Drivers, Democratic Republic of Congo At United Nations World Food Program ( WFP )

Closing date: Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Qualified people with disabilities and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

WFP celebrates and embraces diversity. It undertakes to respect the principle of equal employment opportunities for all its employees and encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of race, color, national origin, ethnic or social origin, genetic information, sex, identity and / or gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, HIV status or disability.

Title of position: Drivers

Grade: SC2

Unit / Division: Administration

Type of contract: Service Contract

Duration of contract: 1 year renewable

Place of employment: Various localities in the Democratic Republic of Congo


The United Nations World Food Program is the world’s largest humanitarian agency that fights hunger. WFP’s mission is to help the world achieve the Zero Hunger goal in our lives. WFP works around the world every day to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, especially women and children, can have access to the nutritious food they need.


The inhabitants of the three eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC ) – Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu – face extreme needs due to armed conflicts, population displacement, natural disasters and chronic poverty. Their situation has worsened considerably in recent months, due to the escalation of violence between non-state armed groups and the large-scale displacement of local populations ( at present, 5.7 million people were driven from their homes in the three provinces ).

6.7 million people are in crisis and emergency situations of acute food insecurity in the three provinces ( 34% of the population ).

The declaration of the overall intensification of WFP operations will provide additional capacity to reach those in camps and temporary shelters who have arrived with nothing and who desperately need a vital help. WFP’s plan is to increase its unconditional assistance in food and money to save the lives of the 3.6 million people for a minimum of six months.

In this context, WFP recruits drivers in various localities to transport personnel, goods or goods as part of the activities.


Ensure the transport of authorized personnel and that of goods efficiently and safely.

These posts are to be filled in the country office and field offices. Holders report to the Administration’s Load ( e ), or to his / her alternate ( e ), and drive light vehicles, trucks, vans, motorcycles or any other means of land transport. The position may require simple administrative tasks in offices or warehouses.

MAIN FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ( indicative and non-exhaustive list ):

  •  Ensure the transport of authorized personnel, and possibly translate simple exchanges with interlocutors speaking the local language on this occasion, and ensure the delivery of various items or goods in accordance with authorized routes and United Nations safety and security regulations to provide security services safe and efficient.
  •  Welcome official staff and visitors to the airport or other points of entry and help them carry out the usual visa and customs formalities so that they can reach without hindrance and safely authorized destinations.
  •  Strictly update the vehicle maintenance book and communicate to the line manager (s) a daily statement of their mechanical condition, to ensure efficient vehicle use and fuel consumption in support of accurate and cost-effective accounting.
  •  Check that the assigned vehicle is kept in good condition and in operation, including all equipment, that maintenance is done within the time allowed, that all travel authorizations are on board the vehicle and that it is well equipped with compulsory equipment, and that mechanical problems are reported where appropriate to the line manager (s) in order to ensure the provision of the required services in a safe and efficient manner.
  •  Respecter les règles et règlements en vigueur concernant les livraisons sur le terrain et en cas d’accident, et signaler immédiatement au ou à la responsable hiérarchique tout problème se produisant afin de demander des instructions et de faciliter la prise de décisions en connaissance de cause sur la marche à suivre.
  •  En dehors des fonctions liées à la conduite, effectuer des tâches administratives connexes simples (de classement, de photocopie ou de gestion des stocks, par exemple) si nécessaire, y compris la livraison ou la collecte de divers articles, l’expédition du courrier et le paiement des factures téléphoniques ou autres, afin de fournir un appui administratif.
  •  Autres tâches à la demande de la hiérarchie


Training: Completion of secondary studies. Official driver training and driver’s license or valid driving certificate authorizing the use of the assigned vehicle in compliance with local regulations.

Professional experience: At least two years of experience as a driver, preferably in an embassy, a United Nations system organization or another international organization, and a good track record. Experience in driving vehicles of different brands and different models, including vans and other types of motorized vehicles. Desirable experience of preventive conduct.

Knowledge and skills:

  •  Connaissance des règles et des usages à respecter en tant que chauffeur, des routes/voies navigables et conditions locales ainsi que des questions de sécurité.
  •  Connaissance de la capacité de chargement du véhicule et d’autres paramètres.
  •  Connaissance du Code de la route/Code de navigation.
  •  Connaissance des normes et de l’équipement de sécurité (extincteurs, accessoires de sécurité flottables, etc.).
  •  Aptitude à lire et à interpréter des documents tels que des règles de sécurité, des consignes d’utilisation et d’entretien et des manuels de procédure.
  •  Compétences de base en matière d’assistance en cas d’urgence et connaissance des premiers secours.
  •  Connaissance de la radio, de la messagerie électronique, du téléphone et d’autres applications, et aptitude à utiliser ces moyens de communication.
  •  Aptitude à évaluer le bon état mécanique des véhicules et à effectuer de petites réparations.
  •  Aptitude à être à l’écoute des bénéficiaires des services et à faire preuve d’un grand sens des responsabilités, de courtoisie et de tact.

Connaissances linguistiques: Savoir parler et écrire en Français


11 Juillet 2023

Réf. VA 827984

Please note that the only documents you must submit at this time are vour CV and your cover letter. Additional documents such as passports, letters of recommendation, university certificates, etc. can potentially be requested in the future. For candidates who find it difficult to access the WFP electronic recruitment platform and who requires support to apply, please contact us at the following email address : indicating the number of the vacancy notice in question.

All employment decisions are made based on organizational needs, job requirements, merit and individual qualifications. WFP is committed to providing an inclusive work environment free from sexual exploitation and abuse, all forms of discrimination, all types of harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of power. Therefore, all selected applicants will be subject to a rigorous reference and background check.

No appointment under any contract will be offered to members of the United Nations Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions ( ACABQ ), the International Civil Service Commission ( ICSC ), the FAO Finance Committee, the WFP external auditor, the WFP Audit Committee, the Joint Inspection Unit ( JIU ) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with WFP supervisory responsibilities, both during service and during the three years following termination.


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