Formative Research and Social Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) Strategy Development Consultant At Plan International

Plan International was founded over 75 years ago with a mission to promote and protect the rights of children. The organisation was set up by British journalist John Langdon-Davies and refugee worker Eric Muggeridge in 1937, with the original aim to provide food, accommodation and education to children whose lives had been disrupted by the Spanish Civil War. Langdon-Davies conceived the idea of a personal relationship between a child and a sponsor – a model that puts the child at the centre, and remains the core of what we do. Today, Plan International is a global organisation that is active in over 70 countries to advance children’s rights and equality for girls. Who We Are We work with communities around the world to end the cycle of poverty for children. We work with communities around the world to end the cycle of poverty for children. Founded over 70 years ago, Plan is a nearly $800 million organization often ranked among the top 10 international development agencies by reputation, size and scope. We work side-by-side with communities in 50 developing countries to end the cycle of poverty for children, developing solutions to ensure long-term sustainability. Our level of community engagement, long-term outlook and constant focus on the needs and priorities of children is unique among international development organizations. Our solutions are designed up-front to be owned by communities for generations to come and range from clean water and health care programs, to education projects and child protection initiatives. Community by community, Plan works to promise futures that are worthy of all children’s potential. Our Vision Our vision is of a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity. Our Mission Plan strives to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of vulnerable children in developing countries by: Enabling children, their families and their communities to meet basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their societies; Fostering relationships to increase understanding and unity among peoples of different cultures and countries; and Promoting the rights and interests of the world’s children.

  • Experience 5 years
  • Location Bauchi , Sokoto
  • Job Field Consultancy

Plan International strives to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

Plan International Nigeria is part of the global federation of Plan International and was registered in Nigeria in 2014. Our interventions are currently focused on nutrition, protection, basic education, improving community health services, youth and citizens’ participation in governance and creating economic opportunities and livelihoods for the neediest people, building resilient communities. We implement development, emergency and humanitarian response programmes. Plan International Nigeria works with communities, civil society organizations, development partners, government at all levels and the private sector. For more information on this Consultancy, click –

3.0: Methodology

The Formative research methodology will be Secondary research as this is a follow-on to the quantitative baseline study and qualitative gender equality and inclusion (GEI) assessment (primary research). The formative research aims to further explore and harmonize the various findings.

The consultant will be required to work with Plan Canada and Plan Nigeria technical advisors to review, refine and finalize the tools. The consultant will develop and administer the training for enumerators, field supervisors, and facilitators if needed.

Consultant(s) will be expected to come up with sources of secondary data that will ensure an adequate saturation level. Plan international recommends a maximum variation of sources to ensure adequate coverage and saturation. However, the consultant can improve on and justify the sample size and sampling strategy.

3.1: Assessment Location

Assessment is proposed to be carried out in all ASPIRE locations of implementation (23 LGAs in Sokoto and 10 L.G.A.s in Bauchi) however this is subject to the security situation as determined by the plan international security unit in consultation with other relevant security outfits.

3.11 Sokoto LGAs

Binji, Bodinga, Dange-shuni, Gada, Goronyo, Gudu, Gwadabawa, Lllela, Isa, Kware, Kebbe, Rabah, Sabon birni, Shagari, Silame, Sokoto North, Sokoto South, Tambuwal, Tangaza, Tureta, Wamako, Wurno, Yabo

3.12 Bauchi LGAs include;

Ninggi, Darazo, Misau, Bauchi, Kirfi, Das, Toro, Gamawa, Katagu, Jama’are

4.0: Scope of Work for Consultancy

4..1 The Consultant:

Under this Terms of Reference (ToR) will act as the lead on all components of the formative research and SBCC strategy development.

In this role, the Consultant will be responsible for ensuring access to secondary data sources and to:

  • Review project documents, including the performance measurement framework (PMF), baseline study report, and qualitative gender equality and inclusion (GEI) assessment if available.
  • Develop inception report, including data analysis plan, and incorporate all feedback from Plan
  • Conduct extensive desk research and analyses of existing content (Including but not limited to the above listed project documents) based on cultural context as well as required project outcomes.
  • Obtain research ethical approvals where needed, including paying special attention to the unique ethical considerations of doing studies/research with and about children and young people, students in religious institutions in general, and on highly sensitive topics (i.e. child protection issues including GBV, and ASRHR)
  • Prepare and submit a plan inclusive of formative research (desk and secondary data collection), SBCC strategy development, dissemination and rollout
  • Recruit translators, enumerators/data collectors and field supervisors and data entry clerks (if necessary) ensuring gender balance.
  • Ensure all tools are translated into local languages (Hausa) and piloted in a safe and meaningful manner with women, adolescent girls and men prior to enumerator training.
  • Prepare a plan for carrying out the field data collection.
  • Data collection methods with technical inputs from Plan Nigeria and CNO M&E technical team.
  • Oversee data collection including piloting, supervision and spot checking;
  • Oversee data entry as per agreed upon software and data entry protocols established;
  • Ensure all original data collection (whether in paper or electric form) of raw data are maintained and submitted to Plan International Nigeria, as well as training tools, with the final data
  • Ensure strict adherence to COVID-19 protocols including local and National Government guidance.
  • Write the report of the study, incorporating the comments from Plan International Canada and Plan International Nigeria and from the data sharing workshop.
  • Collaborate with Plan International to integrate all feedback provided to create a final report.
  • The Consultant will be responsible for engaging personnel and other logistics. All costs associated with the conduct of the study will be the sole responsibility of the engaged Consultant and should be incorporated in the financial proposal.
  • Arrange its own logistics for the transport of enumerators and field supervisors.
  • Ensure all tools are translated into local languages and piloted with AG&YW, and prior to enumerator training.

During the consultancy, the following deliverables are expected:

  • Inception report
  • Data collection tools
  • Enumerator/supervisor training and report if conducted
  • Formative research report
  • SBCC Strategy document
  • Final report

4.2 Supervision/Management of Assignment

The consultant will be required to work closely with the Plan International Nigeria Aspire M&E focal point and technical advisors. The consultant will however be directly accountable to the Plan International Nigeria M&E focal person. The consultant will keep the M&E focal person continually informed on the progress of the assignment through updates via email and online conferences.

4.3. Suggested Formative research report format is:

  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Acronyms
  • Executive Summary: must be a stand-alone summary, describing the Project, main findings of the evaluation, and conclusions and recommendations. This will be no more than 3 pages in length.
  • Main Body: The main body of the report shall elaborate on the points listed in the Executive Summary. It will include the following sub-sections:

o Background Information:

  • Methodology
  • Evaluation Challenges and Limitations
  • Main Findings & Analysis of Project Results
  • Identified Good Practices and Lessons Learned

Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Annexes (including the list of stakeholders consulted for the evaluation, research tools, etc.)
  • All documentation including raw data gathered during the evaluation would be handed over to Plan International before the evaluator/team’s work is certified complete.

5.0 Timeline

The Formative research and SBCC Strategy must be finalized within two months of the date of signing the contract. Payment will be based on deliverables. The consultant will be responsible for managing the number of days to complete the tasks. Travel costs will be reimbursed based on actuals and in alignment with Plan International Nigeria’s travel and expenses reimbursement policy.

1 week

Develop a detailed inception report outlining: Proposed data flow and methodology (including sampling), detailed data collection methods, a detailed work plan, data collection tools, a plan for investigator training/supervisors (if needed), and details of the proposed data analysis plan, strategies for child protection, gender equality and adolescent friendly approach.

1 week

  • Finalize data collection tools according to the country context.
  • Develop and present data collection protocols and procedures, including enumerator training materials
  • Finalization inception report which includes: a plan for data collection and supervision, including team distribution, supervision, number of days in the field and contingencies.
  • Recruit enumerators/data entry investigators/translators, and supervisors; prepare training if needed.

2 weeks

Conduct Enumerator/Data Collector/supervisor training in collaboration with Plan International in line with study objectives.

Carry out data collection and supervise enumerators/data collectors, including spot checking on a regular basis, providing weekly updates to the country office M&E focal person and overseeing all data entry and cleaning. Submit a sample of initial data to Plan International Nigeria, and take corrective actions where relevant

2 weeks

  • Analyse the data and share a draft report of the study based on the tables of results that include; a standard cover sheet; summary – including a table; description of the results; results analysis; conclusions and lessons learned;
  • the presentation of the data in the results section should be in the form of tables and graphs, for easy use, with annexes.
  • Final report shared after feedback from Plan International integrated – Final report to include suggested SBCC messages in English, in alignment with project indicators and activities, for team review and feedback.

1 week

Participate in result presentation on findings to stakeholders

The evaluator/team is expected to provide the above deliverables. These deliverables are to be submitted to Plan International’s M&E coordinator with inputs from M&E Manager before sharing with the CNO M&E advisor.

6.0 Qualifications of Consultant(s) Qualifications of Consultant(s)

  • An understanding of SRHR-related issues in the context of Northern Nigeria. An advanced degree in a socio-anthropological discipline or relevant health field will be an added advantage.
  • Minimum of 7 years of experience in coordinating, administering and leading Formative research/SBCC design or baseline/mid-term/end-line studies, including gender-sensitive data collection and entry,
  • data management and storage, preferably for international non-profit organizations or multilateral/ bilateral agencies and multi-country studies;
  • Demonstrated experience in facilitation and supervising data collectors/enumerators and data entry clerks to collect and enter data as per high-quality standards;
  • Demonstrated experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis;
  • Knowledge and experience with SRH/FP/MNCH issues, MHPSS, Child protection GBV
  • Knowledge of and experience in gender issues are highly preferred;
  • Fluency in English and Hausa (spoken and written);
  • Ability to produce high-quality work under tight timeframes;
  • Ability to work jointly with Plan International Nigeria and Plan International Canada staff to integrate feedback as required

For more information on this Consultancy, click –

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to: using the position as subject of email.

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