Home to more than 160 million people, Nigeria has the largest population and the second largest economy in Africa, and has a major influence on the continent’s political agenda. However, Nigeria has a history of political instability, corruption and mismanagement of public resources, and has recently seen religious and ethnic conflict.
- Location Adamawa , Borno
Christian Aid (CA) is a UK-based international NGO, partnering with others to end poverty around the world. At the heart of this vision is the transformation of the lives of people who live in poverty, empowering them to have a brighter future. Christian Aid works in more than 30 countries and has been operating in Nigeria since 2003. In Nigeria, the Country Programme in it seven years strategic plan – “Standing Together”; focuses on Health and Human Development, Democracy and Good Governance; Humanitarian and Sustainable Development programs working across the country.
In Nigeria, CAID is implementing the Smallholder Farmers Agriculture Market Support Initiative (SHF) designed by the World Food Programme (WFP) with funding support from MasterCard Foundation and implemented by Christian Aid Nigeria. The project is set to address the root causes of post-harvest losses and low productivity for smallholder farmers with its target implementation locations in LGAs across Borno (Biu, Bayo, Hawul and Kwaya Kusar LGAs) and Adamawa (Michika and Madagali LGAs) States, Northeast Nigeria. As part of CAID’s deliverable on the project and to effectively carry out its activities, CAID is prequalifying interested companies for the supply of goods and services. The purpose of this exercise is for eligible companies to fairly compete for any business opportunities that may be available during the project life cycle at Christian Aid whilst achieving the most competitive prices for the quality goods and services. Below are the categories:
Lot No. Category Delivery location
Lot 1. Agricultural vendor- (crop improved seeds) Borno (Biu, Bayo, Hawul and Kwaya Kusar LGAs) and Adamawa (Michika and Madagali LGAs) States, Northeast Nigeria
Lot 2. Agro Chemical – (Aflasafe & Fertilizer) Borno (Biu, Bayo, Hawul and Kwaya Kusar LGAs) and Adamawa (Michika and Madagali LGAs) States, Northeast Nigeria
Lot 3. Diesel supply Maiduguri, Borno state
The minimum requirement for prequalification:
- Comprehensive company profile including verifiable office address, active phone numbers & email addresses
- Evidence of a certificate of Incorporation with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
- Evidence of Tax Identification Number (TIN)/VAT certificate [Registered with the National Planning Commission, Nigeria]
- Evidence of providing similar services to reputable organizations (Copies of letters of award & successful completion certificates and supporting reference letters should be attached)
- Evidence of bank account in the name of the company/business entity.
- Evidence of registration with any related governmental or regulatory institution
Method of Application
Completed pre-qualification documents to be submitted in a zipped folder and clearly titled “Expression of Interest: Lot number & Title” to ngprocurement@christian-aid.org
OR in a sealed and properly labelled envelop with appropriate reference and submitted at:
The Internal Procurement Committee
Christian Aid (UK) Maiduguri office
No 14 Tafawa Balewa Road (Behind Alpine Hospital),
Maiduguri, Borno State.
Submission of interests shall close by 5 PM, Tuesday August 16th 2022. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. Only successful bidders will be notified.
All tenders/bids shall be considered and evaluated by the Internal Procurement Committee (IPC) based on Christian Aids procurement Guidelines and only successful bidders will be notified for