Transhumance agent At African Wildlife Foundation

Transhumance agent

Post Description

Supervisor: Senior Community Development Officer

Supervised : N/A

Department: Programs – Landscape Uele-Bili-Mbomu

Location: Bili Uele

Preamble :

In the Bili-Uere-Mbomu landscape, a protected area under the co-management of’African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) and the’Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) and with its vast extent of 6000 km2, the number of nomadic shepherds has increased dramatically over the past few years, the report said, intensifying conflicts between shepherds and sedentary communities over competing needs in terms of land use. Tensions are further exacerbated by other illegal activities, such as trampling crops and increasing competition for natural resources (water, timber, forest products, protein). Within the transhumant groups, some poachers are linked to donors who provide arms and ammunition for these illegal economies.Poachers tend to sell meat locally, but transport ivory and hides to major cities in the region.

Securing pastoral systems and preserving the mobility of men and herds are crucial questions for pastoralism in this region. The sector needs better public policies on pastoral development and more efficient infrastructure ( markets, slaughterhouses ). Their implementation requires multi-stakeholder consultations at local and regional level ( construction of social agreements, delimitation of routes ) and the participation of breeders in the formulation of national and subregional policies to ensure the respect of their rights ( support for breeders’ networks and definition of pastoral policies ).

Unmanaged pastoralism often has negative effects on biodiversity, in the form of overgrazing, tree felling and uncontrolled bushfire of vast swathes. These practices often lead to conflicts between farmers and pastoralists over the competing use of land. Many breeder groups are also involved in hunting bushmeat to support their diet and generate income through sales in regional markets. Transhumance herders in Sudan and Chad are well known for transporting large quantities of poached bushmeat in CAR and DRC to their countries of origin, where this meat is a rare and precious commodity. The market was chosen as a key intervention point for pastoralism activities.The market is a natural meeting place for breeders and farmers, where dialogues can be organized, and, because the markets are generally relatively peaceful and it is a natural place for mobile breeders to stay in the same place for several weeks, making it an advantageous place for interventions.

Our theory of change is based on the belief that well-organized markets are a point of entry for engagement (around veterinary care, etc, health services and discussions on conservation and land use) with both ranchers and resident farmers. From this point of engagement, we can begin to influence movement in the corridor and other behaviors such as bushmeat hunting, conflict mitigation, and mediation. Ultimately, a more stable and less confrontational environment, with agreed and enforced land-use rules, is enacted over time,so livestock grazing is controlled and less destructive and alternatives to bushmeat can be introduced.

It is within this framework that’AWF seeks to recruit a transhumance agent to facilitate as much as possible the creation of a peaceful climate between local communities and transhumants.

Summary of the position :

The position is responsible for providing practical advice to improve the development and well-being opportunities of local and pastoral communities. Its responsibilities will help the program better understand the needs and constraints of transhumance and map existing support functions in the landscape.

The’agent of transhumance will work closely with the’provincial and local public administration (decentralized territorial Entities\EDT), civil society organizations, local governance structures, etc, local communities and transhumant communities (Mbororo) with a view to putting all stakeholders in agreement for sustainable solutions to transhumance issues in the Bili-Uele-Mbomu landscape.

Under the supervision of the AWF-Bili community development officer, the’agent will provide technical supervision of transhumance activities in the Bili-Uele-Mbomu landscape, and to propose suitable solutions for the establishment of social cohesion between the stakeholders.

Note that the position will be based in Bili, with frequent and prolonged travel and reports to be submitted to the’officier senior community development.

Responsibilities and deliveries:

  • Develop an interim work plan related to field missions for monitoring/supervision of project activities ;
  • Prepare statements of operational/forecast financial requirements for the activities for which it is responsible ;
  • Ensure ongoing liaison with provincial, local and customary public administration’, civil society organizations, local governance structures, etc, all layers of local communities and transhumant herders to enable the’ project to achieve its objectives ;
  • Assist in the identification of key actors who will be part of the TANGO’ team and in the implementation of its network or approach (TANGO) in the Bili-Uele-Mbomu landscape ;
  • Organize a framework for dialogue following the TANGO approach with all stakeholders (ICCN and its partners, administrative, local and customary authorities, civil society organizations, etc, local governance structures, local populations and Mbororo transhumant herders) on transhumance issues in the Bili-Uele-Mbomu landscape ;
  • Assist in the identification and participatory mapping of transhumance and wildlife corridors in the Bili-Uele-Mbomu landscape ;
  • Organize forums, workshops and focus group with stakeholders ( including ICCN ) for the development and validation of the participatory management plan for transhumance corridors and fauna in the Bili-Uélé- landscapeMbomu ;
  • Help the program better understand the needs and constraints of transhumance and map existing support functions in the landscape
  • Make concrete proposals to the provincial administration for the identification, registration and relocation of transhumant breeders and their cattle in the Bili-Uélé-Mbomu landscape ;
  • Support awareness meetings of breeders on the conduct to be followed with regard to the practice of transhumance and a peaceful transhumance
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of AWF/ICCN/partners activities and projects in the’UBM landscape and in accordance with operational plans and landscape strategy.
  • Respond to any other task that will be requested in the exercise of its functions by the hierarchy AWF ;
  • Write periodic reports (weekly and monthly) of’activities.


  • Master’s degree in social or related sciences, with proven experience in the’analysis of transhumance issues for the’ sustainable exploitation of pastoral resources ;
  • At least five years of experience in different contexts of protected’s in Africa, as well as in the prevention and management of inter-community conflicts ;
  • Have knowledge of biodiversity and/or protected areas (PA) protection, as the project supports communities and/or/or the populations bordering the hunting zone of Bili Uele ;
  • Proven experiences in different participatory methods among others, the’ approach TANGO ;
  • A willingness to move regularly on the ground with partner organizations and to carry out quite long stays on the territories of the province of Bas Uele under basic conditions ;
  • A good command of the French language (written and oral) ;
  • Knowledge of the local languages of Lower Uele (lingala, Sango and La Pazande) and is an asset to interact with key players
  • Mastery of’informatique ;
  • Very good writing skills for reports, analytical and synthetic ;
  • Ability to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team.

How to apply

Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements and skills, should apply through the link by June 10, 2024


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