Regional specialist in monitoring and evaluation, Abidjan, Ivory Coast At International Labor Organization ( ILO )

Closing date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Grade: P4

Position number: RAPS / 2/2023 / AF / 05 Publication date: May 22, 2023 Closing date ( midnight, Geneva time ): June 23, 2023

Job ID: 10867 Department: BR-Africa Unit: BR-Africa Place of employment: Abidjan Type of contract: Determined duration

Can participate:

  •  ILO internal candidates, in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of Annex I to the ILO Staff Regulations.
  •  External candidates.

Applicants with more than five years of continuous service within the organization are encouraged ( e ) s to apply. .

Applications from officials who have already left the ILO following their retirement or early retirement will not be taken into account.

The ILO attaches great importance to diversity among its staff and welcomes the candidacies of qualified women. We also encourage those of people with disabilities. If you cannot complete our online application form due to a disability, please send an email to

The ILO welcomes candidates with work experience in ILO constituents ( governments, employers ‘and companies’ organizations, and workers’ organizations ).

Applications from persons from unrepresented or underrepresented Member States or from Member States which will soon become one will receive particular attention. We will find the list of countries concerned here: ILO Jobs: Nationalities insufficiently represented

In addition to the interviews and tests that any candidate may be required to take, the success of the ILO Assessment Center is required for any external candidate or internal candidate applying for a higher category.

Notwithstanding the general considerations set out in the staff regulations of the ILO, this vacancy announcement is the only authoritative document regarding the qualifications required for this position. The minimum qualifications required have been determined according to the specific functions and responsibilities of this position.

The specific language requirements for this position are detailed below. However, candidates who apply for vacant positions in the organic services category, who have not yet successfully completed their internship period within the ILO and whose mother tongue is not one of the working languages of the French, English and Spanish ( Office, must have a fully satisfactory knowledge of at least one of the ILO working languages. If appointed, they may be required to acquire knowledge of a second working language of the Office during their first years of service.

Please note that, in the context of the new ILO organization chart, the appointment of departments may be subject to change.


The position is located in the Regional Programming Unit ( UPR ), within the ILO Regional Office for Africa ( BR-Africa ) in Abidjan. The Regional Office plays an important role in the effective implementation of the ILO evaluation policy. The ILO Evaluation Office ( EVAL ) is directly responsible for the conduct of independent evaluations as well as for the supervision and approval of independent decentralized evaluations provided for in the evaluation policy of the ILO. It reports annually to the Board of Directors, which approves its reports and recommendations. The evaluation policy is supplemented by an evaluation strategy and guidelines on the evaluation policy ( 4th edition ) in order to facilitate its implementation.BR-Afrique works in close collaboration with EVAL as well as with the Department of Strategic Programming and Management ( PROGRAM ) to support development, the implementation and evaluation of country programs promoting decent work ( PPTD ), and, with the Department of Multilateral Partnerships and Development Cooperation to support development, the implementation and monitoring of development cooperation projects, all in an integrated manner. In this context, the Regional Specialist responsible for ( e ) monitoring and evaluation ( S&E ) will provide technical support for monitoring and in particular for the evaluation of development cooperation projects and decent work programs at regional, subregional and national levels.He / She will be responsible for planning and implementing all independent assessments in the region, in coordination with EVAL, in accordance with the ILO evaluation policy and the results-based management strategy. In addition, he/it will coordinate and implement staff capacity-building activities in monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects and will coordinate the management of evaluations of work programs decent at all levels, as well as organizational assessments. The holder will also be required to € promote a culture of evaluation within the Organization and to advocate the use of the results and principles of evaluation, as well as proposing ideas to identify innovations,recommendations and lessons learned to improve the evaluation function. Evaluations are guided by the ILO’s evaluation policy and results-based management strategy, which adhere to the principles of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development/Development Assistance Committee ( OECD / DAC ) and the standards and standards of the United Nations Evaluation Group ( UNEG ). The incumbent will report to the head of the UPR and receive technical advice and support from the director of EVAL at headquarters. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development / Development Assistance Committee ( OECD / DAC ) and to the standards and standards of the United Nations Evaluation Group ( UNEG ). The incumbent will report to the head of the UPR and receive technical advice and support from the director of EVAL at headquarters. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development / Development Assistance Committee ( OECD / DAC ) and to the standards and standards of the United Nations Evaluation Group ( UNEG ). The incumbent will report to the head of the UPR and receive technical advice and support from the director of EVAL at headquarters.

Specific tasks

1.Ensure that the evaluations of ILO programs / projects / activities agreed in the evaluation plan are completed in a timely manner, in a manner that meets professional standards, in accordance with ILO assessment policy and United Nations standards, ethics and rules for evaluation. Participate as a team member in high-level or very complex assessments, if applicable. 2.Guarantee quality assurance at regional level of independent assessments in the Africa region before submitting them to EVAL for final approval. 3.Coordinate activities related to planning and preparing evaluation budgets and effectively manage the’use of resources for ( assessments additional account of the regular budget and development cooperation financed by extra-budgetary resources ) at all levels of the region. 4.Contribute to continuous methodological improvement and support for evaluation, monitoring and the results-based management framework ( GAR ). 5.Ensure that evaluations are useful and that the conclusions and recommendations of evaluations are followed. Ensure that the results of evaluations are taken into account in the design and evaluation of strategies, policies and new projects / programs. 6.Support and advise colleagues responsible for designing and implementing the development of evaluation capacities or, failing this, take the initiative of’organize the corresponding training. Promote efforts and ensure a coordinated approach within the Organization to support constituents in their assessment and other related activities. 7.Establish relationships, ensure effective collaboration and provide technical expertise and advice to ILO officials and partners on appropriate data collection methodologies, consistent design of assessment, data analysis and interpretation, quality control, assessment standards and other key issues related to assessment. ensure effective collaboration and provide technical expertise and advice to ILO officials and partners on appropriate data collection methodologies, consistent design of the assessment, data analysis and interpretation, quality control, assessment standards and other key issues related to the assessment. ensure effective collaboration and provide technical expertise and advice to ILO officials and partners on appropriate data collection methodologies, consistent design of the assessment, data analysis and interpretation, quality control, assessment standards and other key issues related to the assessment.

optional section ( if necessary )

8.Coordinate review and evaluation activities of ILO projects and programs, including PPTDs. Facilitate the periodic preparation and review of monitoring and evaluation plans for PPTDs, programs and projects. 9.Negotiate with other United Nations partners the arrangements for monitoring and evaluation of joint projects and provide technical advice on lessons learned from evaluations when designing new projects. Provide technical advice on the arrangements or monitoring plans for development cooperation projects in the region. 10.Disseminate results, recommendations and lessons learned from evaluation activities. In this regard, use the EVAL models of “good practice” and'”lessons learned “to reproduce and / or extend them. 11.Coordinate and strengthen the Regional Evaluation Network. It also involves working with EVAL to build the capacity of assessment managers and other relevant officials in the various country offices in the region. Participate in United Nations regional assessment meetings and activities as required, and coordinate with networks of assessment professionals in Africa. Play a leading technical role and represent the Organization in internal and external meetings, working groups, knowledge sharing events and discussion forums to establish and encourage ongoing dialogue on the results of assessments,recommendations and lessons learned. Present on the main challenges and developments in terms of evaluation. 12.Perform other relevant tasks entrusted to it.

Qualifications required


Higher university degree ( master’s or equivalent ) in social sciences or in a related field such as economics, law, international relations, international development or any other relevant field. Training in evaluation or in related disciplines and in areas such as the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. An undergraduate degree ( license or equivalent ) in one of the above areas or in another relevant area, with two additional years of relevant experience, in addition to the required experience mentioned below, will be accepted in place of a higher university degree.


At least seven years of experience, including at the international level, in monitoring and evaluating development projects and programs. Experience related to the mandate and activities of the ILO or another United Nations agency. Experience in the field of international development programs and issues, with minimal technical expertise in a particular field. Experience in the design and management of programs and projects.


Excellent command of English and French.


In addition to the basic skills of the ILO: ( technical and behavioral knowledge and skills )

Ability to interpret and work within the framework of applicable policies, rules, regulations and procedures. In-depth knowledge of assessments and ability to apply this knowledge consistently in all assessments. Good knowledge of the methods and techniques of evaluation of the United Nations system, as well as the principles and concepts of results-based management. Excellent knowledge of the ( programming cycle planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation ) and of the substantial nature of the Organization’s work programs and activities. Good knowledge of international development programs and issues, including global humanitarian and geopolitical issues, human rights and gender equality,and ability to ensure that the design, questions and analysis of the assessment integrate this knowledge into all contexts. Understanding and applying the parameters of social science research in complex assessments. Ability to contribute to global assessment practices, including by producing knowledge and guidance for UNEG. Ability to adapt quickly to new software and systems. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and, preferably, qualitative and quantitative data analysis software such as Nvivo, SPSS or the like. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. evaluation analysis integrate this knowledge into all contexts. Understanding and applying the parameters of social science research in complex assessments. Ability to contribute to global assessment practices, including by producing knowledge and guidance for UNEG. Ability to adapt quickly to new software and systems. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and, preferably, qualitative and quantitative data analysis software such as Nvivo, SPSS or the like. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. evaluation analysis integrate this knowledge into all contexts. Understanding and applying the parameters of social science research in complex assessments. Ability to contribute to global assessment practices, including by producing knowledge and guidance for UNEG. Ability to adapt quickly to new software and systems. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and, preferably, qualitative and quantitative data analysis software such as Nvivo, SPSS or the like. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. Understanding and applying the parameters of social science research in complex assessments. Ability to contribute to global assessment practices, including by producing knowledge and guidance for UNEG. Ability to adapt quickly to new software and systems. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and, preferably, qualitative and quantitative data analysis software such as Nvivo, SPSS or the like. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. Understanding and applying the parameters of social science research in complex assessments. Ability to contribute to global assessment practices, including by producing knowledge and guidance for UNEG. Ability to adapt quickly to new software and systems. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and, preferably, qualitative and quantitative data analysis software such as Nvivo, SPSS or the like. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. in particular by producing knowledge and guidance for UNEG. Ability to adapt quickly to new software and systems. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and, preferably, qualitative and quantitative data analysis software such as Nvivo, SPSS or the like. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. in particular by producing knowledge and guidance for UNEG. Ability to adapt quickly to new software and systems. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and, preferably, qualitative and quantitative data analysis software such as Nvivo, SPSS or the like. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes. Ethics: Act in accordance with the standards of ethical conduct of assessors. Act with integrity and honesty in its relationships with all stakeholders. Set an example and advise evaluation staff. Ability to ensure that ethics are integrated into assessment processes and to keep ethics under pressure. Ability to maintain independence and impartiality under pressure.

Conditions of employment

  •  Any commitment and / or extension of contract is subject to the Staff Regulations and other internal rules in force. Any job offer from the ILO is subject to certification by the Advisor / Councilor/medical era ( e ) of the ILO according to which the person concerned is medically able to fulfill the inherent and specific requirements of the post offered. In order to confirm an offer from the ILO, the / candidate ( e ) retained ( e ) must undergo a medical examination.
  •  The initial contract will be issued for a period of twenty-four months.
  •  The external external candidate ( e ) retained ( e ) will be on probation for the first two years of his assignment.
  •  Any extension of contract beyond the probationary period is subject to satisfactory conduct and performance.

For more information on conditions of employment, please consult the International Recruitment page on the ILO Jobs website.

Important information

Officials in the general service category interested in this post are informed that, if selected, they will be offered the salary and allowances applicable to the grade of the position to which they apply, which may lead to substantial changes in their net remuneration. In accordance with Article 3.4 of the ILO Staff Regulations, the salary of an official, when promoted, may in no case be greater than the maximum salary of the grade to which he has been promoted. For any questions or details, please contact your HR partner at the following address :

Recruitment process

Please note that all applicants must complete an online application form. To do this, please go to the ILO e-Recruitment site: ILO Jobs. The system provides the necessary instructions to facilitate the online application procedure.

The ( assessment which may include one or more written tests and a prior interview based on skills ) and the interviews will take place, in principle, during the 3 to 4 months following the closing date. Applicants ( e ) s are requested ( e ) s to ensure their availability in the event of pre-selection.

Depending on the location and availability of candidates, assessors and members of the maintenance panels, the ILO reserves the right to use communication technologies such as Skype, video or teleconferencing, email, etc. in order to assess the candidates during the various stages of the recruitment process, including the assessment center, technical tests or interviews.

The ILO applies zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse and is committed to ensuring that no staff member or beneficiary of the Organization’s assistance is victims of it, directly or indirectly. To ensure that persons with a proven history of sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment or other types of abusive behavior are not recruited by the Organization, the ILO may carry out a background check on the candidates being considered.

Fraud alert

The ILO does not charge any fees at any time during the recruitment process, either when applying for the interview, the actual recruitment procedure or the training. Messages from email addresses different from those of the ILO – – should in no case be considered. In addition, the ILO does not need and does not request to know the information relating to the applicant’s bank account.


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