EU4Environment National Action Coordinator in Ukraine – Consultant, Geneva, Switzerland At United Nations Environment Programme

Closing date: Saturday, 10 June 2023
Result of Service• Support (liaison with stakeholders and networks, review and quality control of work) provided to the implementation of UNEP’s planned activities in Ukraine throughout 2023, including promotion of Green Economy education among civil servants and other stakeholders (EU4Environment output 1.1.1); Establishment and promotion of regular hi-level dialogue on “green†post-conflict rebuilding/reconstruction (output 1.1.3); Development and quality control of information and visual materials for various audiences, including those for public dissemination (output 1.4.2); Organization of a regional event on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and eco-labelling practices in the EaP region, ensuring the active participation of Ukrainian stakeholders/experts therein (Output 2.3); and Development and revision of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) by-laws in areas of packaging waste, batteries and accumulators, as well as electric and electronic equipment waste (Output 2.4.2). • Short monthly reports (max 2-pages) on activities in the country, including relevant political updates submitted to UNEP. • Summaries about national (including high-level) meetings and other relevant events prepared; • Liaison between UNEP (and other EU4Environment implementing agencies), national government agencies and implementing partners in Ukraine ensured; • The implementation of EU4Environment national work plan for Ukraine is facilitated and monitored; and • Relevant partners and synergies with other programmes/projects identified and contact initiated as appropriate.

Work Locationhome-based

Expected duration5.5 months

Duties andResponsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. This assignment will support UNEP’s delivery under the EU-funded “EU4Environment†programme that aims to help Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine) preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being, by supporting environment-related action, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts. EU4Environment project is contributing to the PoW 615.1 ‘Supporting Countries to implement the Pan-European Strategic Framework for Greening the Economy’. The EU4Environment Description of the Action envisages engaging a National Action Coordinator (hereafter NAC) in each of the EaP countries to monitor political developments and facilitate dialogue with key national stakeholders as well as implementation of various workstreams throughout the project duration. The overall task of the Consultant hired under this contract will be to act as a National Action Co-ordinator of the EU4Environment Action and to provide overall support to its implementation. The Consultant will be tasked with providing specific support to the implementation of Results 1 (Greener decision-making, excluding activity 1.3), 2 (Circular Economy), Result 3 (An environmental level playing field) and 5 (Monitoring progress at environment-economy nexus) of EU4Environment in Ukraine. The consultant will assist the implementation of EU4Environment in Ukraine. More specifically, the tasks of the consultant include: • Overseeing and facilitating implementation of EU4Environment activities under Results 1, 2, 3 and 5. This involves ensuring day-to-day coordination of national activities under EU4Environment through regular interactions with the National Focal Points in Ministries and in the national administration, experts and other stakeholders as appropriate (private sector, civil society, scientific community, inter alia); • Comment on relevant project/substantive documents prepared under the EU4Environment Programme; • Communicate the interim and final outputs and policy messages to national authorities, consolidate the feedback received, and assist in addressing/implementing it; • Inform in a timely manner UNEP (and other EU4Environment Implementing Partners) on changes in the country which may affect the implementation of the programme (new legislation, institutional changes, political, economic, social and environmental developments, etc.); • Perform regular screening for upcoming in-country donor projects and funding opportunities that may be relevant to EU4Environment and inform the Implementing Partners to ensure synergies with EU4Environment activities at the national level; • Participate in the Regional Assembly meetings to support National Focal Points (and other high-level country representatives), coordinate national inputs, participate in the discussions, and help to disseminate results at the national level (travel costs will be covered additionally); • Provide quality assurance of translation into the state language of substantive documents and deliverables (translation costs will be covered additionally); • Support the Implementing Partners in ensuring compliance of all nationally produced documents (including in the national language) with the branding requirements of EU4Environment and overall EU-funded project visibility guidelines; • Contribute to visibility of specific deliverables and the overall EU4Environment programme by promoting it at various events and through different channels (web, social media, etc.) at the national and regional levels, as appropriate; • Provide UNEP with short monthly update reports on political developments, progress and activities in the country, as well as inputs to narrative reporting to the EU donor; • Provide information/inputs for the project website as well as social and traditional media, as necessary; • Facilitate access to national data and information (statistical data, legislative documents) and help to identify relevant agencies/partners on specific activities; and • Support organisation of national level events and those of a regional character where Ukraine is involved (e.g. advising on a venue and related logistics, identifying and inviting relevant participants, contributing to preparing agendas and summary records).

Qualifications/special skills• An advanced university degree in environmental sciences, environmental policy, environmental management, economics, public policy, or a related field is required. • At least 7 years’ work experience in policy development and implementation, research, and/or project management in the field of environmental policy, green/circular economy and/or sustainable development is required. Working experience acquired in international agency, i.e. UNEP, OECD, or national agency, or alternatively, in a research institute or organization conducting relevant policy analysis is an asset. • Experience in management of EU’s or inter-governmental agencies’ projects, fund-raising activities, and in managing consultants and/or junior staff and budget items, is an advantage. • Experience with the organisation of meetings, workshops and conferences with a diverse range of participants is required. • Familiarity and previous work and/or networks with Ukrainian government agencies is an asset. • Proficiency in using standard office software applications is required.

Languages• Excellent knowledge of English and Ukrainian is required.



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