Administrator ( program director ), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia At ITU – International Telecommunication Union

Closing date: Sunday, July 23, 2023


ITU – the main United Nations agency for information and communication technologies – is responsible for connecting the world. To this end, it manages the radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbits internationally, works to strengthen the communications infrastructure in developing countries and develops global standards that guarantee the perfect interconnection of a wide variety of communication systems.

Administrator ( program director )

Vacancy notice number: 1180 Sector: BDT Department: DDR Country of contract: Ethiopia Place of employment: Addis Ababa

Position number: TD25R / P3 / 581 Grade: P3 Type of contract: Duration Duration of the contract: 2 years with possibility of extension of 2 additional years Type of publication: External Application deadline ( Midnight Geneva time ) July 24, 2023


The Telecommunications Development Bureau ( BDT ) is responsible for the organization and coordination of the work of the Union Telecommunications Development Sector ( ITU-D ), which mainly deals with politicians, ICT-based development strategies and programs, as well as technical cooperation activities, to promote digital inclusion and promote digital transformation at the community level, countries and regions. In order to effectively meet the needs of ITU members, BDT is divided into four functional departments:

  •  Office of the Deputy Director and Department for the Coordination of Field Activities
  •  Department of Partnerships for Digital Development
  •  Department of Digital Networks and Society
  •  Department of the digital knowledge center

The Office of the Deputy Director / Department of Coordination of Field Activities is responsible for advising and assisting the Director in the direction and management of BDT. In addition, it is responsible for managing all personnel matters, the strategic, financial and operational planning process and the reporting process. He supervises the work of the Regional Offices, guaranteeing an appropriate delegation of powers and accountability within the Regional Offices. This department coordinates the organization of BDT conferences and events, follows the application of decisions emanating from the World Telecommunication Development Conference ( CMDT ),of the Telecommunications Development Advisory Group ( GCDT ) or of the Council and works in close collaboration with the other Sectors of the Union and with the General Secretariat on questions concerning BDT and Union activities in general. The directors of the BDT regional offices report to this department.


Under the general authority of the Regional Director, and in collaboration with the Head of the zone office, if necessary, the holder performs the following tasks:

  •  Develop and support programs and projects of interest to the region, in coordination with regional offices and ITU area offices.
  •  Provides technical advice and assistance to Member States in developing digital transformation strategies and approaches at the national and regional levels, and activities based on digital technologies, as well as the management and implementation of various programs and projects.
  •  Analyse et se tient au fait des évolutions et des tendances les plus récentes dans le domaine de la transformation numérique et du numérique en général, y compris en ce qui concerne les politiques et la réglementation, les applications des TIC, l’innovation, les technologies numériques, telles que l’intelligence artificielle (IA), l’Internet des objets (IoT), les mégadonnées, la 5G et les technologies spatiales, pour ne citer que ces exemples.
  •  S’assure que des bonnes pratiques sont en place, afin d’améliorer la contribution de l’UIT à des projets et des programmes communs avec les Nations Unies et les partenaires de développement.
  •  Monitor progress within its area of competence and provide advice to officials and colleagues. Monitor and implement programs and projects for effective connectivity and digital inclusion.
  •  Provides support to programs and projects, defines and reviews the needs and descriptions of projects, suggests joint activities, mobilizes resources and offers partnership possibilities. Identifies, proposes and embodies possibilities for cooperation with United Nations agencies, regional or international organizations, development partners, private sector entities, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders. Acts as a specialist in the framework of cooperation programs and projects under his responsibility. Prepare and write, if necessary, contributions for the program and project budget. Monitor these projects throughout their life cycle.
  •  Suit l’exécution du budget des programmes et des projets et les états financiers, rend compte de la situation aux responsables et attire leur attention sur les problèmes potentiels. Identifie des partenaires potentiels et des possibilités de financement et œuvre activement à l’organisation de réunions, y participe et en assure le suivi.
  •  Supervise, organise et dirige les évaluations des programmes, des projets et des produits. Édite et compile la documentation nécessaire au travail sur les projets ou les programmes. Analyse, élabore et organise les renseignements d’ordre général et les documents de référence des projets, et en tient compte, en déterminant et en proposant des stratégies et des décisions et en ajoutant une valeur technique aux programmes et aux projets.
  •  Assure la fonction de coordonnateur(trice) pour certaines questions relevant des commissions d’études de l’UIT en général, et des commissions d’études de l’UIT-D en particulier, ainsi que des groupes techniques au niveau régional.
  •  Assure la liaison avec les organisations régionales, nationales ou internationales, ainsi qu’avec d’autres institutions du système des Nations Unies, l’Union africaine, l’Union africaine des télécommunications, Smart Africa et d’autres organisations et partenaires, et leur fournit un appui technique. Recommande des partenaires potentiels lors de la sélection et de la proposition d’activités de collaboration à grande échelle.
  •  Assiste aux réunions et participe aux travaux de groupes techniques en tant que représentant(e) pour un domaine donné de programme, pour échanger des informations, discuter des bonnes pratiques et se tenir au courant des nouveautés dans le domaine, sur délégation du Directeur régional/Chef du bureau de zone et, en tant que coordonnateur(trice), échange des vues avec des collègues de différents programmes et projets.
  •  Présente des propositions et des recommandations relatives à la planification et à l’organisation du travail, résout des problèmes liés à la mise en œuvre et répond aux demandes à caractère technique ou administratif formulées en interne.
  •  S’acquitte de toute autre tâche connexe qui peut lui être confiée.


Application of specialized knowledge; Ability to communicate effectively; Training and knowledge exchange; Organizational commitment; Results-based approach; and, Team spirit and collaboration.


Analysis, safety of judgment and ability to decide

Concern for the client and the provision of services

Opening up to innovation and change

Establishment of networks and partnerships

Ability to plan and organize


  •  Continuous improvement of the knowledge and capacities of developing countries with regard to the practical application of digital technologies and tools.
  •  In-depth knowledge and understanding of topics related to digital transformation, digital policies and regulations, emerging technologies and ICT applications / services, acquired in a telecommunications administration, an international organization / institution or a private operation, and knowledge of the conditions existing throughout the Africa region.
  •  Good understanding of universal access and service, connectivity, innovation and human-centered design and emerging technologies. Knowing the challenges and aspirations in the digital sector in sub-Saharan African countries would be an advantage.
  •  Excellentes aptitudes en matière de recherche et très bonne connaissance des grandes tendances mondiales et régionales dans le domaine de travail. Aptitude à rédiger des rapports analytiques, des propositions, des descriptifs et des évaluations de projet, ainsi que des notes d’information précis et complets.
  •  Connaissance des ordinateurs et aptitude à les utiliser.



Higher university degree in economics, management or engineering of telecommunications / ICT, business administration, public administration, in project management or in a related field OR training received in an established reputation higher education establishment, attested by a level diploma equivalent to a higher university degree in one of the aforementioned fields. For internal candidates, an undergraduate university title in one of the aforementioned fields, associated with seven years of relevant professional experience, may replace the higher university title for promotion or rotation purposes.


At least five years of experience in positions of increasing responsibility in the field of employment, including at least two years at the international level. In-depth knowledge and experience of subjects related to the economics of telecommunications / ICT networks and applications. A doctorate in a related field can be considered equivalent to two years of professional experience.


Knowledge of one of the six official languages of the Union ( English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian ) at the advanced level and knowledge of a second official language at the intermediate level. Knowledge of a third official language would be an advantage. ( According to the provisions of Council Resolution 626, the relaxation of the conditions required for language skills may be authorized for candidates who are nationals of developing countries: when candidates from these countries have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the Union, their application may be taken into account ).


The total annual salary consists of a net annual salary (net of tax and before deduction of health insurance and pension fund contributions) in USD and post adjustment (high cost allowance life). Post adjustment is variable and subject to change without notice, in accordance with the rates set out in the United Nations common system for salaries and benefits.

Annual salary from $64,121 + shift adjustment $36,805

Other allowances and benefits are subject to the specific conditions of engagement, please refer to:


Please note that all applicants must complete an online request and provide complete and accurate information. To apply, please visit the ITU Carrières website. The assessment of candidates is based on the criteria of the vacancy notice and may include tests and / or assessments, as well as a skills-based interview. ITU uses communication technologies such as video or teleconferencing, email correspondence, etc. for the assessment of candidates. Please note that only the selected candidates will be contacted and that the candidates for the final selection stage will be subject to a verification of the references on the basis of the information provided. Messages from email addresses different from those of ITU – – should in no case be considered. The ITU does not charge any fees at any time during the recruitment process.

The ITU applies a zero tolerance policy with regard to any form of harassment. ITU is committed to diversity and integration within its workforce, and encourages all applicants regardless of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic origins, including people with disabilities, to apply to be part of the organization. Gender parity is of great importance for ITU.


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