Training on Recent History in East Africa Since Independence for New Advisors in Kampala At Horizont3000

About horizont3000

horizont3000 was established in 2001 through the merger of three separate Austrian non-governmental organizations focused on development cooperation. This merger positioned horizont3000 as a prominent actor in Austria’s development cooperation landscape. Governance of horizont3000 is vested in its general assembly and board, comprised of representatives from its Catholic member organizations.

The organization operates primarily from its headquarters in Vienna and maintains regional offices in Nicaragua for Central America and Uganda for East Africa. Additionally, it operates country offices in Senegal and Mozambique. horizont3000 specializes in project and program assistance, coordination, and monitoring, as well as providing technical expertise in low-income countries. Thematically, horizont3000 focuses on three sectors: securing livelihoods, empowering Civil Society, and promoting knowledge sharing. The Regional Office in East Africa is situated in Kampala and oversees projects spanning Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. It will be tasked with managing this consultancy. For more details about horizont3000, please visit

About the training
The Regional Office of horizont3000 in Kampala welcomes new advisors to the region annually, who are here to provide support to partner organizations across different sectors. Understanding the region’s history is crucial for these advisors as they prepare to begin their assignments. Hence, we are in search of a consultant to provide orientation to 6 advisors on the recent history of East Africa.
objectives of the Training

  1. To Understand Recent Constitutional Changes: Deepen understanding of recent constitutional developments in Uganda and Kenya.
  2. To Analyze Historical Context: Critically examine the historical context of constitutionalism in East Africa.
  3. To Explore Conflict Dynamics: Explore historical conflicts and peacebuilding efforts in the region.
  4. To Understand Regional Integration: Gain insights into East African countries’ roles in regional organizations.

Scope of Work and Methodology

  • The Consultant will prepare and facilitate a one-day workshop entitled “Recent History since Independence and Constitutions of Uganda and Kenya” including a presentation and interactive elements for the Advisory Programme.”
  • Recent Constitutional Developments in East Africa: The workshop will explore recent constitutional developments in East Africa, with a focus on Uganda and Kenya as case studies. Participants will examine the causes, processes, and impacts of constitutional changes on the social, economic, and political landscape of the region.
  • Historical Context and Comparative Analysis: Provide a historical overview of constitutionalism in East Africa since independence, highlighting key milestones, trends, and challenges. Facilitate a comparative analysis of the constitutional frameworks of various East African countries, identifying commonalities, differences, and regional dynamics.
  • Conflict Dynamics in East Africa: Explore conflict dynamics in East Africa, including historical conflicts, current tensions, and peacebuilding efforts. Participants will analyze the root causes, actors involved, and impacts of conflicts on regional stability and development, with a focus on understanding cross-border implications.
  • Regional Integration: Role of East African Countries in Regional Organizations: Discuss the role of East African countries, including Kenya and Uganda, in regional organizations such as the East African Community (EAC) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). Explore the objectives, achievements, challenges, and future prospects of regional integration initiatives.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements into the workshop, such as case studies, group discussions, and scenario analysis, to foster participant engagement and critical thinking. This could include exploring hypothetical scenarios related to constitutional crises, conflict resolution, and regional cooperation in East Africa.


  1. Initial Training Proposal: The presenter will submit a 1 to 2-page draft proposal outlining the proposed content and methodologies for the presentation.
  2. Final Presentation Proposal: Following feedback and suggestions from HORIZONT3000, the consultant will finalize the presentation proposal by June 14th.
  3. Presentation Delivery: The consultant will deliver the presentation on the agreed date of June 25th, 2024, starting at 9:00 hrs. and concluding at 17:00 hrs., with scheduled tea and lunch breaks.
  4. Short Report: A report summarizing the main outcomes of the workshop, including handouts for participants and feedback received, will be provided.


The available Budget for this training is Uganda shillings two million ( Inclusive of all costs and taxes)

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their training and financial proposals to and cc in by June 4th, 2024. The proposal should outline the proposed content and methodologies to be used in the training, and it should be 1 to 2 pages in length. Additionally, candidates are requested to include their CV along with the proposal.

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