About HORIZONT3000:

HORIZONT3000 is an Austrian development cooperation non-government organization offering support to people in partner countries in their aspiration to improve the quality of lives sustainably and humanly.

The organization specializes in the assistance, coordination, projects and programmes monitoring and provision of technical experts in countries in the global south. To-date, HORIZONT3000 assisted around 150 projects through funding and experts in 16 countries in Africa, Latin America and Oceania. The organization focuses on two sectors: Civil Society and Human Rights and, Rural Development and Natural Resources Management with close attention to Gender equality as a major cross-cutting issue.

HORIZONT3000 targets the most vulnerable population such as smallholder farmers, marginalized women, children and youth, human rights groups as well as indigenous populations. Through its regional and country offices, HORIZONT3000 cooperates and engages through an open and constructive dialogues with development actors across levels including government, local organizations and beneficiaries and participatory approach has guaranteed relevance and sustainability and

Capacity development has been the core methodology of HORIZONT3000 work and, the expansion of the capacities of people, organizations and societies at various levels including its staff in the country and regional offices has sustained the interventions; and Policy Dialogue – East Africa project is one of the initiatives are in place to achieve capacity development.

Background of the Policy Dialogue Project:

The project goal is to; Enhance CSOs’ Effectiveness in Policy Dialogue and in the long term, realize an inclusive, responsive, representative and effective policies that reflects the aspirations and will of the community affected by a particular policy problem across levels.

The project aims to achieve the above overall objective through the following result areas:

  1. Capacity of CSOs strengthened to effectively engage in part or all stages of Policy dialogue
  2. Organisations have institutionalised and streamlined Policy Dialogue in their work.
  3. Organizations supported on gender equality and women’s empowerment policy issues
  4. Increase partners’ participation in network and sharing of experiences
  5. Best practices and learnings in Policy Dialogue are captured and shared.
  6. Strengthen HORIZONT3000 staff capacity on Human Rights Based Approach to gender responsive policy dialogue engagements

Policy Dialogue Project Actions:

Policy Dialogue brings together partners from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania respectively. To date, the project activities have included individual and group mentoring and coaching, training, facilitation sharing and exchange learning, supporting participation in the local, national and regional network events and for selected partners, a small action fund has been given to support partners in their policy dialogue actions to strengthen their capacity through experience and field learning. In line with the project actions, HORIZONT3000 intends to train its Regional Office staff on Human Rights Based Approach

This training is part of the initiatives to strengthen the capacity of the partners and Regional Office staff capacity needs and actions jointly agreed. The training emphasizes hands-on mode of knowledge transfer using relevant and contextual examples.

Human Rights Based Approach

The contributions of development and humanitarian agencies have been questioned especially sustainability of interventions, empowerment of the marginalized, excluded and vulnerable right holders such as indigenous, smallholder farmers, marginalized women, children and youth. In line with these discussions, development, emergency and humanitarian interventions needed to transform from service-based operations to facilitation of processes through which the right holders are able to dialogue with duty-bearers in ensuring goods and services are adequately provided to meet the needs and improve general standards of living for everyone.

The HRBA resonates with HORIZONT3000’s focus on empowerment through capacity enhancement of right holders and human rights groups in over 16 countries in Africa, Latin America and Oceania in the Civil Society and Human Rights and, Rural Development and Natural Resources Management themes with close attention to Gender equality, climate change and environment and creation of capacities and spaces to influencing policies.

In line with the project goal, field support visits and assessments has shown that HRBA understanding among partners is minimal. This influenced planning for this training with focus on participants understanding and appreciating rights-based approach ably linking with their operations and programs. The topics will include:

  1. Introduction to human rights
  2. Understanding vulnerability, marginalization, poverty and exclusion as rights violations
  3. Understanding the development approaches
  4. Understanding Human Rights-Based Approach (RBA)
  • Evolutions of Human Rights-Based Approach (RBA)
  • Principles of Human Rights-Based Approach (RBA)
  • Pillars of Human Rights-Based Approach (RBA)
  • Rights-Based Alternatives
  • Integration of Rights Based Approach into policy dialogue

The training will contribute to realization of project indicators:

1.3 CSOs demonstrate knowledge and experience linking their project to policy framework (including SDGs, etc);

1.4 CSOs identify sector related policy issues for constructive policy dialogue

3.1 CSOs documenting gender and women rights policy issues for engagements

3.2 CSOs engaging their constituents (right holders and duty bearers) on gender and women rights policy issues and;

6.1 Regional office staff utilizing the knowledge and skills to guide partners in project implementation

Training Objectives:

As part of capacity strengthening for CSOs to effectively engage in part or all stages of Policy dialogue (Output 1) and support to organizations on gender equality and women’s empowerment specific policy issues (Output 3), the training will:

  1. Equip partners’ staff with knowledge and skills on the origin of human rights, how these rights evolved, the key tenets/principles of human rights-based approach that includes gender and women rights and how these rights apply to organizational operations, programs/projects at the office and individual level.
  2. Enable partners’ staff to consciously work with their communities linking their operations and program activities to global, regional and local development agenda such as Sustainable Development Goals that derived its themes from the rights frameworks including Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948).
  3. Aid partners’ staff in identifying specific gender and women rights related policy issues for policy engagements with aim of addressing incidences of such rights violations and policy inaction

Target Participants, Location and Date:

The participants will comprise of 35 (males and females) representing 15 organizations from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda; and; 5-Regional Office staff.

The 3-days’ trainings will target partners and HORIZONT3000 regional office staff and it will be held in Uganda. The tentative date for the training is 18th – 20th October 2023.


Participatory methodology is very important and the consultant will be expected to apply expertise knowledge during the HRBA training. Topical discussions, quiz and brainstorming, working groups, personal experience-sharing, role-playing, demonstration and insightful and relevant examples tailored towards contextualization and understanding of rights-based approach and linkage to program work will still be integral part of the training method.

Purpose of this call:

HORIZONT3000 is interested in securing the service of a consultant/company to undertake human rights-based approach training. The individual/company will work under the supervision of the HORIZONT3000 staff coordinating the event during the entire time of the assignment. Therefore, eligible individuals/companies are invited to apply following the criteria below.

Training Deliverables:

  1. Develop precise and clear training materials and, plan and agenda for each training day
  2. Conduct training in a participatory method that instills and motivates participants to embrace rights-based approach
  3. Instill practical knowledge of HRBA concepts
  4. Collect and compile participants feedback
  5. Provide certificate of attendance to participants
  6. Prepare a result-based training report with preliminary, main and annexes pages.
  7. Preliminary pages in order: cover page, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of appendixes, list of abbreviations, acronyms and executive summary.
  8. The main pages: background, training objectives, topics covered and achievement, methodology with a brief on each tool used in the training, agreed actions narration, technical challenges, learnings, consultant’s observations and recommendations.
  9. The annexes: participants’ training evaluation summary, materials used (PowerPoint, exercises, etc), disaggregated attendance list: age (18-30, 31-40, 41+) and sex (Male or Female) and high-resolution action pictures.
  10. Action Plan with timeline and, responsible person alongside their roles (as an annex)

Responsibilities of the parties:


With reference to the deliverables in 6 above, the consultant will:

  • Prepare sessions guide in line with the agreed training content
  • Facilitate practical sessions illustrating the purpose and need of the participants including formulation of action plan for post training follow up.
  • Prepare training report matching headings above


  • Mobilize and prepare staff for the training
  • Provide financial, material and human resources to support effective training
  • Discuss with the consultant details of this assignment and serve as contact point
  • Management of contract, consultants’ payments, review draft and final report approval
  • Follow up on agreed actions and provide technical backstopping

Consultant’s profile:


Graduate qualifications in Human Rights, Public Policy and International Development, or a related field of study with 3 years’ experience or a first-level university degree with 5 years’ experience in Human Rights Based Approach intervention setting. Training in Human Rights Based Approach is a MUST.


  1. Strong rights-based program work background
  2. Experience facilitating capacity development trainings using participatory methods
  3. Familiarity and demonstrated ability to link human rights to policy and development interventions
  4. Extensive knowledge and experience in rights-based concepts and conducting similar training is added advantage.
  5. Strong analytical and writing skills;
  6. Proven organizational, interpersonal and communication skills
  7. Fluency in English and Swahili

How to apply

Company/individuals interested should submit the following:

  1. Technical proposal with clear understanding of the ToR, method and timeline
  2. Financial proposals in the consultant’s local currency including Professional fees subject to 6% withholding tax. Budget should have costs breakdown. The available fund earmarked for this is USD ($): 300 (Three Hundred Dollars per day).
  3. Include updated Curriculum Vitae for team lead with details of three referees for whom similar or related assignments have been successfully undertaken.

Addition information:

HORIZONT3000 will evaluate proposals on a rolling-basis.

Application Document submission:

Proposals should be sent to: & before 28th September, 2023 at 5:00pm.

We greatly appreciate your interest in working with HORIZONT3000. Applications submitted will be reviewed against the criteria above and only those meeting the set criteria will be shortlisted . Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

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