Venezuela – Administration Manager (consortium) At COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale

COOPI is looking for a Consortium Administration Manager in Venezuela

Since 2019 COOPI establishes a presence in Venezuela to assist the local population after the worsening of the country’s socioeconomic crisis. Starting in July 2020, a regional crisis response program begins, which is implemented in consortium with Venezuelan organizations for the protection of vulnerable groups. In these years COOPI has expanded its interventions and is currently executing projects with different donors in Miranda, Capital District, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro and Sucre in protection (GBV, Child Protection, Trafficking and Human Trafficking), reproductive sexual healthWASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) and school feeding. COOPI is currently implementing projects financed by COOPI Suisse, ECHO, the EU, the UN agencies.

Job description

COOPI is looking for a Management Manager in a humanitarian field, the interventions contemplated in the framework of the project will be coordinated by COOPI and implemented in consortium with CESVI, ACTED, Première Urgence Internationale, International Solidarités and local organizations. The intervention aims to multisectoral, comprehensive and coordinated response to the most urgent needs of the most vulnerable population affected by the complex crisis in Venezuelathrough the provision of services and assistance in the Protection (GBV, VoT), Health, WASH and Food Safety sectors. The Consortium organizations will concentrate their actions in seven (7) states of Venezuela: Capital District, Miranda, Zulia, Falcón, Lara, Sucre, Delta Amacuro and Bolivar, plans to carry out activities to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene services in the communities where it intervenes with the project.

The objective of the position will be:

  • Guarantee the correct accounting and financial management of the consortium and compliance with the accounting documents of the project;
  • Provide technical assistance, training and supervision of the administrative staff members of the consortium;
  • Ensure compliance with organizational standards in the use of financial resources, internal management and periodic financial information (for headquarters, donors and national institutions), in accordance with the internal principles of transparency and accountability.

Areas of responsibility

Under the direct supervision of the Country Administrator of Coopi Venezuela, the Consortium Administration Manager will carry out the following tasks:

Accountants / Finance:

  • Plan, monitor the financial management of the Consortium maintaining constant communication with Coopi partners, both international and local;
  • Ensure the application (in time) of institutional tools for implementation of Coopi’s financial, accounting and administrative procedures and the consortium partners;
  • In conjunction with the country administrator of Coopi and the administrators of the consortium, prepare and monitor project budget execution;
  • Ensures constant updating of accounting tools (DESY) in order to allow monitoring and control of consortium expenses and the financial planning tool of the Preppy project;
  • Maintain constant control of consortium expenses, in coordination with project managers and local and international partners, in order to monitor the execution of budgets and periodically define (once a month) the forecast of expenses and process requests for disbursements;
  • Monitor financial flows between Coopi and consortium members;
  • Identification, registration and filing of all project backup documents, as well as the formulation of the first notes of the project, financial and banking documentation;
  • Perform financial reconciliation and consolidation of project accounts before its presentation to the Regional Coordination and headquarters;
  • Ensure the correct allocation of costs according to the nature of the expenditure, according to COOPI and donor procedures;
  • Coordination and preparation of internal monthly financial reports of Coopi and the consortium according to schedules provided in the MOU of the consortium.


  • Collaborate in the preparation of project purchase plans, ensuring its monitoring and / or periodic updating.
  • Ensure the registration and filing of all documents related to the acquisition, guarantee, depreciation and maintenance of equipment and goods acquired within the framework of the project, as well as its transfer from one project to another and / or to direct beneficiaries and / or local counterparts.

Reports, changes and audits

  • Keep all necessary documentation and information updated for the presentation of the financial reports of the project in order to perform accountability to donors and eventual internal or external audits to be carried out;
  • Prepare the communications / correspondence for the donor, the modifications and budgetary amendments, in collaboration with the administrators of the consortium;
  • Carry out those tasks inherent to the objectives of the position, and that are requested by the coordination team according to the context and needs of the projects.

Desired profile


  • Professional studies (bachelor’s, desirable postgraduate or master’s degree) in Economic Sciences, Administration, Business Management and / or related;
  • Experience of at least 3 years in administrative functions in NGOs and / or private companies;
  • Ability to systematize processes and prepare documents and reports;
  • Essential Spanish language and advanced level of English;
  • Ability to work autonomously (organization, work planning, analytical development, synthesis), as well as to coordinate multidisciplinary teams;
  • Ability to work in emergencies and under pressure, as well as in contexts with high complexities;
  • Attitude and spirit for teamwork, motivation, honesty, pro-active / o and decisive attitude, common sense, discretion;
  • Respect for humanitarian principles: humanity, neutrality, impartiality, operational independence;
  • Sensitivity to gender and diversity. Have experience and ability to live and work in diverse cultural contexts showing culturally appropriate attitudes;
  • Management of computer tools (Microsoft Windows operating system) and office tools (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);
  • Immediate availability.


  • Knowledge of COOPI’s procedures and institutional tools;
  • Previous experience in projects financed by ECHO;
  • Experience of working in consortium and in the supervision or accompaniment of local partners and counterparts.

COOPI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the announcement deadline. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be conducted continuously and the vacancy will be closed when filled. Thank you for your understanding.

COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale is an Italian secular and independent humanitarian organization that fights against all forms of poverty to improve the world. Founded in 1965, today COOPI is present in 33 countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East, with both emergency and development projects carried out by expatriate personnel – an average of more than 270 people a year – and national personnel. The main institutional funders are the European Union – ECHO and INTPA – USAID, UN agencies, the Italian Government, local authorities and other European governments.

How to apply

Send your resume and motivation letter through the following link –


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