Consultancy for a Senior Technology Advisor in Blockchain, Web3, and Emerging Technologies (Head of Operations), Washington At IDB – Inter-American Development Bank

Closing date: Wednesday, 8 November 2023
Thanks for your interest in the Consultancy for a Senior Technology Advisor in Blockchain, Web3, and Emerging Technologies (Head of Operations) position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 33 open jobs by clicking here.Delivery Schedule and Payments:


Delivery 1:

  •  Deliverable 1A: Initial report including the strategy, work plan, and actions to be carried out to fulfill your functions. The report will be reviewed and subject to supervisor’s approval and should be submitted within 30 (thirty) days from the contract start date.
  •  Deliverable 1B: Analysis, summary, and presentation of all projects that use the LACChain networks. Development of a taxonomy by country, industry, impact potential, source of financing, technologies used, and standards followed
  •  Deliverable 1C: Feedback and recommendations to improve impact dashboards.
  •  Deliverable 1D: Identification of international working groups to participate in.

Delivery 2:

  •  Deliverable 2A: Progress report on the strategy, work plan, and activities outlined in the Initial Report. The report will be reviewed and subject to supervisor’s approval and should be submitted within 90 (ninety) days from the contract start date.
  •  Deliverable 2B: Iteration of the project status presented in Deliverable 1.
  •  Deliverable 2C: Coordination of communicative materials for at least 10 projects (may include interviews, one-pagers, articles). Release of these materials in collaboration with the IT Tech Lab, LACNet, and the IDB Lab communication team.
  •  Deliverable 2D: Support to IDB projects (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 2E: Participation in the strategic working groups identified as part of Deliverable 1 (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 2D: Analysis and support for country initiatives in collaboration with country offices (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 2F: Update, feedback, and recommendations to improve impact dashboards.

Delivery 3:

  •  Deliverable 3A: Progress report of the strategy, work plan, and activities outlined in the Initial Report. The report will be subject to review and approval by the supervisor and must be submitted within 150 (one hundred fifty) days from the contract start date.
  •  Deliverable 3B: Iteration of the project status presented in Deliverable 2.
  •  Deliverable 3C: Coordination of communication materials for at least 10 projects (may include interviews, one-pagers, articles). Release of these in collaboration with the IT Tech Lab, LACNet, and the IDB Lab communication team.
  •  Deliverable 3D: Support for IDB projects (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 3E: Participation in the strategic working groups identified as part of Deliverable 1 (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 3F: Updates, feedback, and recommendations to enhance impact dashboards.

Delivery 4:

  •  Deliverable 4A: Progress report of the strategy, work plan, and activities outlined in the Initial Report. The report will be subject to review and approval by the supervisor and must be submitted within 240 (two hundred forty) days from the contract start date.
  •  Deliverable 4B: Iteration of the project status presented in Deliverable 3.
  •  Deliverable 4C: Coordination of communication materials for at least 10 projects (may include interviews, one-pagers, articles). Release of these in collaboration with the IT Tech Lab, LACNet, and the IDB Lab communication team.
  •  Deliverable 4D: Support for IDB projects (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 4E: Participation in the strategic working groups identified as part of Deliverable 1 (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 4F: Updates, feedback, and recommendations to enhance impact dashboards.
  •  Deliverable 4G: Coordination of at least one technical working group on a strategic topic within the ecosystem.

Final Delivery:

  •  Deliverable 5A: Closing report that includes the technical documentation generated during the project, achievements, and lessons learned from the Consultancy. The report will be subject to review and approval by the supervisor and must be submitted within 360 (three hundred sixty) days from the contract start date.
  •  Deliverable 5B: Iteration of the project status presented in Deliverable 4.
  •  Deliverable 5C: Coordination of communication materials for at least 10 projects (may include interviews, one-pagers, articles). Release of these in collaboration with the IT Tech Lab, LACNet, and the IDB Lab communication team.
  •  Deliverable 5D: Support for IDB projects (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 5E: Participation in the strategic working groups identified as part of Deliverable 1 (summary progress report).
  •  Deliverable 5F: Updates, feedback, and recommendations to enhance impact dashboards.
  •  Deliverable 5G: Coordination of at least one technical working group on a strategic topic within the ecosystem.

Deliverable #


Estimated Delivery Date

Deliverable 1.


January 2024.

Deliverable 2.


February 2024.

Deliverable 3.


May 2024.

Deliverable 4.


August 2024.

Final Delivery .


November 2024.

What you’ll need :

  •  Education: Master degree in Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Data Science, or related fields, with a master’s degree being desirable.
  •  Experience: At least 4 years of experience in blockchain technology applied to projects and technical experience in related roles. Experience in coordinating technical and business teams.
  •  Languages: Proficiency in both Spanish and English, both oral and written. Additional knowledge of French and Portuguese is preferred.

Key Skills:

  •  University Degree.
  •  Postgraduate studies in technological areas or related fields will be highly valued.
  •  Proven professional experience of a minimum of 6 years in a related field.
  •  Strategic leadership, experience in developing and executing technology strategies focused on results and objectives.
  •  Experience in managing and leading technical teams, including engineers, developers, and other technology professionals, with the ability to motivate, train, and retain talent.
  •  Experience in managing and leading technological projects, including planning, execution, and control of these projects.
  •  Experience in various sectors, allowing for a broader perspective and adaptation to different multi-sector environments.
  •  Knowledge of cutting-edge technologies, a history of promoting technological innovation, and the ability to communicate at a high level.
  •  International experience, preferably previous experience in global organizations, international environments, and managing teams in different geographical locations.
  •  Desirable experience in introducing new technologies, processes, or solutions that have driven the success of previous organizations.
  •  Desirable experience in digital transformation, adopting new technologies, and promoting innovation.
  •  Experience or knowledge in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  •  Interpersonal communication, effective communication.
  •  Ability to work both individually and as part of a team.
  •  Enthusiastic personality and motivated individual.
  •  Ability to multitask.
  •  Creativity, passion, initiative, flexibility, enthusiasm, proactivity, discretion.


  •  Citizenship : You are a citizen of one of our 48 member countries.
  •  Consanguinity : You do not have family members (up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, including a spouse) working at the IDB, IDB Invest, or IDB Lab.

Length of contract and duration:

  •  Contract Type: External Products and Services Consultant (PEC), lump sum.
  •  Duration: 12 months.
  •  Location: Residence consultant.

What We Offer:

The IDB Group offers benefits that cater to various employee needs and life stages. These benefits include:

  •  A competitive compensation package.
  •  A flexible way of working. You will be evaluated based on deliverables.

Our Culture:

At the IDB Group, we work to ensure that everyone can give their best and bring their true selves to work. We encourage people to try new approaches without fear, be accountable for their actions, and receive recognition for them.

DIversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are the pillars of our organization. We celebrate all dimensions of diversity and encourage women, LGBTQ+, individuals with disabilities, Afro-descendants, and indigenous people to apply.

We will ensure that reasonable accommodations are provided to people with disabilities to participate in the job interview process. If you are a qualified candidate with a disability, please send us an email at to request reasonable accommodations to complete this application.

Our Human Resources Team thoroughly reviews each application.

About IDB Lab:

IDB Lab is the innovation laboratory of the IDB Group, the main source of financing and knowledge for development, focused on improving lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. The purpose of IDB Lab is to drive innovation for inclusion in the region, mobilizing financing, knowledge, and connections to test private sector solutions at early stages with the potential to transform the lives of vulnerable populations affected by economic, social, and environmental conditions.

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Additional Information

  •  External Opening Date: Oct 25, 2023
  •  External Closing Date: Nov 8, 2023
  •  External Contact Email:
  •  External Contact Name: HR Service Center
  •  Job Field: Technical Support


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