Individual Consultant Opportunity – Monitoring & Evaluation of JPF Funded Projects in Myanmar At Japan Platform

1. Background

Japan Platform (JPF) is an international aid organization which offers the humanitarian and emergency assistances to refugees, IDPs and communities in the countries and regions affected by man-made and natural disasters. JPF conducts such aid through a tripartite cooperation system where NGOs, business communities, and the Government of Japan work in close cooperation, based on equal partnership, and making the most of the respective sectors’ characteristics and resources.

JPF serves as an intermediary support organization providing various types of assistance to member NGOs in Japan to deliver quick and comprehensive aid on their own. JPF has supported aid activities of 43 member NGOs, each with its own set of diverse strengths. It has delivered humanitarian assistance to 50 nations and regions about 1,800 projects, with a total financial contribution of 72 billion yen. JPF has built a strong reputation based on trust by promoting cooperation among private sectors and NGOs and by accurately reporting all of its activities.

In line with its mandate and responsibility, JPF conducts monitoring and evaluation activities, project site visits to review progress towards achieved results as per the key performance indicators of the projects, identify anddocument lessons learned including human interest stories and the contribution of JPF to the development of the programmes/projects for NGO partners. JPF contracts individual consultants to be part of the JPF Project Evaluation Team to have expertise on sector specific subjects, in depth understanding on the local context and to receive support on logistics and security related issues.

2. Scope of Services

2.1 – Project A:

The scope of services covers evaluation of 2 projects mentioned below;

Project Name: “Support for the Improvement of Living Condition of Persons with Disabilities through Cash and Relief Supplies Distribution in Yangon Region and Kayin State (Phase 4)”

Project Summary:

In this project, the NGO provided cash payments, distribution of food and other supplies, conducted listening activities, and referral support to people with disabilities and disabled children who are facing financial difficulties due to prolonged insecurity. In collaboration with a local NGO supported people with disabilities in the Yangon region, they distributed cash or supplies to households identified through the local NGO. In Hpa-An in Karen State, with the cooperation of community volunteers in the target areas, the NGO provided cash payments to highly vulnerable households with disabled members, offer assistance such as the provision of assistive devices, and support referrals to specialized institutions such as medical and rehabilitation facilities, aiming to improve living conditions. Additionally, in both the Yangon region and Karen State, they conducted listening activities for people with disabilities experiencing prolonged insecurity, aiming to alleviate their psychological stress. They also provided information on relevant disability support organizations and medical services as needed, with the goal of improving access to more specialized support.

Objectives of the Project:

  1. Cash and Material Distribution, Provision of Assistive Devices: After confirming the security situation, cash or materials will be distributed to selected beneficiaries and, as needed, will be provided with assistive devices. Target: People with disabilities and their families in the Yangon region: 270 households (1,350 individuals), and in Karen State: 256 HH (1.280 individuals)
  2. Listening Activities and Information Provision/Referral Support: Member NGO along with their local partner staff, will conduct listening activities for people with disabilities through telephone calls or visits. They will also provide information on relevant specialized institutions and disability support organizations, as well as will offer referral support as needed. Target: People with disabilities and their families in the Yangon region and Karen State total 526 households (2,630 individuals)

2.2 – Project B:

Project Name: “Project for Food Security and Hygiene Promotion in Taungoo city, Bago Region”

Project Summary: Project supported internally displaced persons residing in the area around the Sittoung River in the outskirts of Taungoo city, Bago Region, with essential food supplies for one month and preventive items for maintaining health and hygiene. The member NGO aimed to establish habits necessary for long-term health by promoting and practicing correct hygiene knowledge and practices.

Objectives of the Project:

  1. Food Distribution: Beneficiaries will receive a one-month supply of food (rice, beans, oil, salt).
  2. Distribution of WASH Kits and promotion of Hygiene Awareness: Beneficiaries will receive a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Kit. Beneficiaries will be provided information and knowledge about hygiene.

Target for Both Objectives: Direct Beneficiaries: 242 households of internally displaced persons (IDPs), totaling 1,210 individuals (calculated based on an average of 5 individuals per household).

3. Purpose and schedule of assignments

The Consultant expected to conduct field visit to the project implementation locations to;

  1. verify that the project funds are being used according to the project proposal;
  2. to verify that the humanitarian principles and standards are respected;
  3. to understand the beneficiary satisfaction;
  4. to analyze the impact of the project with the available data;
  5. to provide technical assistance, guidance, and advisory service to NGOs, project implementing partners, JPF with aims to improve project implementation.

Project field visits in Myanmar, are scheduled to be conducted as below which might be subject to change according to project progress and planning with relevant parties. It is planned to have trips to the project locations on these days. A more detailed field visit plan will be developed with the selected candidate in coordination with the JPF member NGO and their implementing partner.

Project A: 19-20-21 March 2024

Project B: 25-26-27 March 2024

Allocation of consultancy days for each project;

  • Field Visit Preparations: 2 Days
  • Field Visit: 3 Days
  • Report Writing: 3 Days
  • Debriefing (including preparation): 1 Day

4. Key Responsibilities:

The field visits will be based on a desk review, direct observation of project activities and conducting household (HH) visits, key informant interviews (KII) and focus group discussions (FGD) with stakeholders, including but not limited to; project beneficiaries, representatives of implementing partners of member NGOs, relevant cluster, UN and government agency representatives.

Specific responsibilities are:

  • Assisting JPF M&E Officer for planning, development, coordinating and implementation project evaluation activities in Myanmar.
  • Setting the Project Specific HH Visit, FGD and KII targets and objectives together with JPF M&E Officer in line with the project proposal, country context, humanitarian standards and principles.
  • Developing project specific questionnaires/checklist for HH Visit, FGD and KII, site visit and meeting with NGO.
  • Conducting targeted number of HH Visits (min. 5), FGDs (min. 2), KIIs (min. 3) and site visits to the project locations together with JPF M&E Officer.
  • Analyzing the data collected during the field visit and preparing the draft project evaluation reports and finalize them after member NGOs’ review.
  • Preparing and conducting a debriefing meeting to share findings with the member NGOs and JPF. It may include the report to JPF Review Committee.

5. Skills, Experience and Knowledge:

  • Knowledge, awareness and demonstrated commitment to JPF’s values and vision.
  • Minimum 5 years previous development or humanitarian work experience on M&E, focusing on one of the humanitarian sectors.
  • Knowledge and understanding of humanitarian standards (e.g. CHS, Sphere and INEE).
  • Bachelor or master’s degree in relevant subject.
  • High level of computer literacy and excellent working knowledge of databases.
  • Ability to prioritize own workload, work independently, be pro-active and innovative and work to deadlines.
  • Good interpersonal and team skills and proven ability to be flexible in demanding situations.
  • Experience of working with/for NGO, INGOs and/or UN agencies.
  • Fluency in Burmese and English.
  • Candidate residing in Myanmar are given priority in selection.

How to apply

This consultancy is open to the individuals who are already residing in Myanmar. The individual consultancy Terms of Reference document, Annex 1: JPF Info Sheet and Annex 2:JPF CHS Evaluation Framework annexes can be downloaded from JPF website link below;

Web Link for Download:

Contact Person: Procurement Department

Contact E-Mail:

Tender Reference No: JPF-MYM-24-002

Deadline for Application: Candidates who meet the required qualifications and experience are invited to apply until 17:00 pm on 2nd of February 2024 by submitting their updated CV with references and motivation letter including a daily proposed consultancy fee.

Candidates who are successful with their application will be called for an online interview to demonstrate their motivation, skills and experiences.

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