Transport and Warehousing Specialist – Lyon H/F/X At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

Handicap International /Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity association, which intervenes in situations of poverty and’exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerabilities, she acts and testifies to meet their basic needs and improve their living conditions. It is’ committed to promoting respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. Since its creation in 1982, the, HI has implemented development programs in more than 60 countries and is involved in many’ emergencies. Today we have a budget of about 255 million euros, with 4794 employees worldwide.

At Handicap International, we strongly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our structure. That is why we are committed to a disability policy in order to foster the reception and integration of people with disabilities.

Thank you’indicate if you need’a particular layout, including to participate in the 1st interviews.

Find more’information on the’association :


Atlas Logistique is a technical and operational unit of HI, which has been supporting humanitarian actors since 1993. Atlas Logistics (AL) facilitates, optimizes and accelerates the delivery of aid in emergency situations and in the context of chronic crisis. Our mission is to open up humanitarian space to the most difficult-to-reach populations, and optimize humanitarian supply chains.


As a Global Transport and Warehousing Specialist and under the responsibility of the Atlas Logistics Technical Manager and in functional relationship with the second Global Atlas Specialist, the, you are the guarantor of compliance with ATLAS technical standards. You ensure a strategic and pedagogical technical orientation and guarantee the technical quality of the activities of logistics platform dedicated to other humanitarian actors on the fields of’ intervention (management of the flows of terrestrial humanitarian inputs’s in-country for others, from the’ entry points of goods in the country, and to’ to the nearest beneficiaries). You provide support to field teams to deepen their capabilities and improve the quality of projects. You provide standards and methodologies, give advice, and,provide training in the field or remotely. You ensure that synergies within the sector and outside it are identified and encouraged. You produce and animate the pack of’technical tools of Logistic Platform.

In this context, your main responsibilities will be :

  • Develop, frame and disseminate approaches and tools of logistics platforms
  • Participate in the development and dissemination of knowledge and positioning in its field of’expertise
  • Provide technical and methodological support to projects concerning the activities of logistics platforms: design, implementation, project monitoring
  • Contribute to the strategic deployment of’AL’s businesses


– You have solid experience in the field of logistics (Transport, warehousing, etc.) for others (B2B and/or H2H) and in international solidarity

– You have experience in humanitarian project management (logical framework, project proposal) with knowledge of the rules and operation of donors

– Vous savez organiser le transport terrestre en flotte propre et en affrètement, lots complets, demi-lot et groupage et vous avez au moins une expérience réussie en dimensionnement de projet logistique pour autrui (analyse des besoins, identification dès la prise de risque, transformation des besoins identifiés/estimés en offres de services concrètes, mapping des flux, constitution du budget de l’organigramme…)

– Vous savez animer un réseau

– Vous avez d’excellentes capacités de formalisation d’outils, de procédures, de rédaction de documents

– Vous avez un esprit d’équipe et de solides compétences en communication à la fois orales et écrites et vous aimez participer au renforcement de capacités des équipes

– Vous êtes audacieux (initiateur/entrepreneur), réactif, vous appréciez le travail en équipe et en réseau, empathique, résilience au stress et à l’incertitude et vous avez un grand sens de l’humour

– Vous maîtrisez parfaitement le français et l’anglais


Les locaux sont facilement accessibles en transports en commun (bus, métro). Un parking voitures et un parc à vélos sont également à disposition. Au sein du bâtiment, des rampes d’accès et ascenseurs garantissent une meilleure circulation. Tous les postes de travail sont situés en Open Space mais des box sont disponibles à chaque étage pour travailler dans le calme si nécessaire. L’espace de travail est très lumineux.

A disability reference is present to answer any questions and accompany you in your procedures. Depending on your needs, the position can be set up.


  • CDI from ideally August 2024 based in Lyon
  • Restaurant Titles Card,
  • Mutual employer,
  • Framework status with 34 CP and 13 RTT
  • Beneficial telework agreement,
  • Many sports and social activities are offered on our premises

How to apply

Only online by attaching CV and Motivation letter via the following link :

Applications are processed continuously, do not wait to apply !

Only the selected applications will be contacted.

For more information on the association :


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September 2024