Climate smart livestock specialist
Job advertisement : Jun 13, 2023
Publication cancellation date : Jun 27, 2023, 9:59:00 PM
Organizational Unit: FLDOM
Job type : Temporary work
Requirement Type: NPP ( National Project Personnel )
Grade Level: N / A
Main location : Dominican Republic
Duration: 3 months with the possibility of extension
Position Number: N / A
FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.
- FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
- Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
- All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
- FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
- All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
- All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Organizational framework
During the period 2019-2022 the GEF project was implemented promoting climate-smart Livestock Management in the Dominican Republic ( GANACLIMA-RD ), generating evidence of the potential of the implementation of livestock technologies and good practices on improving efficiency, productivity and income, as well as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions ( GHG ) at the level of bovine livestock farms in the Yuna river basin. This project was implemented with technical assistance from FAO and financing from the GEF fund, in coordination with the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment, DIGEGA, CONALECHE, Banco Agrícola, IDIAF and FEGACIBAO.
In the framework of this pilot initiative, in September 2022 an inter-institutional agreement was consolidated between FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, to offer technical assistance to Banco Agrícola with a view to designing and implementing the first line of green financing for the livestock sector in the Dominican Republic. Result of this agreement, in May 2023 the implementation of the project “Technological innovation and financial mechanisms to transform agri-food systems towards sustainable models in the Dominican Republic” began ( UTF / DOM / 025/DOM ), with the aim of promoting sustainable adoption and investment in climate-smart practices and technologies, which contributes to the transformation of the traditional livestock production model towards a more efficient, resilient model, inclusive and low carbon footprint.
To support the implementation of this project, It is planned to contract this position to coordinate the activities foreseen in the work plan established to develop and implement the first line of green financing for the livestock sector that will be managed by the Agricultural Bank.
Work base: La Vega, Dominican Republic. With trips to Santo Domingo and the provinces of the Yuna river basin.
Hierarchical dependence
The person to be hired will work under the direct supervision of the Representative of the FAO office in the Dominican Republic and will maintain a close flow of communication with the AFAOR-Programs and the AFAOR-Administration of FAODO, the Project Leader Technical Officer, with the technical teams of the Agricultural Bank and Ministry of Agriculture, as well as with the organizations of livestock producers and producers, and other collaborating institutions in the private sector, as necessary.
Field of specialization
Animal production, veterinary.
Tasks and responsibilities
The Specialist will work in coordination with the people responsible for Monitoring and Evaluation ( M&E ), and Project and FAODO office gender. In addition, it will be responsible for coordinating actions at the institutional level with partner entities and key public and private actors, as well as providing technical leadership to carry out the tasks set forth in the project work plan, ensuring the participation of different actors and a gender approach. To do this, the person to be hired will carry out the following tasks:
- Prepare a work plan for the development of the contracted position, and agree with FAO and key project actors.
- Conformar el equipo técnico previsto para apoyar la implementación del proyecto, incluyendo elaboración de términos de referencia y acompañamiento a los procesos de contratación del personal.
- Conformar las instancias de gobernanza del proyecto y asegurar su operatividad y contribución a la adecuada implementación del proyecto.
- Apoyar actividades de socialización del proyecto con actores clave del sector ganadero y financiero de la República Dominicana.
- Apoyar la organización de seminarios técnicos y espacios de intercambios de experiencias, en torno a la implementación de mecanismos de financiamiento verde para promover el enfoque de ganadería climáticamente inteligente.
- Coordinar y liderar reuniones y talleres con directivos de Banco Agrícola y actores del sector ganadero, para validar la propuesta del producto financiero verde sensible al género, para promover el enfoque de ganadería climáticamente inteligente.
- Brindar liderazgo técnico en el proceso de implementación del producto financiero verde sensible al género para promover enfoque de ganadería climáticamente inteligente.
- Asegurar el monitoreo y seguimiento al cumplimiento de metas e indicadores correspondientes a las actividades y productos esperados del proyecto, en coordinación con el personal de FAODO responsable de M&E.
- Asegurar la implementación de las actividades del proyecto con enfoque de género, en coordinación con el personal de FAODO responsable de género.
- Elaborar informes de avances y planes operativos anuales relacionados con la implementación del proyecto.
- Asegurar un flujo de información oportuno y continuo entre FAO, el Banco Agrícola, el Ministerio de Agricultura y otros actores clave vinculados a la implementación del proyecto.
- Apoyar el proceso de fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas del personal técnico y directivo Banco Agrícola y Ministerio de Agricultura, así como organizaciones de productores y productoras de la cuenca Yuna, para implementar tecnologías bajo el enfoque de GCI.
Requisitos mínimos
- Nacional de la República Dominicana
- Título universitario de Ingeniero en Producción Animal, Licenciado en Medicina Veterinaria o áreas afines. Maestría, Doctorado en Producción animal o áreas afines.
- Al menos 5 años de experiencia de trabajo promoviendo el enfoque de Ganadería climáticamente inteligente con actores del sector ganadero.
- Conocimiento práctico de español (Nivel C), ingles nivel B, deseable.
Competencias fundamentales de la FAO
- Trabajo en equipo
- Enfoque basado en los resultados
- Communication
- Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement
- Building Effective Relationships
Technical / functional skills
- Ability to write reports and technical documents.
- Availability to travel and work in the field throughout the duration of the contract.
- Excellent inter-personal communication skills.
- Demonstrated work experience in development project management and with government institutions
- Good disposition to work in a team and in multicultural contexts.
- Ability to work under pressure and against tight deadlines.
- Knowledge of the work carried out by the credit department of Banco Agrícola and livestock extension technicians is desirable.
- Knowledge of the provinces in the project intervention area (La Vega, Monseñor Nouel, Duarte, Espaillat, Sánchez Ramírez, Maria Trinidad Sánchez, Samaná and Monte Plata) is desirable.
- Familiarity with the work and programs of FAO and/or other UN agencies working in these areas is desirable.
- Familiarity with the mainstreaming and application of the gender equality approach
Selection criteria
- Only the pre-selected applicants who will go to the Panel interview stage will be contacted.
- Among the applications received, a pre-selection will be made based on the compatibility of the professional profiles and the required skills.
- The person with the best performance in the interview will be the one who is selected.
- Applicants for other open positions at FAO may be considered.
- This position is open only to nationals of the Dominican Republic.
- FAO does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing).
- Incomplete applications will not be considered. If you need help or have questions, please contact: Careers@fao.org
- Applications received after the application submission deadline has expired will not be accepted.
- We inform you that FAO will only consider degrees or academic credentials obtained at an educational institution included in the World Database on Higher Education, which is a list maintained by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/UNESCO. The list can be consulted at: www.whed.net/
- For all other questions visit the FAO employment website: http://www.fao.org/employment/home/en/ .
It is noted that all candidates should adhere to the Organization’s values of commitment to FAO, respect for all, and integrity and transparency.
- If you would like to apply, go to the FAO recruitment website ( Jobs at FAO) and complete your online profile.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered. Only applications received through the recruitment portal will be considered.
- We advise candidates to apply well in advance of the deadline.
- If you need help, contact: Careers@fao.org.