Consultant: Baseline Assessment of the Local Rights Programme (LRP) at ActionAid (AA) Nigeria

ActionAid is an anti-poverty agency that prioritises work with people living in poverty and exclusion; promoting values and commitment in civil society, institutions and Governments with the aim of achieving structural changes in order to eradicate injustices and poverty in the world. ActionAid Nigeria is an affiliate of ActionAid International, an International Non-Governmental organisation registered in The Netherlands with its headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa. ActionAid International works in more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Consultant: Baseline Assessment of the Local Rights Programme (LRP)

Locations: Cross River, Ekiti and Yobe
Responsible To: Sponsorship Communications Advisor
Grade: 6
Job Type: Contract


  • We seek to conduct a baseline assessment for our Local Rights Programme in three (3) states in Nigeria – Cross River, Ekiti and Yobe.
  • The objective of the baseline assessment is to gather relevant baseline data on key program indicators and to analyse the communities’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices on local rights.

Programme Overview

  • The core strategy for the LRPs is in accordance with the AA global strategy as spelt out in the AAN CSP –working in partnerships to eradicate poverty.
  • This partnership involves the statebased partner, women, men, girls and boys in poor and marginalised communities, the local and traditional leadership, Local Government officials and Government agencies, the private sector and development actors working in the LRP, in a connected effort to ensure that those who are poor and marginalised secure sustained improvement in the quality of their lives, through promoting access to basic rights and services.
  • The critical input involves capacity building and nurturing local structures and the people themselves to continuously analyse their situation, identify workable actions and have the skills to take the needed actions which may often include engaging duty bearers to ensure equity in the allocation of resources.
  • This involves the use of some analytical tools and frameworks for the analysis of social and power relations in the communities and taking appropriate actions in favour of the excluded and marginalised.
  • As part of ActionAid Nigeria’s implementation of its Local Rights Programme in working in selected communities, it collaborates with Government and Civil societies organisations in the state, it intends to conduct a baseline assessment of available structures in the communities where the projected will be implemented.

Baseline Purpose and Scope

  • A baseline is an analysis describing the situation before intervention against which progress can be assessed or comparisons made. By conducting a baseline, the grantee can set realistic and achievable targets for outputs and outcomes, as outlined in the M&E frameworks.
  • M&E frameworks are part of the proposal and grant agreement and the key reference point when designing the baseline.
  • Baseline data is required to reliably track the performance of LRP interventions and guide in the revision and adjustment, where necessary, of activities, indicators, or targets. Indicators, targets, and corresponding baseline information will inform any annual or midterm review, as well as the End-of-Grant Evaluation.
  • The findings of the baseline can also be used to validate the relevance of the intervention and clarify the expected outcomes
  • Through the baseline assessment, AAN aims to gain a better understanding of the local context, how policy makers and service providers are responsive and accountable to citizens’ articulated demands and entitlements in rural and marginalised communities especially for women.


  • The usage of mixed methods and triangulation of sources are encouraged to ensure the credibility of the findings and recommendations presented in the assessment.
  • Communities/respondents/participants should be involved in every phase of the process including design, pre-testing, and validation of information. Surveys should always be conducted in local languages understood by respondents.
    • Desk review, existing research and reports related to the states and community.
    • Quantitative:
      • The sample size of respondents should be calculated based on statistical considerations as
      • well as the type of populations groups and number of locations by the baseline service
      • provider. The applied sampling frame and Sample size, disaggregated by age and gender,
      • should be included in the inception report which will be shared and approved by the Local
      • Rights and Programme Unit before launching the survey.
  • Qualitative: Focus group discussion (FGD):
    • Approximately FGDs.
    • The actual number will depend on population groups and locations surveyed.
    • FGD size: minimum 6 participants and maximum 10
  • Other tools as appropriate. The service provider may recommend other tools.


  • The service provider is requested to propose a sampling approach for the quantitative and qualitative data collection tools, based on the grant design, the types of population groups, and locations of planned grant implementation.
  • The service provider will explain the availability (access) and reliability of the corresponding sampling frame.


  • It is essential that all baseline assessment tools and questions are pre-tested before the beginning of the assessment.
  • It is recommended that at least 50 people are engaged in the pre-testing from multiple Categories.
  • The pre-testing will help determine the following: amount of time needed to complete the survey (surveys should be short – no more than 30 minutes to answer the survey questions). clarity and substance of questions; and
  • Equipment and materials needed for proper baseline function (particularly if surveys are done using ICT4D equipment).

Data Analysis and Validation:

  • Once testing is complete, the baseline can be launched. The baseline assessment consists of three distinct parts:
    • Data collection.
    • Data analysis
    • Validation of the analysis by a group of respondents before the submission of the final report.
  • It is essential that all three parts are fully implemented by the research consultant(s) to ensure a scientifically sound baseline assessment.

Final Report:
The final baseline assessment report should include the following:

  • Title Page
  • Executive Summary: maximum 1 page, clearly summarising the assessment and key findings in accessible language
  • Acronyms
  • Table of Contents
  • Purpose, Coverage, and Scope
  • Methodology: maximum 2 pages, detailing: the data collected, how it was collected and by whom, and sample size.
  • Limitations of the Assessment
  • Analysis of the Findings: Maximum 16 pages including the results of the assessment according to the objectives of this ToR, combining qualitative and quantitative data, (disaggregated by sex, age, geographic location, level of education, and level of income); and a summary table providing detailed information about each indicator. The analysis should be descriptive and clear to any reader of the document. The analysis should differentiate between the three programs/grants.
  • Conclusions: Summarise and interpret findings and highlight the key insights from the baseline (2-3 pages).
  • Options or Recommendations: Based on the findings, conclusion, and in reference to the grant/programme design, this section may include any suggestions too, for example:
    • Improve grant design, implementation approach, or activities.
    • Conduct additional studies to better understand a particular issue; and
    • Improve gender-responsiveness.


  • The study would take 8 days (5 days in project LGAs, 1 day Meeting with partners and other stakeholders, and 2 days report writing and presentation of final report.)

Task / Output:

  • Inception Meeting with project managers and a review of key background documents and existing data collection tools
  • Detailed inception report including detailed draft methodology and sampling approach for quantitative data collection, quantitative and qualitative tools finalised in agreement with the program teams
  • Pre-testing of data collection tools
  • Recruitment and training of data collectors/enumerators
  • FGDs and key informant interviews (KII) if required, quantitative data collection, and data entry.
  • Data analysis and report writing
  • Submission of Draft Report
  • Period for reviews, corrections for final submission
  • Submission of a final report by the research consultant(s)

Safety and Security and Disclosure of Data / Information:

  • The security of community members, staff of grantees, and the baseline assessment team should be of primary consideration, particularly considering the sensitivity of some of the issues that may be covered. Information gathered in surveys and interviews is personal and potentially sensitive.
  • Respondents should be reassured that the information provided will be kept anonymous.
  • Under no circumstances should interviewees be pressured to respond to all or some questions or items. Parental consent must be obtained before interviewing minors.
  • Local Rights Programme and ActionAid Nigeria reserve the right to consider and document security aspects of data gathering and storage, including who will have access to the data and the results.
  • The consultant is to only collect and/or store data that will be of used to inform the project.
  • The consent of each individual participating in the baseline assessment will be sought and participants will be requested to sign a consent form. Consent can be withdrawn at any point during the baseline assessment.
  • If a panel survey data for a small sample of individuals is selected, the consultant shall request the explicit consent of the individuals that will be traced, as well as some form of means of communication with the individual, such as email, or telephone. This data shall be strictly secure and be only accessible to the consultant, ActionAid and the Local Rights Programme.

Consent and Child Protection Policy:

  • It is essential that we are to be able to demonstrate that all contributors have given informed consent for their names, images, and stories to be used. Ideally, this should be written consent.
  • If it is not possible to get written permission (e.g., the situation does not allow, the contributor is not literate) please get verbal consent on the video camera – please include the explanation and request as well as the contributor’s consent.
  • If the contributor is under the age of 18, written or on-camera verbal consent must be provided by a parent or legal guardian.
  • If written or video consent is not given by the contributors and handed over to AAN, we will be unable to use the case study.

Scope of Work

  • The consultants will design and refine (as required), the evaluation protocol/methodology and undertake the data collection and analysis
  • The following key outputs will be required from the consultants:
    • Evaluation protocol, including the evaluation design & instruments and detailed work plan.
    • Process and methodology report after field work.
    • Draft report in soft copy.
    • Power Point presentation(s) of key findings.

Summary Report:

  • Final Report(s) are to in soft copy in a format to be proposed by AA Nigeria.


  • At least a Master’s Degree or equivalent in Social Sciences, Economics, Development Studies or a related field.


  • Background knowledge of the state and the ability to speak the common/local language of the state in which the assessment will be conducted.
  • Hands-on experience conducting similar baseline studies
  • Knowledge of research, monitoring and evaluation methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative.
  • Demonstrable experience of producing high-quality, credible research/assessments (sample report of such is required).
  • Evidence of experience in use of HRBA in programming.
  • Experience of working in poor, rural communities of Nigeria.
  • Understanding and experience of working with state and non-state actors (at all levels) and international organisations.
  • Knowledge of local governance and poverty contextual issues (desirable).
  • The individual’s or his/her organisation’s work responds to the needs and interests of poor and marginalised women, men, aged, people living with disabilities and other forms of diversity.
  • Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments in the past.
  • Should be available within one week of consultancy offer.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling ActionAid’s values and ethical standards.
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of ActionAid.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Functional Competencies:

  • Communication, interpersonal and professional skills required for collaboration with Government agencies as well as various stakeholders.
  • Ability to prioritise work and produce the required outputs in the given timeline.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills.
  • Excellent presentation skills.
  • Excellent drafting and analytical skills.
  • Excellent computer skills.
  • Must be result-oriented, a team player, exhibiting high levels of enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and integrity.

Place of Work & Administrative Support:

  • The consultant shall work from his/her place of business and in target state for the field work using his/her own tools. A workstation will be made available to the consultant if required.
  • Availability within one week of offer on contract.
  • The selected consultant will sign a contract with AAN for the purpose of this consultancy.

Ownership of Outputs:

  • The expected outputs of the baseline studies executive summary and detailed report shall belong to AAN.

Reporting Lines:

  • The consultant will work closely with the Partnership and Local Rights Programme Manager, the Impact Assessment & Shared Learning Manager while reporting to the Director of Programmes.
  • All documentation and resources developed will be submitted to same.

Terms of Payment.

  • ActionAid shall deduct the statutory 5% With Holding Tax (WHT) for individuals and 10% for limited (LTD) and public companies (PLC), and remit to relevant authority.
  • On the date payment becomes due and upon satisfactory completion of assignment and production of detailed report, the consultant will submit an invoice requesting payment and clearly stating his/her Tax Identification Number (TIN).

Application Closing Date
4th July, 2022.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications and CV detailing competency in one MS file to: using the Job Title and specific State eg: “Baseline of Local Rights Programme in Cross River /
Ekiti / Yobe State” as the subject of the email.

Click here for more information (PDF)


  • Failure to adhere to instructions on submissions could invalidate your application.
  • Please note that only the successful applicant will be contacted.

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