Consultant – Dialogue Platforms for Conflict Mitigation & Transformation At Mercy Corps Nigeria

Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action – helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within, now, and for the future.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Consultant – Dialogue Platforms for Conflict Mitigation & Transformation

Locations: Biu, Hawul, Kwaya-kusar, Jere and MMC – Borno
Employment Type: Contract

Narrative (2-5 sentences +):

  • The Feed the Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity is a Feed the Future initiative funded by USAID, implemented by Mercy Corps in partnership with Save the Children International and International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC). The goal of the Rural Resilience Activity is to facilitate and protect economic recovery and growth in vulnerable conflict-affected areas and sustainably move people out of chronic vulnerability and poverty via expanded opportunities. The Activity seeks to increase incomes, improve livelihood and resilience of households through market-led growth in 4 states (Adamawa, Borno, Gombe and Yobe States) in Northeast Nigeria.

Purpose / Project Description
Narrative (2-5 sentences +):

  • The Rural Resilience Activity aims to identify potential partners and innovative approaches that leverage USAID resources to develop practical and market-driven solutions to implement innovative business models targeting smallholder farmers, youth, women, and micro-enterprises who have been affected by the protracted conflicts in North-eastern Nigeria. Layered on the principles of broadened and inclusive growth through local economy and microenterprises competitiveness; the Activity objectives are a) inclusive and sustainable agriculture-led economic growth; b) strengthened resilience among people and systems; and c) a well-nourished population, especially women and children, thereby contributing to sustainable reductions in malnutrition and poverty.
  • The Activity partners with economic actors capable of operationalizing a profitable business model that benefits youth whose ability to secure better livelihoods has been compromised by discriminatory norms and the protracted conflict in North-eastern Nigeria. RRA understands that resilience capacities of people have been weakened, constraining economic activities especially for youth. The Activity uses up-to-date evidence for the selection of market systems, livelihoods and employment opportunities that contribute to inclusive and resilient growth and improved nutrition for conflicted affected persons in North-eastern Nigeria, with a priority focus on women and youth.
  • A conflict scan conducted by the Activity in 2020 revealed that insecurity continues to plague the region due to hydra-headed factors including resource based and value based conflicts that are complicated by ethno-religious tensions, criminal and corrupt practices by politicians and security agents which created distrust for Government. Among community members, community grievances, internal rivalry, bleak economic prospects and the added, protracted impact of the insurgency have combined to create a bleak future.
  • The Activity recognizes that conflict sensitivity and conflict mitigation mechanisms mainstreamed within market system and implementation will reduce grievances that leads to people’s acceptance of conflict or participation in violence. The activity thus seeks to facilitate peaceful management of market related conflicts in targeted areas thereby improving confidence of market actors in doing business in insecure environments while also developing capacities for peace.

Consultant Objectives
Optional – narrative or bulleted:

  • Determine the key issues, topics, actors and stakeholders to engage in dialogue processes across the implementation states (Gombe, Yobe, Adamawa, Borno).
  • Develop and implement a set of dialogue-based interventions under the RRA to promote community cohesion, inclusion and trust-building outcomes.
  • Design dialogue framework and implement same to contribute to peaceful outcomes while minimizing any negative effects in the project context.

Consultant Activities:
The Consultant will:
What will they do – bulleted list preferred:

  • Update RRA Conflict scan and conduct a Context analysis
  • Assess the interventions across the value chain and advise on how to sustain or improve on the peace outcomes.
  • Support Mercy Corps to develop and finalize a dialogue framework to sustain the gains of the RRA without unwittingly causing harm to project participants.
  • Build the capacity of RRA stakeholders to sustain the dialogue structures and interventions during and beyond the project phase.
  • Conduct an end-line assessment of the dialogue framework and its effectiveness and develop options for its integration in future interventions.

Proposed Methodology
Step-By-Step Process:

  • Ahead of the field implementation, the consultant will carry out a desk review to update knowledge of the peace and security situation including the context, key issues, causes (including root, proximate and trigger factors), parties (including primary, secondary and tertiary actors), the push and pull factors, etc. The consultant will then draft a list of possible dialogue participants based on the evidence from the desk review.
  • Determining the topics to be discussed at the dialogue meetings through participatory approach as well as referencing the multi-stakeholder dialogue session conducted by Mercy Corps
  • Roll out a Dialogue framework and interventions that can contribute toward restoration of Trust and Trust-building, Collaborative action, Joint problem solving, livelihoods sustainability and use of evidence-based measures. The
  • Policy influencing: it is expected that the dialogue meetings will produce key recommendations that may require policy review or policy formulation at the community or state level, which the participants may commit to seeing through. Such opportunities to influence public policy will be valued and utilized. Mercy Corps may determine how this opportunity is applied with support from consultant.

Consultant Deliverables
The Consultant will:
What will they accomplish/deliver – bulleted list preferred:

S/N Deliverable Timeline
1 Report on Analysis of RRA context and conflict scan Week 1/3
2 Framework of Dialogue platforms with stakeholders mapping report Week 4
3 Set up and facilitate one market actors dialogue platform Week 5
4 Facilitate a learning and after action review Week 6
5 Facilitate 4 additional dialogues Week 7-10
6 Presentation of final report with recommendations for sustainability Week 11

Timeframe / Schedule:

  • Due dates for deliverables and activities – no tables or charts because they don’t load into Jobvite
  • 75 days in 4months ((August 7 –November 29, 2022).

The Consultant will report to:

  • Provide team member name and job title (must be MC staff – national, expat or US based)
  • Dooshima Orjime- Youth Engagement Advisor/ Intervention Lead; Conflict mitigation systems
  • John Rachara- DCOP
  • Raymond Abogonye- Intervention Lead

The Consultant will work closely with:

  • MEL manager, YEE Officer, TSU conflict Advisor, Communications Manager

Required Experience & Skills

  • Mercy Corps standard is 5-10 years of relevant experience for consultants
  • At least 7 years of professional experience in the field of peace building, conflict resolution, dialogue facilitation
  • Having supported at least 3 number of Organizations on setting up dialogue processes
  • Being an assessor (technical or quality) of an accreditation body is an asset.
  • Experience or qualification in PVE is an additional advantage.
  • Experience in research or work on some of the key conflict issues in Nigeria
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint.
  • Experience working on USAID funded programs

Evaluation Criteria:

Evaluation Criteria Score
Tax Identification number and/or Tax certification   10%
Experience in similar contracts evidenced by certificates, pictures, reports, and any other related documentation. 60%
Member of peacebuilding networks, research work on peace mitigation systems 30%
Total 100%

Application Closing Date
1st August, 2022.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should summit their Curriculum Vitae (CV), Cover Letters and any other relevant supporting documents to: using the job title as the subject of the mail.

Note: Acronyms must be spelled out at first mention. E.g. Training of Trainers (ToT) or Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP).

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