Unit Coordinator – H/F State Resources At Expertise France

Expertise France is a public agency implementation of international cooperation projects. We are placed under the supervision of the ministries responsible for foreign affairs and economy and finance, with which we have a contract of objectives and means.

Interministerial agency for international technical cooperation we are the operator of all departments. In 2021, the agency joined the AFD group (French Development Agency) which provides us with financial and operational solutions.

The objective of Expertise France is to fight against global inequalities : our projects are mainly oriented towards the protection of global public goods and the response to the global challenges that all societies in North and South face.

Our strength is to bring together the best French and European know-how in order to offer tailor-made solutions through a wide field of expertise that includes:

  • Democratic, economic and financial governance.
  • Security, maintenance of peace and stability.
  • Climate, agriculture and sustainable development.
  • Health and human development.

SITUATION/POSITION : directorate of operations – department Governance – pole Recipes of the’State, Financial Systems and Local Governance (RSGL – 18 people in Paris)

Under the supervision of the head of RSGL cluster, the/coordinator of’unit of projects ‘mobilization of public domestic resources (MRIP) ensures the monitoring and operational implementation of all phases of the project cycle (from design to capitalization) for public resource projects. He-she works on a daily basis with the’ all the financial, technical and managerial actors involved in the projects.

The/coordinator of’unity projects public resources may also be required to work on projects of the cluster outside its specialty theme. Given the theme, very strong links exist indeed with public finance projects conducted within the « Transparency, Management and Accountability » cluster.

Description of the function :

In the context of the development of its activity on the theme of the’increase of State revenues, and taking into account the renewal of the French interministerial strategy on the mobilization of public domestic resources, and the’ envelope of the strategic investment plan for development (PISD), the RSGL cluster is looking for a’unity coordinator to support the development and monitoring of projects on the theme mobilization of public domestic resources (MRIP).

Identifying opportunities

  • Participates in the activities of promotion of the’service offer of the Governance department and the RSGL cluster on the MRIP theme, as well as prospecting with masters of works, donors and beneficiaries.
  • Ensures the day before on the MRIP theme in connection with the programming of donors on the subject.
  • Contribution to preliminary drafts and drafting of offers
  • Assures or supports the development of projects in the MRIP sector in all phases of development and launch of the project, in support of project managers (identification of activities, construction of the theory of change/logical framework, definition of indicators and feasibility of activities…).

Supervise and/or may participate in the’analysis of’ calls for projects, specifications or Terms of Reference ;

  • Identifies the necessary resources (partners, experts, service providers.) and prepares the contractualization;.
  • S’ensures the coherence of the budget produced by the Project Managers

Conduct of the projects assigned to it and support the implementation of the objectives of’a project or program within its unit in compliance with the constraints set

  • Guarantee, in collaboration with the head of pole/deputy, the coherence in the’ instruction, the implementation and the coordination of the projects of its unit and ensures the respect and the application of the internal and external procedures’
  • Ensures coordination between the various project actors (EU, Expertise France teams based in the field, institutional partners of the Member States….).
  • Supervises the technical and financial reporting of projects to the lessor according to the procedures in force
  • Supervises the communication activities on his project/unit, providing the consolidated data necessary for the valorisation of activities and/or projects
  • S’ ensures the proper circulation of’information and the maintenance of good collaborative relations with the departments of the embassies of the countries concerned as well as with local and international authorities

Monitoring process evaluation/capitalization

  • Implementation of’a reliable and relevant evaluation and capitalization monitoring system.
  • Participates in the valorization of the feedback of its team and the dissemination of good practices ;

Management support for the unit team

  • Contributes to the management of the performance of the’unit team :Participates under the responsibility of the pole/assistant manager in the definition of the individual objectives of the members of the’unit and provides elements contributing to the annual evaluation conducted by the pole/assistant manager ;
  • Reminds the pole manager of any problems within the’ team
  • Participates, with the support and the’ accompaniment of the pole manager, in the development and accountability of the members of the’unity ;
  • Participates in recruitment operations and’integration of new talents ;
  • Transmits its know-how and promotes the development of skills and know-how of the’team ;
  • Accompanies and empowers the employees of’unity;
  • Identifies inappropriate behavior and participates in the reframing under the supervision of the pole manager ;
  • Can ensure the representation of the pole internally or externally as a replacement for the pole manager;

Animation of the theme and relations with partners

  • Participates in the’animation of the French’ecosystem on the theme of mobilization of public domestic resources (MRIP Platform : DGT Treasury, DGM, DGFiP, DGDDI, AFD, FERDI, etc.), in connection with the projects implemented by the’agence ;.
  • Contributes to the development of French strategies (MEAE, DGT, etc.) and AFD group in relation to the themes of domestic resource mobilization ;
  • Ensures dialogue with international organizations and structures active on the theme: OECD, World Forum, CREDAF, ATAF, Addis Tax Initiative, IMF, etc.
  • Contributes to the constitution/consolidation of’a pool of’experts and partners on the theme,
  • Ensures the link with the other departments of’Expertise France and’AFD to the consistency of the’Service offer of’Expertise France in line with the French strategy.

The remuneration for this position consists of an annual package including the following benefits:

  • A 13th month monthly and effective from the taking of post.
  • A variable share of 3% of gross annual salary
  • More than 45 days of annual leave, with the possibility to monetize up to 10 days of RTT per year.
  • A share of interest, calculated according to the results of the year.
  • A stipend of 9 euros per day for meals (Swile Card).
  • 50% of public transport costs.
  • A mobility bonus of 400 euros per year if you prefer to travel by bike.
  • A fully free health insurance, supported by the agency.
  • The possibility of tele-working 2 days a week.
  • An annual holiday bonus of 450 euros.

How to apply

Please click on the link below to submit your application directly: https://expertise-france.gestmax.fr/11767/1/coordinateur-d-unite-ressources-de-l-etat-h-f/fr_FR


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