Individual consultant or Consultancy Office for a Multisectoral Assessment of Humanitarian Needs in the sub-prefectures of Ippy – Ouaka At v

  1. Context of the mission

For almost a decade, CAR has experienced multiple military-political crises that have led to the deterioration of the level of social strata in all sub-prefectures of the country without distinction. Added to this are the recent crises of 2020 which led to the massive displacements of the population internally, causing the advanced deterioration of the standard of living of the community. Thus, the urgent needs for basic service in the different cities are not fully covered.

It is in this context that DCA wants to carry out this rapid assessment of humanitarian needs in the three targeted sub-prefectures in order to give a rapid and effective response to the various needs mentioned by the community.

This multisectoral needs assessment, often called rapid assessments insofar as they are generally carried out within a few days, aims to determine: the needs of a given population ; the need for specific organizational intervention and the added value of this intervention; as well as the scope and extent of an effective intervention, taking into account existing resources. This evaluation aims to gather reliable information concerning the main areas of intervention of DCA which are :

  • Food and nutritional security in the various intervention areas,
  • Economic security and resilience of households,
  • The participation of women in the peace process,
  • Peacebuilding,
  • Protection
  1. Objectives of the evaluation

The main objective of this assessment is to conduct a multi-sectoral assessment ( Food security and Livelihoods, Nutrition, WASH, Shelters and Protection ) in the three sub-prefectures targeted by the study ( Ippy and Bria ).

Specifically :

  • Evaluate the needs of people ( IDPs, Returns, Refugees and Residents / hosts ) affected by the various shocks ( Sudanese crisis, Conflicts, Floods, Crop diseases, Food and nutritional insecurity ),
  • Identify the most vulnerable social strata ( women, children and minorities ),
  • Estimate the vulnerability levels of the population affected by the various shocks,
  • Highlight an objective analysis based on the data collected,
  • Identify the urgent needs of the population in terms of food and nutritional assistance, livelihood and resilience, WASH, Shelter and Protection,
  • Propose a multisectoral intervention approach ( Food Security -Nutrition, WASH, Shelter and Protection ) in synergy with the other humanitarian actors present in the area.
  • Identify the area of complementarity with the other partners in the area ;
  1. Expected results

The expected results of this study are :

  • The urgent needs of the population of three sub-prefectures are identified and prioritized ;
  • Develop proposals to respond to the needs identified in the form of an integrated Food Safety, WASH, Shelters and Protection project using the Cash Multisectoral approach ( MPC )
  • Prepare study reports ;
  • Develop a mapping of humanitarian actors intervening in the areas evaluated ;
  1. Methodology of the evaluation
    1. Geographic fields, target populations and type of study

Geographically, the assessment covers the three sub-prefecture of Ippy and Bria. Target populations are households and local authorities and community leaders. For this evaluation, two data collection methods will be used: the quantitative method ( household survey ) and the qualitative method ( interviews with key informants : local authorities and community leaders ).

The quantitative data collection method used is that of direct interview using smartphones, that is, the administration of forms to households and a maintenance guide for discussion groups with local authorities and community leaders for the collection of qualitative data. These forms will be designed on the Kobo toolbox platform and downloaded to smartphones.

    1. Sampling methodology

Taking into account the type of study, the statistical units are resident households in the ( three sub-prefectures ) chosen for this study, in particular heads of household, or their representative who shares the meal with the head of household, assuming that they have homogeneous characteristics.

Thus, taking into account the budget and the time allocated to this evaluation, we will take five ( 5 ) investigative agents per locality to provide this collection service during a ( 01 ) day by Village, assuming that each investigator will have 07 hours of work per day with an average of four ( 04 ) villages evaluated by sub-prefecture, and each interview can take between 20 to 30 minutes and the interviewer can take between 05 to 10 minutes to find another surveyed in this hypothesis he can do a maximum of 14 interviews per day, so we can estimate that in a locality we will have : 5 * 4 * 14 = 280 households to be investigated in each sub-prefecture. This sample will be distributed according to the demographic weight of the villages / neighborhoods covered.

Regarding interviews with community leaders and local authorities, an individual interview and or focus group will be carried out with the leaders / chiefs of each village / district covered at each village level. Depending on the number of villages / neighborhoods, at least 30 individual interviews will be carried out at each sub-prefecture, and at least eight (08) group discussions will also be carried out with the community leaders of each sub-prefecture at the rate of two ( 02 ) focus group by village.

The table below gives the breakdown of the interviews by sub-prefecture :

Sub-prefectures Number of Villages Household survey to be carried out Group discussion to be carried out Individual interviews to be carried out

Ippy 05 350 10 30

Bria 05 350 10 30

Total 10,700 20 60

Sources: Our estimates

    1. Household selection technique

For this study, once at the level of the sub-prefectures a first draw will be made to retain the villages / neighborhoods to be visited before descending on the ground, then once the village has been selected, a second draw will be made in each village / district to draw the households to be surveyed, taking into account the demographic weight of village / district with an average size of 70 households surveyed by village. Given the concentration of households in rural areas, we will adapt a strategy which consists in choosing the first household around a location point ( church, mosque, house of district chief/village, … ), and thereafter the second household will be chosen within a radius of 15 to 20 put from the first household as well as immediately until covering the entire sample.

For group discussions, an individual interview with all community leaders ( village chiefs / neighborhoods / groups, religious leaders, will be organized at each village / district level, officials of women, youth and other minority groups ) and group discussions at the level of capital of the sub-prefectures with the administrative and local authorities.

  1. Consultancy team recruitment

This study will be conducted by the team of External Consultants under the supervision of the MEAL Manager and the coordination of the Humanitarian Program Manager.

    1. Duration of the Consultation

The evaluation will be extended over 21 calendar days for this service including :

  • 02 days of preparation: validation of methodology and design of tools ;
  • 02 days field trip: trip to Ippy-Bria back and forth ;
  • 02 days of training of investigators on data collection tools ;
  • 10 days of data collection in the field ;
  • 05 days of drafting report dissemination draft, amendment and validation ;
    1. Consultant Profile

This call for tenders concerns an independent person or a firm specializing in the assessment of humanitarian needs in the food and nutritional security, livelihoods and resilience sectors :

  • Skills required: Share the CVs of one or two Experts holding a university degree ( Agronomy, Sociology, Rural Development, Economy, Environment, etc.) or with strong expertise in the areas of humanitarian needs assessment, and more specifically in the assessment of food and nutritional security needs, livelihoods and resilience, a sense of organization and method, great analytical, writing and synthesis skills.
  • The consultant or the firm must also have proven experience of more than 5 years in conducting a similar assessment as well as knowledge of the humanitarian context of CAR.

How to apply

    1. Presentation of Applications

The individual consultant or consultancy firm must submit a technical proposal and a financial offer to DCA-CAR.

The technical offer will include :

  • A description of the understanding of the mission and methodology to be developed and the tasks envisaged to achieve the results ;
  • A detailed timetable of the activities and expected results ;
  • An updated CV of the main consultant ;
  • References of previous similar work ;
  • A reference list of 3 people or organizations indicating the names, email addresses and number of Telephones ;
  • If the tenderer is a design firm, provide in addition a copy of the following administrative documents: registration register, personnel register with CV, proof of payment of taxes.

The financial offer will be in the form of a flat-rate budget contained in the indicative table below :

Label Number of days Unit cost in XAF Total amount in XAF

NB :

  • Payment of the last installment of the amount ( 70% ) will be conditioned by the quality of the expected deliverables: evaluation report, response plan and actor mapping.
  • The return air ticket and field transportation are the responsibility of DCA-CAR. However, accommodation and food costs remain the responsibility of the consultant ;
  • Offers must be submitted to the address indicated below no later than October 05, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. The offer will include a technical proposal and a financial offer in separate electronic files, and should reach us at the following address:,,
    1. Assessment criteria

The evaluation will be done in two stages :

  1. Analysis of technical offers :
  • The technical offers will be evaluated on the basis of the standard evaluation form attached in Annex 1,
  • Only technical offers with a total of at least 70% of points will be selected for the financial evaluation.
  1. Analysis of financial offers
  • The financial proposals will be listed on 30 points. The lowest bidder will be selected on the basis of the cumulation of the marks obtained from the two assessments.
  1. Ethical considerations

As part of this study, the team in charge must respect the ethical, cultural considerations of the actors who must intervene. To this end, a Muslim investigator cannot carry out investigations in a community made up of Christians. Likewise, the team in charge will take care, if necessary, to respect the cultural uses and practices of the study intervention areas. In addition to these considerations relating to the communities as well as to the other stakeholders of the study, the team in charge will also comply with the ethical values of DCA in order to ensure the proper conduct of this study. The entire study team, including the M&E team, the collection agents will be informed about the DCA code of conduct, as well as DCA’s fraud policy.They will give their agreement to the respect of these documents by signing them before the collection mission ( during the training of the collection personnel ). In addition, during the data collection mission to the community, their consents will be requested confidentially before the interview.

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