[ROSTER] Interagency PSEA Coordinator, P5, Kyiv, Ukraine At United Nations Population Fund

This fixed-term appointment is for an initial duration of one year. The position is to be based in Kyiv, Ukraine and this vacancy announcement is also open for rostering at other multiple-duty stations.

Working at the strategic level the In-country Inter-agency PSEA Coordinator is responsible for overseeing and supporting the collective PSEA activities of organizations working in Ukraine including providing guidance to the Ukraine PSEA task force and strengthening the PSEA coordination. In-country Inter-agency PSEA Coordinator will work closely with the PSEA coordinators for the refugee response in the neighboring countries.

In-country Inter-agency PSEA Coordinator will report directly to the UNFPA Representative, Ukraine Country Office and have a technical and functional reporting line to the Resident Coordinator/ Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine.

Job Purpose:

Since the beginning of the conflict humanitarian organizations are scaling up operations throughout Ukraine and neighboring countries by recruiting aid workers, drivers, contractors, and volunteers. The combination of large numbers of people in need of assistance with masses of newly recruited aid workers heighten the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). To protect the affected populations from sexual misconducts perpetrated by humanitarian responders, it is essential to provide technical support and guidance for strengthening the already established PSEA network/taskforce. In this context, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in Ukraine is renewing its commitment to strengthening the PSEA structure and mechanisms to be particularly attentive and sensitive to the rights, needs, and dignity of victims, most of whom are women and girls.

For this purpose and to make PSEA structure and mechanisms solid the In-country inter-agency PSEA coordinator will provide technical support and guidance to the already established PSEA network/taskforce and will undertake the following:

You would be responsible for:

A. Establish the PSEA in-country program

  • Support HCT to strengthening the inter-agency PSEA Network/taskforce for technical coordination on PSEA, consisting of membership from UN agencies; international, national, and local organizations operating in Ukraine
  • Support the Network/taskforce to carry out a joint PSEA risk assessment in Ukraine to inform senior leadership on strategic decision-making
  • Support HCT in developing and implementing PSEA Network/taskforce TORs and the related Work Plan, based upon the risk assessment

B. Oversee the PSEA Network

  • Oversee and support the inter-agency PSEA Network/taskforce established under the leadership of the HC, in the fulfillment of its responsibilities under its PSEA Network TORs and Work Plan
  • Represent the PSEA Network/taskforce in all relevant coordination bodies and leadership forums in Ukraine
  • Clarify conditions of membership to the PSEA network/taskforce, revise PSEA Network/taskforce ToRs and/or Workplan, is needed.
  • Identify capacities within PSEA members for any emergency PSEA activities and deployments

C. Strengthen PSEA within organizations

  • Provide expert guidance and technical support in establishing a Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing Policy that clearly prohibits SEA, obliges reporting of such acts, enforces these clauses when breached, provides meaningful protection to whistle-blowers, and encourages safe reporting
  • Coordinate the PSEA Network/taskforce joint efforts for training staff on PSEA and the Code of Conduct, including on how to submit and receive complaints under internal and inter-agency reporting systems
  • Establish and/or strengthen internal investigation protocols, including clear case handling responsibilities in-country, capacitated investigations staff, and ability to enact disciplinary measures where SEA is substantiated. Where Network members have a dedicated investigation body in Headquarters, strengthen referrals to the dedicated investigation unit
  • Establish and/or strengthen safe SEA-specific procedures for internal complaint and feedback mechanisms (CFMs) and referrals to survivor assistance, informed by good practice and community consultations

D. Engage Stakeholders

Community engagement

  • As part of broader community engagement activities, support the Network/taskforce to learn of community perspectives on behaviour of aid workers, and preferences in dispute resolution, discussing sexual matters, and receiving and sharing sensitive information to inform the Network’s outreach and activities
  • Support the Network/taskforce to develop a collective communication strategy to raise awareness on key PSEA messages, including the rights of affected populations, the fact that assistance and services are never conditioned on sexual favours, and how to submit sensitive complaints
  • Ensure that the implementation of the PSEA Network/taskforce Work Plan is informed by community participation, contextually and culturally appropriate, and based on the community’s needs


  • Engage and coordinate with Clusters and other relevant coordination entities in the Ukraine response to ensure PSEA mainstreaming during planning, policy development and programming
  • Represent the PSEA Network/taskforce and update on relevant PSEA activities during Cluster, inter-Cluster meetings and other meetings. This representation role could be delegated to any PSEA network permanent staff members
  • Report back to the PSEA Network/taskforce on Cluster developments and updates that may impact the PSEA Work Plan implementation

GBV sub-cluster

  • Collaborate with the GBV sub-cluster Coordinator to ensure a harmonized approach to prevention activities and support of survivors, and that PSEA Network activities take a survivor-centered approach supporting the rights of survivors

Government Actors

  • Support HCT to develop an engagement strategy with the host government, including identified entry points in relevant ministries and stakeholders for outreach
  • Collaborate at the strategic and technical level to ensure harmonization of messages, avoid duplication of activities, and sharing of trends and developments

E. Establish/Strengthen an Inter-agency Complaints Mechanism

Ensure Stakeholder Engagement in the Design of the CBCM

  • Assist Network/taskforce members to consult and engage with all relevant stakeholders during the design of the CBCM in order to ensure support, high-level commitment, sustainability, and community trust and ownership in the CBCM

SOPs on Complaint Referral

  • Support the Network//taskforce to draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on inter-agency complaint referral following the Global Standard Operating Procedures on Inter-Agency Cooperation in CBCMs, and appropriate for the local context
  • Coordinate with Heads of Organizations and clusters leads to ensure the referral pathways are incorporated in PSEA training and understood by all actors in Ukraine.

Assistance Referral Pathways

  • Mobilize the PSEA Network/taskforce to assist in a mapping exercise of available services and gaps for health, legal, psychosocial, and material support
  • Ensure that the Ukraine PSEA SOPs incorporate assistance referral pathways to provide immediate aid for complainants and survivors
  • Assist the Network/taskforce to train service providers on PSEA-specific components in services

Entry Points for Reporting

  • Work with the PSEA Network/taskforce, the AAP Networks/taskforce, and other relevant actors to understand community preferences in reporting sensitive allegations
  • Ensure close coordination of the PSEA network/taskforce with the AAP Networks to map existing complaint and feedback mechanisms (CFMs) in Ukraine to identify where there are gaps in community access for reporting sensitive complaints
  • Based on CFM mapping and community preferences, support Network/taskforce members to strengthen existing and/or establish new entry points to fill the gaps in reporting access so that there are safe, accessible, and contextually appropriate channels for any member of the community to report complaints of SEA
  • Clarify with members the internal reporting of cases within the network and vis-à-vis the HC and the PSEA network coordinator, specifically for monitoring and data analysis purpose

Train Staff at Entry Points

  • Support the PSEA Network/taskforce to hold inter-agency trainings on good practices in SEA complaint intake and referral for PSEA Focal Points, GBV and Child Protection actors, and all actors staffing CFM channels, so that all actors who may receive SEA complaints know how to recognize SEA and where to send allegations in the joint CBCM
  • Support the Network/taskforce to disseminate contact information of PSEA Focal Points amongst staff and the affected population, so that the entire aid community is aware of and can reach out to the formal reporting mechanism for each Network/taskforce member

Complaint Review and Referral

  • Carry out independent complaint review and referral to the concerned organization and provide appropriate follow-up after referral, in accordance with the SOPs

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Keep anonymized records of allegations received directly by Network/taskforce members and other actors in-country in order to capture SEA trends and support stakeholders to adjust programs
  • Provide technical support to develop a confidential database to ensure correct capture and follow-up of the cases.

F. Promote Information sharing

Proactive Outreach to External Partners

  • Proactively reach out to relevant entities that are not participating in the PSEA Network or the joint CBCM to ensure that they are aware of PSEA activities, and to foster linkages and information-sharing

Recommendations to Senior Leadership and Support Bodies

  • Regularly report to HCT and UNFPA representative on developments and challenges in PSEA in-country to ensure continued engagement and address gaps in PSEA implementation
  • Collect and analyze inputs of PSEA Focal Points and other relevant colleagues, identify recurring issues and trends, and share recommendations with senior leadership with the aim of enhancing strategic and operational decision-making related to PSEA
  • Regularly update regional and global bodies to ensure up-to-date understanding of PSEA activities in Ukraine
  • Carry out any other duties as may be required by UNFPA leadership

Qualifications and Experience:


Advanced University Degree in areas such as gender studies, humanitarian affairs, human rights, law, social work, public health, development studies, international relations, and/or other related social science disciplines.

Knowledge and Experience:

  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience in humanitarian or developing settings in the following areas: Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), Protection, Human rights, Gender-based violence/Victim assistance, gender mainstreaming and Staff misconduct and discipline.
  • Understanding of international development and humanitarian architecture – Familiarity with the UN system and global coordination structures (e.g. IASC) – Proven ability to design PSEA strategy and action plan.
  • Proven experience in an Inter-Agency coordination role in emergency settings.
  • Experience in developing and facilitating training and capacity-building activities is an advantage.
  • Familiarity with data protection and confidentiality measures is an advantage
  • Prior experience working in complex emergencies and under challenging conditions will be an asset.
  • Strong leadership skills.


Fluency in English required; Ukrainian and/or Russian language will be an advantage.

How to apply

Interested applicant to submit application via UNFPA Quantum portal https://estm.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_2003/job/8461

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