, Team Leader, Mr Kayode EGBELEYE, Capacity Building & Communications Expert
No. of Working Days (WD): 160 Working Days
Indicative Dates: 10/2022 / 02/2024
Name of Project: Implementation of Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP), EuropeAid/140100/DH/SER/NG
Contract No.: ENV/2019/409-995
Context and Justification
- A Senior Consultant is being recruited as a resource person and advisor to provide technical support to the production of NCCRP radio programmes, short videos, and a 26-minute long NCCRP documentary video. This is a key activity and an integral part of the Nigerian Climate Change Response (NCCRP) Task 2.
- The dissemination of climate change knowledge and raising awareness of climate change issues among diverse Nigerian audiences constitute the essential core of the NCCRP task
- Scheduled for execution in collaboration with Working Groups, subject-matter specialists, officials of the Department of Climate Change and other external stakeholders, the activity is intended to promote the visibility of the programme in line with the approved NCCRP Communications and Visibility Plan under the supervision of Key Expert Capacity Building & Communications.
- Following the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2017, Nigeria committed itself to reducing its Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) emissions unconditionally by 20% and conditionally by 45% by 2030 in line with its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) pledge.
- To support Nigeria’s efforts towards the fulfilment of its conditional NDC target, the Federal Government of Nigeria is being supported by the European Union (EUD) through the provision of technical assistance for the implementation of the Nigerian Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) with the following objectives:
- Implement appropriate mitigation measures;
- Enhance the national capacity to adapt to climate change;
- Raise the profile of Climate Change Science, technology, research and development;
- Increase public awareness and encourage private sector participation in combating climate change;
- Strengthen national institutions and mechanisms for effective climate change governance.
- Largely mitigation-focused, the technical assistance for the implementation of the NCCRP is being provided by the Conseil Santé Consortium (French consulting company) with the Department of Climate Change (DCC), Federal Ministry of Environment, as the main beneficiary.
- A participatory approach is adopted by the Conseil Santé Consortium (see Annex) involving consultations between a Technical Assistance Team (TAT), the staff of DCC and sectoral stakeholders brought together in technical Working Groups during the NCCRP inception phase workshop.
- The Working Groups are instrumental to the smooth preparation and execution of technical aspects of the NCCRP. In this process, based on their expertise and knowledge of the Nigerian situation, they shall identify task-related priorities, potential problems, options for solutions, action plans, and recommendations for a smooth implementation of action plans, etc.
- It is expected that TAT members with the support of Non-Key Experts and Short-Term International Expert will facilitate the day-to-day execution of the planned activities.
Objectives of the Mission
- The goal of the consultancy is to provide technical support to and facilitate the production of the following:
- 40 episodes of “Save Our Planet” radio programmes (30 minutes each);
- Short video stories;
- A 26-minute-long video documentary.
- In summary, the content of the radio and video programmes ranges from the definition of climate change, its manifestations across different zones in Nigeria, its impact on health, human experiences of climate change and the practice of adaptation measures to concrete climate change mitigation efforts of the Federal Govern of Nigeria and contributions from the Private Sector.
- The deliverables are key components of the NCCRP Communication and Visibility Plan.
Specific Objectives of the Mission
The main objectives of this consultancy are outlined as follows:
- Provide technical support (assistance, guidance, analytical tools, concepts, etc.) to the pre-production, production, and post-production operations of the 26-minute NCCRP video documentary and “Save Our Planet” radio programmes;
- Highlight and educate Nigerian audiences on the causes, the impact of climate change across different sectors, sectoral contributions to climate and efforts of both the Nigerian Government and the private sector to mitigate the impact of climate change;
- Translate the content of developed radio and video scripts into appealing audio/visual media;
- Amplify the voices of diverse community residents on climate change issues affecting them;
- Empower Nigerian audiences to better understand the roles and contributions of different actors towards addressing the impact of climate change on Nigerians.
Estimated Schedule of Intervention of the Expert(s)’ Mission
Tasks to be Carried Out / No. of WDs
The Mission will be carried out in three steps, according to the provisional Work Schedule found below.
- The duration of the 160-day mission will be spread over 11 months, and the consultant will be expected to carry out the mission in consultation with the Key Expert across designated States and locations in Nigeria as identified in the shooting script/production schedule.
- Note however that during the mission, and beyond key tasks, the Consultant will be required to carry out the following:
- If necessary, make propositions to the Key Expert for the improvement of the methodology suggested by Conseil Santé Consortium to achieve the Mission;
- In coordination with the Key Expert, organise meetings with the Working Group and external stakeholders as required to perform stipulated tasks;
- Participate in other organised meetings and consultations taking place during the Mission;
- Undertake other tasks as required to achieve the Mission´s objectives.
- Indicative Commencement Date: 10/2022
- Specific objective 1: Provide technical support to produce 40 episodes of NCCRP “Save Our Planet” radio programmes (30 minutes each), short video stories for upload on to NCCRP website and approved social media pages as well as a 26-minute-long video documentary in collaboration with the established Working Groups and other subject-matter specialists as directed by KE4.
- Sub-objective 1.1: Facilitate the presentation, recording of radio programmes in the studio, execution of pre-production and post-production of integral video clips, (recording of audio tracks, interviews/testimonies of subject-matter specialists and characters as outlined in the script).
- Intervention A 2.2: Climate Change focused radio and video programmes are produced and disseminated to different Nigerian audiences
- A 2.2.1 Review of the scripts and development of production schedules (radio & video) carry out the identification of key locations, including the logging of gathered audio-visual assets as outlined in the shooting script of the NCCRP video programmes
The Consultant will be required to carry out the following:
- If necessary, make propositions to the Key Experts for the improvement of the methodology suggested by Conseil Santé Consortium to achieve the Mission;
- In coordination with the Key Expert, organise meetings with the Working Group as required to perform the above tasks;
- Participate in other organised during workshops/meetings taking place during the Mission;
- Undertake other tasks as required to achieve the Mission´s objectives.
- The total duration of this segment of the Mission is estimated at 48 Working Days and dedicated to the review of scripts identification of key locations, including the logging of gathered audio-visual assets. The Mission will be carried out in three steps, according to the provisional Work Schedule found below.
- The duration of the first step of the Mission will be 18 Working Days spread over a period of 1 month, while the second step will last 30 Working days.
- The remaining working days are spread over a period of 11 months to take care of the actual production and transmission of programmes (radio & video).
Radio Programme Production-Specific Tasks
- Undertaking general research for programmes and general administrative duties;
- Arranging and overseeing guest visits and other freelance staff;
- Maintaining up-to-date contact lists and producing transcripts, programme logs and running orders;
- Recording programme costs and preparing contracts and payments for guests and contributors;
- Answering and archiving past programmes including details of calls for phone-ins and competitions;
- Booking resources, facilities, studio time and equipment;
- Editing audio packages with digital editing software;
- Assisting the production teams with timekeeping and recording of transmissions;
- ‘Driving the desk’ for some pre-recorded or live programmes;
- Contributing to the creative input of a show, for example writing cues and updating scripts;
- Liaising with publicity departments about programme trailers and competition prizes.
Video Production-Specific Tasks
- Review the documentary shooting script and develop a storyboard to be used in the shooting and production of the documentary;
- Conduct field visits to identified sites in the shooting script and interview residents of communities and local leaders on climate change impact that they have experienced;
- Interview selected interviewees for the documentary who shall include women, local government officials, the NCCRP implementation team and entrepreneurs from the private sector ;
- Present a draft documentary to NCCRP for review/comments;
- Incorporate the comment and produce a final 26-minute documentary on DVD and raw footage for the NCCRP.
Expected Outcomes and Deliverable(s)
The expected outcomes are as follows:
- Result 1: 40 “Save Our Planet” radio programme run sheets reviewed and developed.
- Result 2: A production schedule for the recording of “Save Our Planet” radio programmes established (English, Hausa & Yoruba versions)
- Result 3: 40 “Save Our Planet” radio programmes (English, Hausa & Yoruba versions) recorded and transmitted
- Result 4: Storyboard for the NCCRP 26-minute video documentary developed.
- Result 5 A production schedule for the gathering of visual assets and interviews developed.
- Result 6: Video clips and interviews of community residents/subject-matter specialists and the NCCRP implementation team are recorded.
Date of Submission of Deliverable(s)
The deadline dates for the submission of deliverables to the Team Leader are as follows:
- Deliverable 0: Proposed Schedule of Work
- Deliverable 1: 10/2022
- Deliverable 2: 11/2022
- Deliverable 3: 01/2023
- Deliverable 4: 11/2022
- Deliverable 5: 11/2022
- Deliverable 6: 04/2023
- Deliverable 7: 02/2024
Expert(s)’ Profile(s)
- Education & Training: Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Media Communications, Journalism, Film Making, Broadcast Technology, Social Sciences, or any other related field. A Master’s Degree in Communications, Journalism, Film Making, Broadcast Technology, Multimedia Production or other related fields will be an added advantage.
- Significant experience (five years or more) of working with audio and video production may be considered in place of an academic degree.
- A professional certificate from a multimedia production institute is an asset.
- General Experience At least 5 years of professional experience in producing quality audio (podcasts), High-Definition videos for social media, particularly Youtube.
- Experience in the field: Development of communications and advocacy pieces for dissemination via a mix of communication channels in conformity with the emerging and ongoing needs of the Nigerian Climate Change Response Programme.
- Specific Experience: Knowledge of using audio editing software (Audacity, Adobe Audition, Sound Forge or Protools) graphic design software packages for social media, Final Cut Pro (FCP), Adobe Premiere or other professional video editing software.
- Specific Experience Familiarity with Nigeria’s environmental/climate laws and ability to proactively engage sound studio/filming crew members in different settings. Understanding video and social media communications of other development organisations (e.g., UNICEF, European Union, World Bank, ADB) is an asset.
Application Closing Date
Not Specified.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online
Click here for more information (MS Word)
Note: The CVs should be in the EU format in line with the template below. CVs submitted in different formats will not be considered.