Protection Associate DGME, Paso Canoas, Costa Rica At Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR )

Hardship Level ( not applicable for home-based ): U ( unclassified )

Family Type ( not applicable for home-based ): Pending

Staff Member / Affiliate Type: UNOPS LICA6

Target Start Date: 2023-08-02

Job Posting End Date: August 26, 2023

Terms of Reference




Vaccination \ u00f3n Covid-19 and related security measures: UNHCR has a responsibility to prevent and curb the spread of COVID-19, as part of its commitment to its workforce and the communities in which it works and serves. While other measures ( such as hand hygiene, f \ u00edsico distancing, ventilation \ u00f3n, and the use of masks ) remain crucial, vaccinating against COVID-19 performance\u00f1a a key role in protecting oneself, families, colleagues and the community, including people of interest, and it has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of serious illness and death from COVID-19. Therefore, in accordance with other UN agencies and based on the advice of the UN network of M \ u00e9Directors,UNHCR strongly urges all colleagues to be vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and others.

Recruitment as a UNHCR staff member by participating in a UNHCR affiliate program is subject to full vaccination test, regardless of type and duration\u00f3n of the contract, unless the candidate is in a place with documented lack of access to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Therefore, the recommended persons for the position should present the vaccination receipt or the medical recommendation that justifies the non-vaccination.

one. General Background

UNHCR has 40 a \ u00f1os of operation \ u00f3n in Costa Rica and collaborates with the authorities and other partners

to meet the needs of people requesting the refugee status,

refugees and people at risk of statelessness or stateless persons in the country. In the framework of

actions carried out by the Government of Costa Rica with the collaboration of UNHCR, the Program

Quality Asylum ( QAI ) has had positive results in the stages of the eligibility process: recepti \ u00f3n, an \ u00e1lisis of cases and resolution \ u00f3n. Through this program, the

strengthening the eligibility process and improvements in access to protection.

The Government of Costa Rica, with the collaboration of UNHCR, has assumed a series of initiatives that

they have been instrumental in reaching expedited and fair m \ u00e1s resolutions. Among which

includes human resources support, technical support through the provision of information on the country of information \ u00f3n

of origin of asylum seekers and regular activities to strengthen

capabilities directed at eligibility authorities in various items, among others.

Since 2018, Costa Rica has experienced a significant increase in asylum applications since 200f3,

mainly from Nicaraguan applicants, but in addition to others from countries such as Venezuela, El

Salvador and Honduras. I close the a \ u00f1o 2018 with a total of 27,993 new applications. In the a \ u00f1o 2019

received a total of 59,203 applications, presenting the largest increase in refuge applications

reached. During the middle of 2020 the number of new applications was 10,972. This figure attends to

changes due to COVID, but is expected to increase in future months.

As \ u00ed UNHCR hopes to continue cooperating with the Government of Costa Rica through the contracting of

personnel to support the Refuge Unit to process and reduce default.

2. Purpose and Scope of Assignment

The specialized person ( a ) collaborate \ u00e1 with the administration \ u00f3n in order to achieve the following

fundamental goals: \ u2022 Review the files assigned to you by the person in charge of the supervision of the

work team assigned according to what is indicated by the DGME, in order to make a

detailed quality control of these.

\u2022 Return to / to the corresponding Eligibility Officer the files that require to be

corrected, completed or revised, with specific recommendations for such purposes.

\u2022 Interview asylum seekers. To do this you must previously review the file

and, in case any document is missing, you must prepare a previous resolution and notify it.

\u2022 Prepare technical evaluations in which the granting or not of the status of

refugee person. You must assess all the evidence provided and, if required, request proof

additional or investigate through different technological means \ u00f3gicos and institutions.

The evaluation \ u00f3n must include the respective factual and legal analysis, as \ u00ed as

information \ u00f3n of the source country.

\u2022 Make a resolution based on all the information contained in the file

where the decision \ u00e1 that was taken \ u00f3n in the valoraci \ u00f3n t \ u00e9cnica study will be left firm. Upload the

document in the computer system.

\u2022 Analyze the revocation resources presented and prepare technical evaluations in which

recommends the revocation or not of the appealed resolution. I could \ u00e1 conduct an interview of

extension \ u00f3n, request or seek additional proof, in order to adequately base your criteria.

\u2022 Prepare a new resolution \ u00f3n based on the revocation resource presented and on the

evaluation study \ u00f3n t \ u00e9cnica. Upload the document in the computer system.

\u2022 Review the withdrawal and resignation requests submitted. In case of complying with all

requirements, prepare the corresponding resolution. If any are missing, make the resolution \ u00f3n

preventing the pending requirements, notifying and resolving once it has been provided


\u2022 Review travel permit applications to the home country and write a recommended letter or

not the authorization \ u00f3n, addressed to the General Director of Migration \ u00f3n and Foreign \ u00eda. Once the director

forwards your answer, prepare the corresponding resolution and notify it. Upload the document in

the computer system

\u2022 Coordinate activities with other personnel and offices when as \ u00ed requires the attention of a case

of a person seeking refuge or refugee.

\u2022 Take control of all tr \ u00e1mites performed ( interviews, t \ u00e9cnicas evaluations,

resolutions, etc. ) to be used as input in monthly and annual statistics.

\u2022 Attend and resolve queries, presented by compa \ u00f1eros and p \ u00fablico in general, in order to provide

the corresponding adviser \ u00eda regarding refuge.

\u2022 Participate in training programs \ u00f3n in the Prevenci \ u00f3n of Explotaci \ u00f3n and Abuse

sexual ( PSEA, for its acronym in engl \ u00e9s ) and programs for the cooling of knowledge and

specialization \ u00f3n in the \ u00e1rea of international refugee law, led by the

UNHCR. These programs also include \ u00e9n include \ u00e1n tem \ u00e1ticas b \ u00e1sicas in the \ u00e1mbit of the protection \ u00f3n of the

human rights i.e. age, g \ u00e9nero and diversity approach, and its applicability in the an \ u00e1lisis of the

requests for recognition of the status of refugee.

\u2022 Develop those other functions assigned by the person in charge of the supervision and the

General Director of Migration \ u00f3n and Foreign \ u00eda, according to the nature of the position and the


\u2022 Perform other related tasks that are necessary.

3. Monitoring and Progress Controls

The contracted person will carry out \ u00e1 the functions designated under the coordination of the Coordinator

of the Refuge Unit who give \ u00e1 monitoring of the effective fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

The contracted person must \ u00e1 meet peri \ u00f3dically with their supervisor to guarantee the

effective monitoring of their work.

4. Qualifications and Experience

to. Education

\u2022 Bachelor of Specialist Law on Human Rights and / or International Law of Refuge and / or Administrative Law and / or Constitutional Law.

\u2022 Incorporation \ u00f3n to the Bar and Lawyers College and validity of said members \ u00eda.


\u2022 Professional training and / or verifiable experience in work carried out in the \ u00e1 area of the right to

equality and non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity of gender.

\u2022 Have verifiable experience in the \ u00e1reas of Human Rights, women’s human rights,

protection of the ni \ u00f1ez, administrative law and / or constitutional law, with desirable knowledge of the

International Refuge Law.

b. Work Experience

\u2022 M \ u00ednimo ( 2 ) two a \ u00f1os of verifiable relevant experience in related areas.


\u2022 Knowledge about the organization \ u00f3n and operation of the General Directorate of Migration \ u00f3n and Foreign \ u00eda

\u2022 Knowledge of the political, scientific, economic, social and cultural environment, national and international

\u2022 Knowledge for the use of computer tools such as: word processor, sheets

electr \ u00f3nicas, among others

\u2022 Updated knowledge in aspects of the law degree, as \ u00ed as the development of

new skills in order to guarantee their permanent suitability, since their work requires a

proactive and service attitude with creative and original contributions throughout his career.

c. Key Competencies

\u2022 Ability for oral and written communication

\u2022 Anal capacity \ u00edtica

\u2022 Initiative

\u2022 Creativity

\u2022 Ability to resolve unforeseen situations and work under pressure \ u00f3n.

\u2022 Discreci \ u00f3n for the confidential information and the particular cases you know.

\u2022 Friendly deal with superiors, partners and users

\u2022 Presentaci \ u00f3n personal according to the activities it carries out.

\u2022 Have b \ u00e1sica experience in the subject of International Refugee Law.

\u2022 Have b \ u00e1sicos knowledge on the subject of Human Rights.

\u2022 Keep the knowledge and techniques of the right-wing career updated, as \ u00ed as the

development of new skills in order to guarantee their permanent suitability, as their work

demands a proactive and service attitude with creative and original contributions throughout his career.

\u2022 Ability to resolve unforeseen situations and work under pressure \ u00f3n

\u2022 Discreci \ u00f3n under the confidential car \ u00e1cter of the information \ u00f3n to which you will have \ u00e1 access

\u2022 Friendly and cordial treatment with people

\u2022 Respect for diversity

HOW TO APPLY: Vacancies can be accessed through the following link:

– click on Vacancies

– choose Costa Rica

– Click on the position that interests you and follow the instructions

In case of technical problems, start session with a different browser. If the t \ u00e9cnico problem persists or arises some other during the request in l \ u00ednea, contact the Global Service Table ( before the l \ u00edmit date to have enough time to solve the problems.

If you have any questions about the selection process \ u00f3n, contact Human Resources (

\ u00e1n CV is not accepted by email \ u00f3nico. S \ u00d3LO CONSIDER \ u00c1N THE APPLICATIONS SENT TO TRAV \ u00c9S OF THE SYSTEM.

We do not confirm the receipt of applications or report on the status of the process. Only qualified candidates for an interview and possibly a written test are contacted \ u00e1.

We are committed to maintaining diversity in terms of g \ u00e9nero, ethnicity and culture. People belonging to minority groups, people with special abilities, men and women, are encouraged to apply for vacancies. All requests will be treated with strict confidentiality.


The deadline for submissions or requests is AUGUST 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. ( Costa Rica time ).

Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. Only shortlisted candidates come into contact. Preselected candidates may be asked to take a written test or an oral interview. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of the contracting process \ u00f3n ( request, interview, prosecution or any other fee ).

Standard Job Description: Protection Associate

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships

The Protection Associate normally reports to the Protection Officer or the Senior Protection Officer. The incumbent monitors protection standards, operational procedures and practices in protection delivery in line with international standards and provides functional protection support to information management and program staff.

The Protection Associate is expected to coordinate quality, timely and effective protection responses to the needs of populations of concern ( PoC ) and identify opportunities to mainstream protection methodologies and integrate protection safeguards in operational responses in all sectors. S / he contributes to designating a comprehensive protection strategy and liaises externally with authorities and partners on protection doctrine and policy as guided by the supervisor.

The Protection Associate also ensures that PoC are involved in making decisions that affect them, whether in accessing their rights or in identifying appropriate solutions to their problems. To achieve this, the incumbent will need to build and maintain effective interfaces with communities of concern, local authorities and protection and assistance partners.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.


  •  Stay opens of political, social, economic and cultural developments that have an impact on the protection environment.
  •  Consistently apply International and National Law and applicable UN / UNHCR and IASC policy, standards and codes of conduct.
  •  Assist in providing comments on existing and draft legislation related to PoC.
  •  Provide advice on protection issues to PoC; lie with competent authorities to ensure the issuance of personal and other relevant documentation.
  •  Assist in conducting eligibility and status determination for PoC.
  •  Contribute to measures to identify, prevent and reduce statelessness.
  •  Contribute to a country-level child protection plan as part of the protection strategy.
  •  Contribute to a country-level education plan as part of the protection strategy.
  •  Monitor Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs ) for all protection / solutions activities.
  •  Manage individual protection cases including those on GBV and child protection. Monitor, and intervene in cases of refoulement, expulsion and other protection incidents.
  •  Assist in identifying durable solutions for the largest possible number of PoC through voluntary repatriation, local integration and where appropriate, resettlement.
  •  Contribute to the design, implementation and evaluation of protection related AGD based programming with implementing and operational partners.
  •  Facilitate effective information management through the provision of disaggregated data on PoC and their problems.
  •  Participate in initiatives to train authorities, relevant institutions and NGOs to strengthen national protection related legislation and procedures.
  •  Assist the supervisor in prioritizing PoC for interview, counseling and propose protection support for individual cases.
  •  Assist the supervisor with enforcement compliance of local implementing partners with global protection policies and standards of professional integrity in the delivery of protection services.
  •  Assit the supervisor with enforcing compliance with, and integrity of, all protection standard operating procedures.
  •  Submit individual payments request for PoC for approval.
  •  Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Education & Professional Work Experience

Years of Experience / Degree Level

For G6 – 3 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 2 years relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher

Field ( s ) of Education

Applicable not

Certificates and / or Licenses

International Law, Political Science

or other related field

( Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk * are essential )

Relevant Job Experience


Not specified


Protection Learning Program

Functional Skills

IT-Computer Literacy

PR-Refugee Protection Principles and Framework

PR-Protection-related guidelines, standards and indicators

( Functional Skills marked with an asterisk * are essential )

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.

For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.

For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and / or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and / or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and / or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

Required Languages: Spanish, English ,


Additional Qualifications: Skills



International Law – Other, Political Science – Other

Work Experience

Other information: This position doesn’t require a functional clearance



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