Programme officer(e) At SOS Children’s Villages International

Context : Operating in the field of protection of’childhood, SOS VEM co-finances and supports the implementation of development and’urgency programmes in particular in West and’East Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. The’organisation benefits from institutional and private funding. It actively promotes and defends the best standards of ethical and professional conduct in terms of safeguarding the CHILD and young people and protection and prevention against harassment, including, L’ sexual exploitation and abuse. It is a member of the Federation SOS Kinderdorf International (SOS KDI), and it works closely with the national associations SOS Villages d’Enfants, members of the Federation, for the implementation of the programs

General responsibilities :

Under the general direction of the Management Committee and the technical supervision of the Program Manager, Le.La Programmes officer based in Luxembourg, has the following responsibilities :

  • It helps to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the process of design, development, implementation, support, monitoring, monitoring, etc, evaluation and reporting of development and’urgency programs implemented in the field by the partners of’ONG, adopting a « approach bottom-up » in order to prioritize the emergence of solutions at the level of beneficiaries and programme implementation teams. To do this, he.elle s’ relies on the orientations of the Program Manager and the’expertise of’a multidisciplinary technical support team deployed as close as possible to operations ;
  • It accompanies the implementation, monitoring, and, the evaluation and reporting of activities relating to the policy of safeguarding’enfant et du jeunesse (SEJ) and prevention and protection against harassment, L’ sexual exploitation and abuse (PHEAS) within SOS VEM and in the countries of’s intervention of SOS Children’s Villages World, in collaboration with the partners of’ONG. To do this, he.elle s’ relies on the orientations of the Programmes Manager and for the programs operating in West’ Africa, on the expertise of the SEJ/HEAS West’ focal point.

Detailed responsibilities :

Programmes :

  • Conception
    • Ensures the quality and effectiveness of the programme design and development process: coordinates stakeholder participation throughout the different phases of the programme development and formulation process ; ensures the quality of programme formulation and budgeting through technical support to national and local teams (where possible) ;
    • Ensures the quality and compliance of program documents to be submitted to public or private donors ;
  • Accompaniment of implementation and monitoring and reporting
    • Ensures the quality of the implementation of the programs and their progress according to the GAR (Management Focused Results) towards the results aligned with the defined indicators and international standards (P’Aide for Development Committee, Core Humanitarian Standards, etc.) ;
    • Contributes to the development of’program management tools, as needed ;
    • Ensures an efficient and effective use of financial resources, and the quality of financial reports. To do this, he will also work with the accounting manager of SOS VEM ;
    • Drafts narrative reports for funders, ensuring that they are objective and comprehensive ;
  • Evaluation & audit
    • Sponsors and monitors the implementation of external’assessment and’audit, in accordance with the rules of the donors and the standards in this area. To do this, he will also work with the accounting manager of SOS VEM, and if necessary the Administrative and Financial Director of SOS VEM.


  • Contributes to ensuring the quality and efficiency of the’ process of drawing up annual SEJ/HEAS action plans in the intervention countries of SOS Children’s Villages World, France, in collaboration with national SOS partner associations, programme teams, technical support from SOS VEM (in particular the SEJ/HEAS West Africa focal point) and the Programme Manager ;
  • Contributes to the monitoring of the implementation and the’evaluation of the activities of the’ action plans of SEJ and HEAS in the intervention countries of SOS Villages d’s Enfants Monde. To do this, participates in regular exchanges with resource persons in SEJ and PHEAS within the National Associations SOS, France, with the’ technical support team of SOS VEM and the SOS Regional Offices in order to s’s ensure the situation, the level and activities of implementation of the safeguard policy in accordance with KDI and MAEE standards ;
  • Contributes to the capacity building of SOS partner associations’ staff in terms of SEJ and PHEAS, as needed ;
  • Assures the role of focal point for SOS VEM with respect to the Federation SOS KDI with regard to aspects related to SEJ/PHEAS (roll out procedures, annual studies, etc, representation…) ;
  • Is in charge of the annual reporting to the Ministry of Trusteeship of NGOs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on aspects of SEJ/HEAS, in accordance with the terms of the charter in force ;
  • In close collaboration with the management of SOS VEM, sets up a safeguarding committee within SOS VEM, supports the development and periodic monitoring of a’action plan.


  • Contributes to defining in a participatory way with the partner SOS associations and the external stakeholders to the programs the modes of collaboration and the role of each of the stakeholders according to the evolution of the context and responsibilities assumed in the programmes according to the principles of solidarity subsidiarity and accountability ;
  • Exchange regularly with them and participates in meetings to ensure this accountability in the implementation of programs and for the’ application of SEJ/HEAS standards.


  • Organizes and/or participates in regular missions of’ support, monitoring, skills building or capitalization with SOS National Associations supported by SOS VEM ;
  • Participates in international meetings within the Federation and with other partners of’.

Collaboration with other departments of SOS VEM

  • Provides communication and fundraising departments with complete and reliable information on the programs that’il.elle supports ;
  • Contributes to the presentation of the activities of SOS VEM and the Federation SOS KDI to private and public donors ;
  • Communicates regularly the financial statements and budgetary projections of the programs that’il.elle accompanies to the Management and the responsible accounting ;
  • Control, if necessary, of the presentation files (narratives and figures) of programmes intended for the’s board of directors, as well as’s to major donors.

Profile :

  • University degree ;
  • Experience of’at least 8 to 10 years in of development projects and the conduct of projects for the protection of childhood’, ideally in NGOs or OSI, with application of international standards in the field of child protection. Additional experience of monitoring projects of’aide d’urgence constitutes an asset ;
  • Ability to identify risks related to SEJ/PHEAS and develop a holistic response by working with multiple partners ;
  • Minimum experience of 5 years on the ground in the management and monitoring of projects according to the methodologies of Project Cycle Management and Results-based Management (RBM) ;
  • Proven experience in institutional financing management ;
  • Financial management and project monitoring/evaluation skills ;
  • Previous experience as a trainer is an asset ;
  • Very good organizational and editorial skills ;
  • The position requires a full-time presence in Luxembourg City while requesting a mobile’ in the countries of intervention and in Europe (participation in working groups and international meetings) ;
  • Mastery of french and english languages ; knowledge of luxembourgish is an asset
  • Mastery of classic computer tools in Windows environment
  • Commitment, tenacity, dynamism, accountability, pragmatism, open-mindedNESS, assertive communication, etc, ease in the work of’ team in a spirit of cooperation that favors the collective in an associative and multicultural environment are essential qualities for the holding of this position.

How to apply

To act with SOS Villages d’Enfants, ’ is requested to be in accordance with the principles laid down by our code of conduct and our policy of protection and fight against harassment and any type of’abus. The assumption of office will be accompanied by’a period of training in the principles and working methods of the’organization.

In case of’ hiring, the candidate must provide a criminal record extract.

Applications – including a cover letter and a resume – must reach SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde a.s.b.l. only electronically ( with the mention SOS/RH/24/03. L’ deadline for the receipt of the application files is set for August 19, 2024.

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