Project specialist expert ( e ) national ( e ) in energy, Bamako, Mali At UNDP

Closing date: Sunday, 11 June 2023


Description of assignment title: Project specialist expert ( e ) national ( e ) in energy

Country assignment: Mali

Expected start date: 01/06/2023

Sustainable Development Goal: 17. Partnerships for the goals

Volunteer category: National UN Volunteer Specialist

DoA reserved for persons with disabilities: No

Host entity: UNDP

Type: Onsite

Duration: 6 months ( with possibility of extension )

Number of assignments: 1

Duty stations: Bamako


Mission and objectives

As the main United Nations development agency, UNDP is well placed to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs as part of our activities in some 170 countries and territories. We help countries reach the SDGs through integrated solutions. The complex challenges we face today – from tackling inequality to conflict prevention – cannot be resolved in isolation. It also means finding solutions that respond to the daily realities of people. Our work history in achieving the Goals provides us with valuable experience and recognized expertise in policy enabling us to achieve all the objectives set in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. But we cannot do it alone.Achieving sustainable development goals requires partnership between governments, the private sector, civil society and citizens, to ensure the creation of a better planet for future generations


The host agency for this position will be UNDP and AMADER. However, the volunteer will be called ( e ) to work closely with ECREEE ( partner of UNDP for this project ), UNOPS ( main promoter of the project ), and the Liptako-Gourma Authority ( ALG ) which constitutes the institutional anchoring of the project. Supervision, initiation, orientation and duty of protection of United Nations Volunteers ( Roles and responsibilities of host organizations ). United Nations Volunteers should have the duty of protection and diligence of the host entity equal to that of all its personnel. Host entity support to the United Nations Volunteer includes, but is not limited to:  Preliminary briefings on the organization and the professional context including security, emergency procedures,good cultural practices and orientation towards the local environment;  Administrative support on arrival, including the opening of bank accounts, residence permit applications and other official procedures required by the host government or the host entity;  Adequate orientation, mentoring and supervision by a supervisor, including the provision of a clear work plan and a performance evaluation;  Access to office space, office equipment, IT support and all other systems and tools required to achieve the objectives of the assignment, including an email address of the host entity;  Access to institutional knowledge, as well as training and learning programs of the host entity ;The inclusion of the volunteer in the security plan;  Management of his holidays;  Daily subsistence allowances for official travel, if applicable ;  All changes to the description of the allocation between the effective recruitment of the United Nations Volunteer and his arrival at his duty station or during the assignment must be formalized with the United Nations Volunteers Program. assignment between the effective recruitment of the United Nations Volunteer and his arrival at his duty station or during the assignment must be formalized with the United Nations Volunteers Program. assignment between the effective recruitment of the United Nations Volunteer and his arrival at his duty station or during the assignment must be formalized with the United Nations Volunteers Program.

Task description

Under the direct supervision of the head of the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development Unit of the UNDP Country Office in Mali and the President and CEO of AMADER, the/the volunteer will work in close collaboration with the Regional Climate Resilience Advisor of the UNDP Regional Hub in Dakar, with the Environmental Units, energy and sustainable development of UNDP country offices in Mali and Niger, and with the ECREEE Project Coordinator. The United Nations Volunteer will perform the following tasks:  Support the dissemination of the results of the DREI study in Mali and their updating. o Contribute to the dissemination of the results of the DREI study and answer questions relating to the DREI methodology and its results. Encourage the approval of project results by national and local institutions.o Participate in capacity building activities related to the DREI methodology. o Support national stakeholders to update the results of the study, in particular the evolution of risks and the cost of capital for photovoltaic mini-network projects in Mali. o Maintain a role of national focal point on the DREI and ensure enlightened leadership on issues related to the DREI in Mali.  Provide technical assistance for the operationalization of the results of the DREI study in Mali. o Support the analysis of the recommendations of the DREI study in view of the current situation of the mini-network sector in Mali, by identifying the relevant developments in the energy sector, as well as challenges and opportunities. o Contribute to the development of an action plan ( with timetable, budget,and monitoring indicators ) for the operationalization of the priority measures recommended by the DREI study, in consultation with the government and the relevant partners. o Provide continuous technical and political support for the implementation of this action plan, and update the monitoring indicators relating to the implementation of this action plan. o Contribute to continuous technical assistance to the Liptako-Gourma Authority ( ALG ) and to the government of Mali and their partners on questions of access to clean energies by decentralized systems in rural areas. o In particular, make substantial technical contributions to policies, ( new or revised ) plans and regulations implemented by the government to encourage investment in the off-grid electrification sector. Take an advocacy role and encourage multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges to accelerate reforms in the off-network electrification sector. o Contribute to the establishment of a national dialogue on the evolution of regulations for the promotion of mini-networks, by taking advantage in particular of the national multi-actor coordination platform for off-network electrification being operationalized in Mali. o Maintain a liaison and facilitating role between the various stakeholders involved in the mini-network sector in Mali, in particular the private sector, government and public institutions and technical and financial partners. o Ensure political advocacy to accelerate the adoption of reforms initiated and validated by technical partners.o Support the promotion of exchanges between the 3 countries of the project to encourage the sharing of experience in the rural electrification sectors, by communicating actively with the 2 VNUs counterparts recruited in the 2 other countries of the project.  Fulfill other responsibilities contributing to the effective implementation of the project. Expected results:  Effective support for the appropriation of the DREI methodology and the results of the DREI study by the national party and other relevant stakeholders.  Solid technical assistance for the development, implementation and monitoring of an action plan to operationalize the results of the DREI study.  An effective contribution to the multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges for the acceleration of reforms in the off-network electrification sector. by communicating actively with the 2 VNUs counterparts recruited in the 2 other countries of the project.  Fulfill other responsibilities contributing to the effective implementation of the project. Expected results:  Effective support for the appropriation of the DREI methodology and the results of the DREI study by the national party and other relevant stakeholders.  Solid technical assistance for the development, implementation and monitoring of an action plan to operationalize the results of the DREI study.  An effective contribution to the multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges for the acceleration of reforms in the off-network electrification sector. by communicating actively with the 2 VNUs counterparts recruited in the 2 other countries of the project.  Fulfill other responsibilities contributing to the effective implementation of the project. Expected results:  Effective support for the appropriation of the DREI methodology and the results of the DREI study by the national party and other relevant stakeholders.  Solid technical assistance for the development, implementation and monitoring of an action plan to operationalize the results of the DREI study.  An effective contribution to the multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges for the acceleration of reforms in the off-network electrification sector. Expected results:  Effective support for the appropriation of the DREI methodology and the results of the DREI study by the national party and other relevant stakeholders.  Solid technical assistance for the development, implementation and monitoring of an action plan to operationalize the results of the DREI study.  An effective contribution to the multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges for the acceleration of reforms in the off-network electrification sector. Expected results:  Effective support for the appropriation of the DREI methodology and the results of the DREI study by the national party and other relevant stakeholders.  Solid technical assistance for the development, implementation and monitoring of an action plan to operationalize the results of the DREI study.  An effective contribution to the multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges for the acceleration of reforms in the off-network electrification sector.  An effective contribution to the multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges for the acceleration of reforms in the off-network electrification sector.  An effective contribution to the multi-stakeholder dialogue and South-South exchanges for the acceleration of reforms in the off-network electrification sector.

Eligibility criteria

Age: 27 – 80


Candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment.


Required experience

5 years of experience in support of energy policies and support for programs in the fields of access to energy and renewable energies, preferably for off-grid electrification and mini-networks. – Excellent oral and written skills in writing, formulation and reporting ; – Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; cultural and social sensitivity; ability to work in an inclusive manner and in collaboration with a range of partners ; familiarity with communication tools and approaches for development ; – Experience within the UNDP or another international development organization in the energy field is an asset; – Autonomous,ability to work with a minimum of supervision; Good organizational and planning skills; ability to work with tight deadlines.

Area(s) of expertise

Energy and environment

Driving license


French, Level: Fluent, Required English, Level: Working knowledge, Desirable

Required education level

Master degree or equivalent in Diplôme de Maîtrise/Masters in energy, engineering, environmental sciences, climate change or other relevant sector. Computer skills: Good general computer skills, including proficiency in various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.), e-mail and Internet browsing.

Competencies and values

– Professionalism o Demonstrated professionalism for his work and his achievements; o Demonstrates professional skills and mastery of the subject matter; o Is conscientious and efficient in respecting commitments, deadlines and results; o Demonstrates perseverance in the face of difficult problems or challenges; o Stay calm in stressful situations. – Integrity o Demonstrates the values ​​of the United Nations in day-to-day activities and behaviors; o Acts without consideration of personal gain; o Resists undue political pressure in decision-making; o Sticks to decisions that are in the interest of the Organization, even if they are unpopular; o Takes prompt action when unprofessional or unethical behavior occurs. – Communication o Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; o Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; o Asks questions to clarify things and shows interest in two-way communication; o Adapts language, tone, style and format to the audience; o Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed. – Teamwork o Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; o Solicits the contribution of others by really valuing their ideas and their expertise; is willing to learn from others; o Places the team agenda before the personal agenda; o Supports and acts in accordance with the final decision of the group, even if this decision does not entirely reflect its own position; o Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

Other information

Living conditions and remarks

Bamako is a non-family duty station in Mali. The country has a relatively good infrastructure, running water, electricity, sanitation and housing, but safety instructions must be strictly observed.

Inclusivity statement

United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.

Note on Covid-19 vaccination requirements

Selected candidates for certain occupational groups may be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in line with the applicable host entity policy


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