Profesional misional en comercialización y abastecimiento de mercados, Villavicencio, Colombia At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


Missionary professional in marketing and market supply

Job advertisement : Jun 28, 2023

Publication cancellation date : Jul 12, 2023, 9:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit: FAO Colombia

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: NPP ( National Project Personnel )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Colombia-Villavicencio

Duration: 3 months trial period, renewable

Position Number: N / A

FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.

  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

FAO is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, leading the international effort for a world free of hunger and malnutrition in which food and agriculture contribute to improving the living standards of all its inhabitants, especially the poorest, economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. We work to contribute to the fulfillment of Agenda 2030 and its global goals by promoting sustainable, inclusive and resilient food systems to achieve production, nutrition, an environment and a better life.

The vacancy is located in Villavicencio, Meta with trips to the project’s areas of action. The position belongs to the Family Farming and Inclusive Markets area.

Hierarchical dependency

Under the general supervision of the FAO Representative in Colombia, the Program Officer, the senior specialist in the area of Family Farming and Inclusive Markets and the project coordinator, the/the missionary professional in marketing and market supply will have the following responsibilities: Field of specialization

The missionary professional in marketing and market supply will be responsible for leading all fields of technical expertise in marketing and supply.

Tasks and responsibilities

  •  Participate in the induction workshop event that carries out the project.
  •  Work in a comprehensive and articulated manner with the technical teams responsible for the project products.
  •  Based on a previous training process by FAO, it must implement the methodologies defined in the framework of the project.
  •  Participate in the socializations of the scope of the project in the operating municipalities.
  •  Work closely with the professionals responsible for the other products of the agreement.
  •  Accompany the process of gathering primary and secondary information on food supply and demand in the project’s area of influence.
  •  Support the analysis of the supply and demand of food in the municipalities of Acacias, Castilla La Nueva, Guamal, Villavicencio, Cubarral and Puerto Gaitán of the Meta department.
  •  Support the characterization of flows and actors in the supply processes of prioritized municipalities, with the application of the rapid market survey instrument ( SRM ).
  •  Identify and prioritize the production lines with the greatest potential, with a focus on commercial and supply opportunities, in the prioritized municipalities.
  •  Support the development of the agribusiness model by production chains, in the prioritized territories.
  •  Support the structuring of technical agribusiness models that allow improving production taking into account agroecological practices.
  •  Plan, organize and prepare the delivery of materials, supplies and tools for the implementation of technical agribusiness models.
  •  Schedule and carry out accompaniment visits and commercial monitoring.
  •  Support the construction of training plans that promote technical, agroecological, soil conservation and business skills for producers of Family Agriculture Organizations and family ventures.
  •  Promote the development of the technology transfer strategy from producer to producer, by production chain.
  •  Support in planning and accompany tours of knowledge exchange and experiences with gender protocols.
  •  Support the consolidation of results and lessons learned from the implementation of the training program in promoting technical, agroecological and business skills of producers/ace of Family Agriculture Organizations and individual ventures.
  •  Contribute to the formation of the Meta Supply Network.
  •  Accompany the design, jointly with the team, of the operational, managerial, administrative, financial and commercial model of the Meta food supply NETWORK.
  •  Support in the definition of the actors in the food supply chain ( suppliers, production companies, logistics platforms and buyers ) in the operating municipalities; identifying their roles, the articulation and contributions to the development of the strategy and operation of the Meta food supply NETWORK.
  •  Implement technical-business support meetings to structure the operational strategy of the Food Supply NETWORK of the Goal ( Leaders technical tables of the NETWORK – Technical tables by production chain ).
  •  Assist in the structuring and validation of the RED SAS business plan for the Meta food supply.
  •  Determine, jointly with the equipment, the materials, supplies, transportation, machinery, tools, infrastructure and others required for the operation of the SETA S.A.S FOOD ABSITMENT NETWORK
  •  Accompany the managerial and operational processes to the organic structure of the Food Supply NETWORK of the Goal ( Administration & Finance, Production & Logistics, Marketing ), with RED apprentices, and, support the construction of the respective reports.
  •  Support the design and management of financial and logistical mechanisms that allow the commercial operation of the SAS NETWORK for the food supply of the Goal ( APALANCE FUND ).
  •  Aportar en la sistematización de los resultados de la implementación de la promoción de acuerdos y alianzas entre los diferentes actores de la cadena de suministros y la RED.
  •  Acompañar el diseño de una estrategia para la vinculación a mercados de productos de la RED de abastecimiento de alimentos del Meta y la promoción del consumo de alimentos locales de las Organización de Agricultura Familiar.
  •  Generar acuerdos y/o alianzas con hoteles, restaurantes y casinos (HORECA) para la comercialización de los productos de la RED.
  •  Planear y desarrollar eventos comerciales y empresariales (Ruedas de negocio, mercados campesinos, giras experiencias exitosas y eventos de impacto regional o nacional).
  •  Aportar a la sistematización de los resultados obtenidos en los espacios de comerciales donde participa.
  •  Contribute to the design and implementation of pedagogical models that promote skills in the use and appropriation of digital tools, contributing to the development of productive and commercial activities.
  •  Support the identification and prioritization of the tourist offer of the municipalities of Villavicencio, Acacias, Guamal, Castilla La Nueva and Cubarral associated with the agriculture organizations and family ventures of the Meta Food Supply Network.
  •  Support in the formulation and implementation of the sustainability strategy of tourist attractions.
  •  Contribute to the final marketing report with all the activities carried out by production line and the main results obtained.
  •  Support the development of a purchasing network strategy between different producer organizations, in order to obtain volume benefits.
  •  Promote within technical teams and organizations, the generation and dissemination of good gender practices in accordance with FAO’s gender equality policy.
  •  The consultant must consult, study and appropriate the PROTOCOL FOR THE REPORT OF CASES OF EXPLOITATION AND SEXUAL ABUSE OF COMMUNITIES ( delivered by Human Management ) and report immediately, according to it, the cases that are known to you. FAO Colombia has zero tolerances for any practice of sexual exploitation and abuse.
  •  Diligenciar oportunamente al momento de retiro de la organización el acta de entrega de cargo y en caso de ejercer funciones de supervisión realizar seguimiento a la correcta entrega del cargo del personal a cargo.
  •  Cualquier otra labor relacionada con el proyecto que fuese requerida por el/la coordinador/a y/o supervisor, que sean afines con la naturaleza del cargo.


Requisitos mínimos

  •  Profesional en las áreas de comercialización /marketing; economía; administración de empresas agropecuarias; y afines.
  •  Mínimo 3 años de experiencia en la realización de estudios de mercado, planes de negocio, acciones de difusión y/o en el desarrollo de estrategias de posicionamiento de marca e impulso de productos alimenticios.
  •  Conocimiento práctico del español (nivel C) hablado y escrito.
  •  Nacionalidad colombiana.

Competencias fundamentales de la FAO

  •  Enfoque basado en los resultados
  •  Trabajo en equipo
  •  Comunicación
  •  Establecimiento de relaciones eficaces
  •  Intercambio de conocimientos y mejora continua

Aptitudes técnicas/funcionales

  •  Experiencia de trabajo con productos de origen rural, provenientes de familias y/o organizaciones campesinas y conocimiento en acciones de mercado justo.
  •  Experiencia en el diseño e implementación de estrategias de mercado.
  •  Experiencia en la generación de alianzas comerciales.
  •  Experiencia en sondeos de mercado.
  •  Experiencia en costos de producción.
  •  Reconocida capacidad para la elaboración y desarrollo de planes de trabajo.
  •  Coordinación interinstitucional.
  •  Compromiso social y habilidad para trabajar eficaz y armónicamente en entornos pluriculturales.
  •  Experiencia en elaboración y desarrollo de planes de formación.
  •  Se valorará conocimiento de la región.
  •  Habilidades orales y escritas excelentes.
  •  Capacidad de realizar presentaciones claras y concisas.
  •  Conocimientos en el manejo de Word, Excel e internet.
  •  Capacidad de trabajar en equipo, y establecer redes y alianzas.
  •  Liderazgo, iniciativa, creatividad, responsabilidad y flexibilidad.
  •  Capacidad para actuar en todo momento con extrema discreción respecto de los documentos, información y materiales propios de las Naciones Unidas.
  •  Permanente actitud y comportamiento de cordialidad, compostura, respeto y colaboración con todas las personas y organizaciones con quien interactúa.


  •  La FAO no cobra tasas en ninguna etapa del proceso de contratación (solicitud, entrevista, tramitación).
  •  Las solicitudes incompletas no se tendrán en cuenta. Si necesita ayuda o tiene dudas, contacte con:
  •  Las solicitudes recibidas después del vencimiento del plazo de presentación de solicitudes no se aceptarán.
  •  Le informamos que la FAO solo considerará los títulos o credenciales académicos obtenidos en una institución de enseñanza incluida en la Base de datos mundial sobre educación superior, la cual es una lista mantenida por la Asociación Internacional de Universidades (IAU)/UNESCO. La lista puede ser consultada en:
  •  Para cualquier otra cuestión visite el sitio web de la FAO sobre empleo: .

Se hace notar que todos los candidatos deberían adherirse a los valores de la Organización de compromiso con la FAO, respeto hacia todos e integridad y transparencia.


  •  Si desea presentar una solicitud, vaya al sitio web de contratación de la FAO ( Empleo en la FAO) y complete su perfil en línea.
  •  Las solicitudes incompletas no se tendrán en cuenta. Solo se considerarán las solicitudes recibidas a través del portal de contratación.
  •  Aconsejamos a los candidatos que presenten su solicitud con antelación suficiente al vencimiento del plazo.
  •  Si necesita ayuda, contacte con:



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