The development of’a positive parenting program for families and children in Chad At Catholic Relief Services

Request proposals

The development of’a positive parenting program for families and children in Chad

RFP US8217.05.2024


The development of’a positive parenting program for families and children in Chad

RFP number



N’Djamena, Chad and remote

Level of’ anticipated effort

57 Days

Period of expected performance

20 August 30, 2024to 15 December, 2024

Person to contact

Anthony Russell (

Deadline for questions

29 July 2024 [11:59 PM EST]

Deadline for submission of the full proposal

10 August 2024[11:59 PM EST]

  1. Context and justification:

In Chad, children face many protection risks. These include lack of access to education, household poverty, lack of infrastructure, armed conflict, gender discrimination and population displacement. These factors increase the risk of child abuse, neglect and exploitation. They are exposed to dangers such as sexual exploitation, gender-based violence, forced labour, etc, early marriage for young girls and recruitment by armed forces or armed groups.

In 2015, a project was initiated by CRS to obtain funding from the Peace Consolidation Support Office (PBSO) via’UNICEF. This is how the project for the protection of the’child was implemented with a view to strengthening the community system for the protection of the’child executed jointly by the diocese of Moundou through the diocesan center for the fight against AIDS and’Entente of Churches and Evangelical Missions in Chad (EMET) in Kelo in Tandjile of 2016-2018. It allowed the establishment of 12 CPEs as community mechanisms in the sub-prefectures, the Arrondissements and in 5 parishes to reduce the impact of the VHI/’/AIDS on Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). As a result the project S’ has expanded into the Hadjer Lamis, the Western Logone and the Lake.This phase has allowed the structuring of community networks for child protection through prevention, peaceful resolution of conflicts, etc, the consolidation of peace and peaceful coexistence in the above-mentioned provinces covering the period from 2018 to 30 September 2021.

In addition, CRS has led, in partnership with UNICEF, a project to set up community mechanisms for the protection of’child in N’Djamena, Moundou and Lac. To capitalize on this progress with UNICEF funding, CRS launched a new project in 2023 to continue the progress made in community child protection in Chad. The focus of this new project is on’ supporting the development of normative and strategic documents for the protection of children from violence, abuse and exploitation in Chad.

CRS’ main objective is to ensure that children in Chad live in safe communities where their basic needs are met and their right to protection is respected. CRS will contribute to this main objective through a strategic objective that the actors of the protection of the CHILD’ provide care and appropriate support to child victims of violence, abuse, and, of negligence or exploitation.

CRS will work to reinvigorate the existing’child protection committees targeted in Moundou, Bol and N’Djamena through training in children’s rights and standards of’ protection (CPE). CRS will focus on capacity building and coaching to ensure the long-term viability and effectiveness of these SCEs. This will be established by the’harmonization of awareness tools for the protection of the’ childhood and’other tools of’ orientation and case referencing. Training will be given to the main actors in protection, who in turn will train the EPC on the rights and protection of children, using harmonised tools. Through this project, though,the existing committees will also strengthen the use of’ orientation mechanisms and mechanisms for referencing cases to local formal services to help children who are victims of’abuse,’ exploitation or neglect.

An essential part of the project will be to build the capacity of parents so that they can offer positive parenting and appropriate support for their children’s development. The project will work with key stakeholders and the Government of Chad to identify a positive parenting curriculum appropriate to the context of Chad. The project will work with the Ministry of Women and Early Childhood for the development and implementation of’a Positive Parenting Program (PPP) by adopting the appropriate curriculum and common training manuals and’orientation documents.

  1. Scope of work

A consultant will be responsible for working with key stakeholders in the Government of Chad to conduct a desk review of existing resources for positive parenting, including, consult with local stakeholders and develop a positive parenting program that best meets the needs of Chadian families for better family care of children. To do so, the consultant will review parenting curricula used in countries with similar socio-economic and child protection contexts. This comparative analysis will help to identify one or more existing programmes(s) that can be consulted in the development of’a programme adapted to the context of Chad. The consultant will work with the government and stakeholders :

  • The Ministry of Women and Early Childhood (Directorate of Childhood and provincial delegation)
  • Ministry of Justice (PF protection of the’Child) ;
  • Ministry of’Education (delegation of’ Secondary Education) ;
  • Ministry of Public Safety (Childhood Brigade) :
  • UNICEF; 1 ;
  • UNHCR ;
  • Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);
  • CARITAS N’Djamena ;
  • SOS Village d’Enfants ;
  • Cooperazione Internationale (COOPI)
  • International Plan ;
  • Union of Child Protection Associations in Chad (UAPET);
  • Association of Women Lawyers of Chad (AFJT)

The consultant will work with these entities to develop a program that best suits Chad, based on the’evidence and the’ positive parenting experience in similar contexts. The consultant will develop the curriculum and training materials in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Early Childhood. The consultant will oversee programme management and the collection of lessons learned. After the pilot phase, the consultant will finalize the program using the lessons learned and make the necessary changes. The consultant will accompany key stakeholders through a curriculum validation process until the validation is complete, including, in accordance with relevant child protection policies and practices in Chad. Finally,the consultant will oversee the training of trainers to be deployed in the field.

  1. Expected deliverables submitted in French by the consultant :
  2. Initial report including a proposal for a development process and participatory review with relevant government stakeholders in Chad ;
  3. Concept note on the needs for a positive parenting programme in Chad answering the main questions :
  • Why a programme for Chad ?
  • What problems will it solve or help solve ?
  • What are the special and specific needs for a positive parenting program in Chad ?
  • What is the shape and scope ? Who will be involved ?
  • Review of comparative analysis of parenting curricula used in similar countries in terms of socio-economic context and child protection.

This step should be done in consultation with stakeholders and set up a small team that will work with the consultant.

  1. Initial thematic proposal for the development or adaptation of’a positive parenting programme adapted to the context of Chad, with a detailed report presenting the selection criteria, the results of the comparative analysis, and, and documentation of a process of review and participatory selection by the relevant stakeholders.
  2. Draft Curriculum of positive parenting adapted to the local context, including necessary changes identified in collaboration with the Government, including training materials and training materials.
  3. A plan for a piloting period with questions of’learning, and formation of’a small group of trainers for the’pilot implementation.
  4. Review process based on lessons learned during the pilotage period, including the curriculum review documented by Government stakeholders until final validation in accordance with child protection policies and practices in Chad.
  5. Final version of the positive parenting curriculum, training materials and training materials finalized, ready to be used during the deployment of the program.
  6. Process for the extension of the positive parenting programme adopted by the Government and its partners throughout the’ and in particular in the project intervention areas (Moundou and Bol)
  7. Basic qualifications of :
  8. The consultant will hold a master’s degree in social work, public health, psychology or a related field.
  9. The consultant must have at least seven years of experience in early childhood development and/or child protection.
  10. The consultant must have demonstrated experience in developing positive parenting programs, including the development of training programs, tools, and training materials for low-literacy participants.
  11. Previous experience in Chad with the Ministry of Women and Early Childhood will be an advantage.
  12. The consultant must be fluent in French, written and spoken. A basic command of English is also required.
  13. The consultant must demonstrate strong writing skills in French, be highly client-focused, and possess excellent communication and project coordination skills.
  14. The consultant must have a high level of demonstrated professionalism and an ability to work independently and in high-pressure situations within tight deadlines.
  15. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with government counterparts.
  16. Clarification questions and answers :

Potential bidders may submit any clarification questions to, by July 29, 2024 [11:59 PM EST]. Responses will be provided to all known potential bidders by August 1, 2024. The title of request for proposals “US8127.05.2024 The development of’a positive parenting program for families and children in Chad” must be included in the subject line of the email.

  1. Deadline for submission of proposals :

All proposals must be sent to by 10 August 2024 [11:59 PM EST for electronic submission]. The title of request for proposals “US8127.05.2024 The development of’a positive parenting program for families and children in Chad” must be included in the subject line of the email.

  1. Requirements for submission :

Interested parties must submit the following documents in order to be considered for this consultation :

  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) : A detailed CV highlighting relevant education, work experience and expertise in child protection, curriculum development and stakeholder engagement, experience in the development or piloting of positive parenting programs is an asset to the program
  2. Cover letter : A cover letter expressing interest in the consultation and describing the motivation, qualifications and relevant experience of the candidate in relation to the scope of work.
  3. Proposal : A proposal for a process and methodology for conducting the’ participatory curriculum development process with relevant government stakeholders in Chad. (The document may not exceed 3 single-spaced pages.)
  4. Complete the separate attachment, Appendix A, Terms and Conditions. See Appendix I
  5. Complete the separate attachment, Annex B, which is also the table found in section VIII Specific activities, schedule and level of effort.
  6. Rate of pay per day, level of effort (i.e., number of billable days) and total cost.
  7. Contact details of four professional references, with the following details on the references : (a) name, (b) position, (c) company, (d) telephone number, etc, (e) e-mail address and (f) city, state, country.
  8. Disclosure of the relationship
    • Describe any current or past relationships that you or your organization may have with CRS.
    • Describe any personal or family relationship that a consultant employee has with a CRS employee.
  9. Timetable, activities, tasks and expected results :

The consultant will work with CRS headquarters and national programme staff from 20/8/2024 to 15/12/2024. See Table 1 for more information’information. The table provides a detailed overview of the tasks and products to be delivered as part of this consultation. It is expected that this work will be planned remotely and in the field.

NB: Any interested person could contact the head office to get into possession of the policy before the submission of the file.

Below is the access link to the TDR, term and condition.

How to apply

All proposals must be sent to by 10 August 2024 [11:59 PM EST for electronic submission]. The title of request for proposals “US8127.05.2024 The development of’a positive parenting program for families and children in Chad” must be included in the subject line of the email.

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