Posting Title: Impulsar la lucha contra la pobreza energética con miras a la equidad y la responsabilidad ambiental
Department/Office: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Duty Station: BRASILIA
Posting Period: 29 June 2023 – 09 July 2023
Job Opening Number: 23-Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean-212643-Consultant
United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity
Result of ServiceReport with analysis of alternatives to promote social justice in the access and use of electrical energy and combat energy poverty, as well as the preparation of proposals for improvement in the Social Electric Tariff. The result of the research will be able to support the implementation of public policies aimed at this end, from the point of view of supply and demand. Their results will be able to inform the design of these policies and their approach to action.
Work LocationBrasília
Expected duration150 days
Duties andResponsibilities
The objective of the consultancy is to carry out research on alternatives to promote the fight against energy poverty and contribute to addressing the climate crisis, focusing on three main axes: i ) analysis of the fiscal, economic, energy and social impact – costs and benefits – expansion of discounts and consumption ranges of the Social Electric Rate ( TSEE ); ii ) analysis of the feasibility of using distributed generation and increasing energy efficiency to reduce electricity costs for the target audience, as well as analysis of the fiscal and economic impact, energy and social – costs and benefits – of this alternative; iii ) analysis of financing costs and impacts of these alternatives between the Free Contracting Environment ( ACL ) and the Regulated Contracting Environment ( ACR ).The following phases are foreseen, which must be defined in agreement with the study supervisors: 1. Development of the work plan and partial report; 2. Planning and coordination of a workshop or technical event, including mapping of possible participants, for presentation and discussion of preliminary results; 3. Preparation of presentation of preliminary results and active participation in the workshop or technical event; Four. Preparation of a final report, in the form of a technical note, that absorbs the inputs received in the workshop or technical event, detailing the recommendations that can be formulated for Brazil. 5. Preparation of presentation of the final results and active participation in the final event. To carry out the study, it will be necessary to mobilize a set of skills, methodologies and databases,to include: 1. Preparation of scenarios or proposals to expand the discounts and consumption ranges of the Social Electricity Fee ( TSEE ); 2. Analysis of the fiscal, economic, energy and social impact of the agreed scenarios and proposals 3. Analysis of the feasibility of using distributed generation and increasing energy efficiency to reduce electricity costs for the target audience, as well as analysis of the fiscal, economic impact, energy and social – costs and benefits – of this alternative; Four. Analysis of financing costs and impacts of these alternatives between the Free Contracting Environment ( ACL ) and the Regulated Contracting Environment ( ACR ). 5.Qualitative research ( through interviews and/or holding a consultation workshop or event ) with key actors to analyze and discuss the feasibility of the proposal to expand the TSEE discount ranges and the use of projects generation and energy efficiency distributed to serve this market and identify opportunities in the chain; 6. International comparative analysis to identify and analyze relevant experiences; 7. Present recommendations. The research should be based, among the set of bibliographic references used, on ECLAC studies on the Great Promotion of Sustainability and its recommendations for a productive future, inclusive and sustainable in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.The implementation of this consultancy must be carried out in constant articulation with the SPE, MF and ECLAC teams. The consultant should participate in coordination and orientation meetings for the planning and alignment of activities when necessary.
Qualifications/special skillsmaestría y/o doctorado en economía, administración, ingeniería, matemáticas y áreas afines Al menos 5 años de trabajo después de terminar la maestría en las áreas de desarrollo económico, social y ambiental y/o áreas afines
- Requisitos deseables: Experiencia específica en las siguientes áreas: generación distribuida, pobreza energética y/o política energética
Languages– Fluidez en portugués – deseable inglés y/o español
Additional InformationOutputs/ Works Assignment: El consultor deberá entregar los 4 informes (productos) en el siguiente orden y fechas: Producto 1 – Plan de trabajo . Presentar 30 días después de iniciado el contrato. Producto 2: – Informe Parcial y Presentación (PPT) con resultados preliminares para apoyar un taller y/o evento técnico para discusión con actores seleccionados. Presentar 60 días después de iniciado el contrato. Producto 3. Informe final – Nota técnica. Presentar 120 días después de iniciado el contrato. Producto 4 – Presentación (PPT) para apoyar un taller o evento para presentar los resultados, Presentar 150 días después de iniciado el contrato.