Job offer in the UN agency.

Most suitable ways to Take, Refuse or Reach an agreement on an Employment Offer in the UN agency.


Receiving a job offer from a United Nations (UN) agency is a significant achievement. However, before accepting the opportunity, it’s crucial to ensure that the position aligns with your career goals and personal needs. This article explores the factors to consider when evaluating a job offer, and provides guidance on how to accept, negotiate, or decline an offer professionally and respectfully.

Evaluating the Offer

When you receive a job offer, take a moment to consider whether you’re prepared to commit to the position. It’s advisable to request an extra day or two to thoroughly evaluate the offer, as your interest in the role or organization may have changed since you initially applied. Key factors to consider include:

  1. Job responsibilities and enthusiasm for the role
  2. Salary and satisfaction with the offer
  3. Job grade and step, as calculated by HR based on your experience
  4. Contract type and duration, including the possibility of extension
  5. Duty station and its implications for your lifestyle
  6. Insurance coverage provided by the organization
  7. Compensation for hazardous conditions, if applicable
  8. Dependent allowance, if applicable
  9. Alignment with the organization’s values and mission
  10. Timing of the offer, particularly if you’re considering other opportunities

Accepting the Job Offer

If you decide to accept the job offer, your acceptance letter should be concise and include the following:

  1. Expression of gratitude for the opportunity
  2. Confirmation of your acceptance
  3. Description of the most favorable working conditions and their duration
  4. Employment start date

Even if the organization only requires a signed offer letter, sending a brief letter of appreciation is a thoughtful gesture.

Negotiating the Offer

If you’re interested in the position but would like to discuss specific details, bear in mind that receiving a job offer indicates the hiring manager’s interest in you. In most UN agencies, job conditions prescribed by the offer cannot be negotiated, with the exception of the working step. When negotiating, approach the conversation professionally and respectfully, remembering that alternative candidates may be waiting in the wings.

Turning Down the Offer

If you decide to decline the job offer, ensure that your decision is well thought out. In your rejection letter, provide a reason for your decision and maintain a polite and professional tone. This will help preserve a positive relationship with the organization, even if the opportunity was not the right fit for you.


By carefully considering your options and communicating your decision professionally, you can confidently navigate a job offer from a UN agency, whether you choose to accept, negotiate, or decline. This thoughtful approach will set you up for success in your career and foster positive relationships within the international community.

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