External evaluation of the Regional Cooperation Program – Disaster Risk Management in the South-West Indian Ocean zone At French Red Cross


  • Context of the consultancy mission

The French Red Cross is involved in international solidarity actions. It actively intervenes in the field of health and disaster risk management (DRM), alongside the National Societies of the countries of intervention, to protect and strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable populations.

The Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform (PIROI), located in Reunion, constitutes a regional tool of the French Red Cross, operating in the prevention, preparation and response to disasters in the south-west zone of Indian Ocean. Its scope of action includes the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the South-West Indian Ocean (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles), the French departments (Reunion and Mayotte) as well as two coastal countries. East Africa, exposed to the risk of natural disasters (Mozambique and Tanzania). This densely populated region is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Created in 2000 by the Saint Denis Agreement, the PIROI brings together the 7 National Societies of the countries in its area of ​​intervention and has 9 signatories, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross Societies. the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC). Its role was officially recognized in 2012 by a cooperation agreement between the French Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Furthermore, the partnership agreement established in 2012 and renewed in 2016 with the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), makes PIROI a central player in disaster risk management on a regional scale.

PIROI implements a regional cooperation program whose main objective is to mitigate the impact of disasters linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change on the populations of the Indian Ocean. Its actions are aligned with international disaster risk management strategies, encompassing training of response teams, prepositioning of equipment, capacity building of National Societies and DRM actors, risk awareness and support for local communities.

Following a reflection carried out from 2019 to 2021, the PIROI established a strategic framework for the period 2021-2025 (following a 2017 – 2020 action plan), structured around 4 axes, 5 commitments and a facilitating action:

  • Axis 1: Improving the knowledge and skills of disaster risk management stakeholders regarding the risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
  • Axis 2: Strengthening the capacities of stakeholders to face the risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
  • Axis 3: Raising awareness and preparing populations for the risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
  • Axis 4: Provision of emergency aid to populations affected by disasters linked to natural hazards and health crises.

These strategic actions integrate island particularities, multiple hazards and the specific needs of National Societies.

To expand its network, during this strategic programming period, PIROI is developing its action with the construction of the PIROI Center, a regional center of expertise, training and innovation dedicated to risk management and climate change. This tool, which will be operational at the end of 2024, aims to play a facilitating role in the scale of intervention desired by the PIROI.

Furthermore, PIROI has defined 5 commitments in its strategic framework:

  1. Ensure the Nexus link “Prevention, Preparedness and Response”
  2. Adopting an integrated approach to resilience
  3. Engage communities and take individual specificities into account
  4. Becoming climate-smart
  5. Rely on sustainable and balanced partnership relationships

This consultancy mission takes place in a context of evolution of the regional cooperation program with a view to “commissioning” of the PIROI Center in the 2nd half of 2024. This transition involves evaluating the implementation of the 2021-2025 strategic framework. on the basis of the OECD DAC evaluation criteria (I), to assess existing and uncovered needs (II), in order to have strategic, financial and operational recommendations for the next programming (2026-2030) ( III).

This evaluation is part of a process marked by several other consultancies with which a link must be made:

Consultancy – Standardized regional emergency procedures for the Movement, from March to November 2024.

Intermediate evaluation of the Paré pas Paré natural risks awareness project, from April to September 2024.

Update of cooperation agreements between PIROI members, from April to September 2024.

Consultancy for a study on the development of the PIROI Center training offer, from May to October 2024.

Evaluation of the regional cooperation program, from June to December 2024.

  • Project Overview

PIROI is actively engaged in capacity building, coordinating actions and providing expertise to local partners, mainly National Societies members of its network, involved in disaster risk management.

The current program includes the following components:

  • The preparation of actors, in particular the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, for disaster risk management, including training, capacity building workshops, provision of intervention equipment as well as support to coordination and implementation of emergency responses. *
  • Support for disaster risk reduction in the Indian Ocean region, involving training and technical and financial support for carrying out population awareness activities by National Societies. As such, in the territory of Reunion Island, the program has been implementing the “ Paré pas Paré ” project since 2011, dedicated to raising school and general public awareness of natural risks.
  • The training component since 2017, with the establishment of a Training department for the development of the offer and the expansion of target audiences
  • The Research and innovation component through partnerships with scientific organizations (e.g. network of Movement research centers, Météo France), the awarding of research grants or even collaborations with the private sector.

The PIROI Regional Program also includes a dimension of coordination and support for state actors aimed at ensuring favorable conditions for disaster management by National Disaster Management Offices, local authorities, etc.

* Support sectors in distribution modality: NFI, Shelter, WASH, epidemiology and specialization in Cash modality

General and specific objectives of the consultancy mission

  • General objective of the consultancy mission

This consultancy mission aims to evaluate the regional cooperation program. The emphasis is placed on identifying PIROI’s expertise.

  • Specific objectives of the consultancy mission

Specific objective 1 – Evaluate the PIROI regional cooperation program defined by the 2021-2025 Strategic Framework, based on the OECD DAC criteria. * This will also involve evaluating the implementation of the five commitments of the PIROI strategic framework.

The different fields of analysis that must be covered by the evaluation are as follows:

1.1 An analysis of the relevance of the strategy used, the objectives of the program, the choice of beneficiaries: the objectives of the program correspond to the priorities, needs and expectations of the beneficiaries, the policies of the country, of the partners (and in particular the member National Societies) and donors.

1.2 An analysis of the consistency or contradiction of the intervention strategy with the country’s policies and other actors including authorities, humanitarians and donors.

1.3 Une analyse de l’efficacité des activités en termes qualitatifs et quantitatifs.

1.4 Une analyse de l’efficience (rapport coût / efficacité) dans la mise en œuvre des activités dans les domaines suivants :

  • La planification et la réalisation des activités (notamment le nombre de bénéficiaires)
  • La stratégie mise en œuvre
  • Les composantes majeures du programme telles que le personnel, la logistique, la tenue des comptes, la sélection des bénéficiaires, la pertinence de l’aide dans le contexte des pratiques locales

* Pertinence, cohérence, efficacité, efficience, impact, durabilité.

1.5 Une évaluation du degré de couverture des activités par rapport aux besoins identifiés initialement et aux besoins avérés en cours et en fin d’activité.

1.6 Une analyse de l’impact du programme sur les bénéficiaires et des effets à long terme, positifs et négatifs, directs ou indirects, induits par le programme, directement ou non, intentionnellement ou non.

1.7 Une analyse de la durabilité et l’interconnectivité des activités du programme.

Objectif spécifique 2 – Évaluer les besoins et les défis rencontrés par les acteurs de la GRC, dans la perspective d’identifier les enjeux, les thématiques et les outils que la PIROI devrait prendre en charge au cours de sa prochaine programmation (2026-2030) dans le cadre du PIROI Center.

Objectif spécifique 3 – Proposer des recommandations stratégiques pour la période 2026 – 2030, couvrant notamment :

  • les axes stratégiques du programme régional
  • les services délivrés par le PIROI Center, notamment la formation et la logistique
  • l’intégration du PIROI Center dans l’environnement du Mouvement Croix-Rouge Croissant-Rouge y compris celui de la Croix-Rouge française (I), sur le territoire de La Réunion dans le cadre franco-français (II) et dans la zone Sud-Ouest de l’Océan indien voire l’Afrique notamment francophone (III)
  • l’articulation des expertises du PIROI Center (organisation interne)

Ces recommandations stratégiques devront intégrer une stratégie financière adaptée.

Méthodologie de la mission de consultance

Le(a) consultant(e) est libre de proposer la méthodologie lui paraissant adaptée et en adéquation avec les objectifs et livrables attendues.

La méthodologie devra inclure :

  • des entretiens et focus group avec les partenaires incluant les Sociétés nationales et les partenaires externes
  • des entretiens et focus group avec l’équipe de la PIROI et de personnes ressources identifiées au siège de la CRF
  • des analyses documentaires, des visites sur le terrain

Cette approche permettra de recueillir des données qualitatives et quantitatives pour évaluer l’impact des activités du programme régional de coopération mis en œuvre par la PIROI et orienter son évolution, en tenant compte de l’ouverture du PIROI Center.

La méthodologie complète proposée devra être détaillée dans l’offre.

Résultats attendus de la mission de consultance

Résultats Attendus :

  • Une évaluation approfondie du programme régional de coopération, à la lumière du Cadre Stratégique 2021-2025, réalisée selon les critères CAD de l’OCDE, permet à la PIROI d’identifier et quantifier ses succès, son expertise et ses défis, afin d’orienter efficacement ses actions futures.
  • Une analyse des facteurs externes majeurs qui ont pu influencer le programme régional pendant cette période
  • Une analyse détaillée des besoins et des défis des acteurs de la Gestion des Risques de Catastrophe (GRC) fournit à la PIROI une vision claire des priorités et des opportunités d’intervention pour la prochaine programmation (2026-2030), permettant ainsi de renforcer son rôle en tant qu’acteur clé de la GRC.
  • Des recommandations stratégiques solides, étayées par des cartographies internes et externes du PIROI Center, permettent à la PIROI de maximiser l’efficacité de ses interventions et d’optimiser son impact dans la région du Sud-Ouest de l’Océan Indien.
  • Une stratégie financière adaptée intégrée aux recommandations stratégiques, fournit à la PIROI les ressources nécessaires permettant de soutenir et pérenniser les activités du PIROI Center, renforçant ainsi sa capacité à répondre aux besoins croissants en matière de gestion des risques de catastrophe et de changement climatique.

Livrables attendus

> Rapport de cadrage :

> Description détaillée de la méthodologie

> Chronogramme

> Liste des personnes à interroger

> Corpus de documents / publications utilisés dans la revue documentaire

> Outils de collecte de données

> En cours de consultation:

> Invitations et ordre du jour concernant les COPIL à organiser régulièrement

> Compte rendu des COPIL

> Rapport final :

Rapport final de la mission de consultance, document en Français de 30 pages A4 maximum aux formats Word (.docx) et Pdf. comprenant :

  • une table des matières,
  • une liste des acronymes,
  • un résumé exécutif de 2 pages,
  • le rapport d’évaluation du programme régional de coopération,
  • le rapport d’analyse des facteurs externes majeurs qui ont pu influencer le programme
  • le rapport d’analyse prospective des besoins des partenaires GRC,
  • les recommandations stratégiques pour la période 2026 – 2030

Annexes du Rapport final :

  • Questionnaires et/ou guides d’entretiens complétés au cours de l’évaluation et autres outils d’évaluation
  • Liste des personnes interrogées
  • Brochure résumée privilégiant l’utilisation de supports visuels pour une diffusion large

> Les restitutions :

> Support de restitution synthétisant les conclusions de l’évaluation au format Powerpoint (.ppt)

> Atelier de restitution de l’évaluation en interne à la PIROI accompagnée d’un support de présentation (type powerpoint)

> Atelier de restitution intermédiaire de l’évaluation pour les partenaires du projet (intervention d’1h00 le 19 ou 20 novembre 2024, en présentiel ou en ligne, à confirmer) accompagnée d’un support de présentation (type powerpoint).

Organisation de la consultance et chronogramme

Consultancy phases

Phase 0 – mission framing

Phase 1 – Investigations de terrain

Phase 2 – Writing

Phase 3 – Restitution

The consultancy must be carried out between June 24 and December 15, 2024.

Processing of offers

Profile de.s consultant.es

Given the cross-cutting issues of this consultancy, a multidisciplinary team is expected which brings together the following skills:

  • Knowledge of disaster risk management and climate change within the framework of international cooperation programs
  • Proven experience in cooperation program evaluation
  • Crowdsourced data collection, analysis and visualization capabilities
  • Ability to lead and mobilize a team
  • Ability to develop cooperation program strategies
  • Good understanding of the CRF ecosystem
  • Mastery of the diversity of ESS financing methods: subsidies, self-financing, etc.

Administrative clauses

  • The bidder accepts that his contact details are listed in the French Red Cross Consultants Database
  • The bidder must provide proof at the time of submission of the regularity of his economic activity (tax documents, registration, registration as a self-employed worker – depending on the reference country where the bidder is established).
  • The service provider must provide the means necessary to carry out its service, whether material or human: plane tickets, computer, professional liability insurance, visa.
  • He can delegate part of the mission, within his teams, to the employee of his choice, but he remains the sole hierarchical and disciplinary authority concerning his employees. The service provider must ensure security, and as such insure the consultants sent on mission.

How to apply

Expression of interest

  • The consultant must submit a technical and financial offer for their service
  • The technical offer must include: CV, portfolio and/or detailed references of experiences and research related to the evaluation, the proposed methodology as well as a detailed timeline
  • The budget must present all costs relating to the completion of the three phases of the consultancy: possible travel to and from Reunion Island, as well as local travel and living expenses (accommodation, catering, communications costs, etc.) .
  • The indicated price of the service must bear the words ‘firm, global, fixed price and definitive’
  • The offer must be sent to the email address: piroi.achat@croix-rouge.fr

with the following title: OFFER External evaluation of the Regional Cooperation Program

  • Deadline for submission of offers: 05/30/2024 at 00:00 (Meeting time)

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