Consultancy for study: Resilience analysis, Action Against Hunger Afghanistan At Action contre la Faim France

  1. Project Goal

Contribute to reducing morbidity and mortality and improving the living conditions and well-being of the crisis-affected population in Afghanistan

Objective of the project:

  • Sustainable livelihood strengthening by supporting smallholder farmers in food production at individual and community level in Ghor, Daikundi, Badakhshan.
  • Strengthening the resilience of the population and their communities through capacity building in disaster risk management (DRM), psychosocial health and care (MHPSS), and building resilient WASH basic infrastructure in Ghor, Daykundi, Badakhshan.
  • Developing gender-sensitive, peaceful and inclusive coexistence through community awareness and technical training at community and individual levels in Ghor, Daykundi, and Badakhshan.
    1. Rationale for the study

Resilience is captured by a set of capacities that enable households and communities to effectively function in the face of shocks and stresses and still meet a set of well-being outcomes. The ability to measure resilience involves measuring the relationship between shocks, capacities, responses, and current and future states of well-being. Thus, there is no single indicator that measures resilience. There is a need for a number of indicators to be analytically used as part of a measurement framework.

There are four key factors to consider in measuring resilience:

  • Identify the well-being (Present desirable status of food security and livelihood indicators) outcomes to be achieved and measure resilience in relation to these outcomes.
  • Identify the minor and major shocks and stresses that individuals, households, communities are exposed to and the severity and duration of these shocks and stresses [the specific shocks would be determined from the responses obtained. We do have understanding of shocks and stress on Individuals, households and community. For examples: sickness is individual stress, death of Head of households/ breadwinner is household shock, etc]
  • Measure the anticipatory, absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities (HHs education level, HHs employment status, access to land and other assets, community social institutions, functionality of markets, etc set of human, psychological, social, financial, physical, natural or political resources) in relation to these shocks and stresses at different levels.
  • Identify the responses of individuals, households and communities to these shocks and stresses and trajectory of well-being outcomes
    1. Objectives of the study

General objective:

To contribute to identifying the key resilience capacities that protect from shocks/stresses; understand the potential contribution of the project’s activities (Agriculture, Asset creation/rehabilitation, DRR committees, MHPSS, and Peace.) to coping mechanisms and resilience building and highlight insights for the future design of resilience building programs.

Specific objectives:

This resilience study shall seek to get more scientific information on the shocks and stresses at the household level for the vulnerable households and the capacities that the households have to build on to cope with the stresses, as well as the potential of community assets creation for community resilience.

  • To identify the current and potential shocks and stresses capable of affecting the sustainable livelihoods of individuals, households and community members;
  • To identify copping strategies and resources available to the targeted vulnerable populations to address the identified shocks and stresses;
  • To identify the strategies and resources gaps between the targeted vulnerable populations and the threatening shocks and stresses;
  • To identify available and potential strategies and resources that can be employed to enhance the resilience of the individuals, households and communities to shocks and stresses;

To identify potential community assets that can be employed to enhance the resilience of the individuals, households and communities to shocks and stresses

How to apply

  1. Profile of the evaluator

The study will be carried out by a national or international consultant/consultancy firm with the following profile:

  • Knowledge in Food Security and Livelihood sector with particular experience on climate resilience, cash-based-interventions, agriculture, nutrition security and related fields;
  • Have proven experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative studies for the humanitarian and/or development sector and have ability to mobilize technical expertise related to the study topics particular resilience analysis.
  • Experience in carrying out at least two related studies with at least one as the lead consultant.
  • Good communications skills and experience of workshop facilitation;
  • Ability to write clear and useful reports (may be required to produce examples of previous work);
  • Fluent in English;
  • Understanding of donor requirements (BMZ);
  • Ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines;
  • Independence from the parties involved;
  • Familiarity with the context of the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan will be an added advantage.
    1. Application requirements

Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following;

  • Letter of interest in submission of the Proposal and a CV of the consultant(s)
  • A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following;
  • Consultant/Company Profile and legal documentation
  • Description of the Methodology and Sample Size Determination
  • Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToR.
  • Proposed data management plan (collection, processing and analysis).
  • Proposed timeframe detailing activities and a work plan.
  • Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).
    • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in USD.
    • Date of availability
    • Chronogram if different from the one proposed in this ToR
    • Terms of payment if different from the one proposed in this ToR
    • Currency of payment if different from the one proposed in this ToR
  1. Application procedure

All applications should be sent electronically to: with attachments in pdf and a subject line: “Consultancy for study: Resilience Analysis”, before 15th February 2024.

Note: As part of the Consultant selection process, the best five candidates may be subjected to an interview process, as may be required by the Supply Chain and Core Technical Teams, to inform the final decision on the award of the Contract.

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