Consultant for Political Economy Analysis (PEA) At Alianza Por La Solidaridad


Consultant for Political Economy Analysis


Main place of work

Ukraine, Kyiv (remote support may be considered)

Direction / Service


Reporting to

Line manager: Programme Coordinator / Youth Leadership Advisor

Technical support

Programme Coordinator; Protection Advisor; Programme Partnership & Fundraising Advisor; Advocacy Advisor; Youth Leadership Advisor.



Area of Activity

Eastern Europe with a particular focus on Ukraine

Contract period

20 days within 2 months (remote support may be considered)


Producing a political economy analysis to understand how to best support social movements, in particular youth activism and women-led movements in Eastern Europe with a focus on Ukraine


The overarching objective of this Political Economy Analysis assignment is to explore and analyze (including verification with selected stakeholders from AA’s network in Eastern Europe*) the possibilities, solutions, risks and feasibility of supporting civil society in Eastern Europe with a focus on Ukraine. It will explore the scope (or obstacles) for actions aimed at organisational capacity building (not limited to organisational processes and infrastructure, but also includes staff skill developement, organisational culture, and specific thematic areas like organising or advocacy, etc.), awareness raising, advocacy related to youth-led activism and women-led movements,and generally Civil Society landscape in Eastern Europe, with a specific focus on Ukraine.*

The main questions PEA will answer:

  1. What are the risks and challenges? What problems hamper the development, what are the economic gains and losses for civil society actors after two years ofhumanitarian response in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
  2. What are the causes for the challenges? – Provide analysis of why these problems exist in terms of institutional arrangements (formal and informal) to understand which problem to focus on. Who are the main actors, sector champions, behind these challenges? Analyse the interests, power and influences of key stakeholder.
  3. What are our strategies to address those challenges? Where is the entry point considering the context? Formulate precise and politically feasible recommendation.
  4. How does the context differ depending on the part (Western, Eastern, Northern, Southern) of the country, and what does this mean for access and operations, as all sizes CSOs? Particular attention should be paid on Frontline Oblasts with active hostilities.
  5. What are in particular the challenges for CSOs, esp. women-led and youth-led movements, and how do CSOs/movements representatives relate these challenges to the existing political settlement?
  6. What are the underlying sociocultural norms and assumptions that could affect young people’s and women’s meaningful participation in civic processes ?
  7. The linkages between the Ukraine Recovery agenda and the private sector are already having an impact in public services, flexibilisation of the labour laws and others. Which are the stakeholders looking at the potential scenario of economic austerity and how would be possible for youth activism and women-led movements to engage with a broader understanding of economic austerity implications, and subsequent activism/action.

Political Economy Analysis**:**

Political Economy Analysis (PEA) helps situate a programme within an understanding of the political and economic processes in society – understanding the political dimensions of the context, including the stakeholders, interests, incentives, relationships and institutional frameworks, and actively using this information to inform the direction of ActionAids programming. ActionAid recognizes development as a locally driven, political process that is both facilitated and blocked by local actors and political dynamics. To be effective, ActionAids programming in Ukraine and Eastern Europe cannot be detached from this, but must be firmly rooted within it.

Working in close cooperation with the Programme Team, Regional Youth Team and ad hoc technical consultations delivered by Technical Team, the Consultant is required to select and apply appropriate tools/methodologies and conduct rigorous Political Economy Analyses (PEA) of the dynamics, challenges, barriers and opportunities relating to implementing partners, possible partners and generally Civil Society landscape in Ukraine and neighbouring Eastern Europe countries.

Specifically, the Consultant is required to:

  1. Thoroughly examine the situation of public awareness, monitoring, political economy streams related to work of civil society and CSOs, in particular youth-led and women-led movements, and other actors related to humanitarian & development & peacebuilding sectors.
  2. Analyse shifts in dynamics of civil society to operate pre- and post- 2022 full-scale invasion, and highlight dynamics, trends, changes, and expectations.
  3. Identify key government stakeholders as well as key donors related to provision of assistance by the actors of humanitarian & development & peacebuilding sectors, analyse the interests, power and influences of key stakeholders.
  4. Formulate precise and politically feasible recommendation on:
  • how to best support civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements beyond ”providing funding” and ”strengthening capacity”. This may include (but is not limited to) recommendations on in-depth capacity building, strategy development, tailoring programming to context and needs, advocacy, engagement of government and international actors at different levels, utilising evidence and data, working on/with transparency and accountability initiatives, building or enforcing coalitions, and applying issue-based approaches, among others.
  • how to strengthen and engage civil society to enhance quality of implementation of projects led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements .


The Consultant will be expected to conduct their own desk review, informal interviews with key staff and representatives of relevant NGOs/CSOs, AA’s network in Eastern Europe, international agencies, government institutions involved in the activities and feedback provision and at least one fact finding training session/workshop with the Programme Team.

The PEA report should be clear, concise and relevant, and no more than 25 pages long. It should be composed of the following sections:

  1. Context (max. 7 pages)
  2. Key actors and incentives (max. 6 pages)
  3. Pathways of change (max. 6 pages)
  4. Implications/recommendations for ActionAid (max 6 pages).




Estimated deadline




Short Inception Report including context and overview of the state of social movements, in particular youth activism and women-led movements in Eastern Europe with a focus on Ukraine.

2 weeks after contract signature




Conducting KIIs with AA`s network of partners to ground a report on rooted evidences and insights.

4 weeks after contract signature




Draft PEA Report (max 25 pages) including:

  1. Context (max. 7 pages)
    1. State of led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements
    2. Working environment of led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements.
    3. Opportunities for led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements
    4. Spaces for led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements
  2. Key actors and incentives (max. 6 pages)
    1. Mapping of stakeholders (including civil society, media, government, business sector, international actors, community actors etc.) with stakes and interests to led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements
    2. Analysis of actors, identification of their incentives and levels of power and influence
    3. Analysis of ActionAid`s network of led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements
  3. Pathways of change (max. 6 pages)
    1. The ways to provide qualitative support led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements, in accordance with their opinions and other stakelders`.
    2. The ways to simplify fundraising and work led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements
    3. How can led by civil society organisations, in particular youth-led and women-led activism and movements become more active and effective?
  4. Implications/recommendations for ActionAid (max 6 pages)
    1. Who to engage with and how?
    2. Assumptions and risk analysis
  5. References

6 weeks after contract signature




Final PEA Report, considering ActionAid comments and feedback

9 weeks after contract signature




  • Master degree in Political Science, Public Policy, Economic Development or closely related social science field: a background in political economy, finance, taxation, accounting would be highly desirable.
  • Proven experience in conducting rigorous political economy analysis following established methodologies and approaches.
  • Excellent understanding of the political economy and demonstrated experience conducting sociological research in Ukraine (or East Europe region);
  • Strong insight into the civil society landscape in Ukraine and the ability to engage stakeholders (also remotely).
  • Proven analytical capacities, including for analysing complex interconnectedness between economic, political, social and governance issues, including access to information and public oversight of government policies;
  • Proven ability to integrate new tools and methodologies into their work;
  • Excellent interpersonal communication and diplomacy skills;
  • Confidentiality in treating any project or assignment related activities/reports;
  • Fluency in English. Both oral and written.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian or Russian will be an asset.

This document is non-contractual and may be modified to reflect the changing needs of the service.

How to apply

Interested applicant should provide:

  • A short cover letter outlining relevant experience and a proposed approach.
  • A working plan.
  • A CV and references.
  • Examples of similar past work.
  • A simplified budget breakdown (by days, including all travel and related expenses if any).Please submit your application by email to Jasper Kiepe, Regional Partnership & Fundraising Advisor, and Matey Nikolov, Regional Youth Advisor, by June 21, 2024 COB

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