Territorial Director – Elderly Domicile CRF H/F At French Red Cross

With its 66,275 volunteers and 16,700 employees engaged in France and abroad, the French Red Cross (650 establishments and services for 1.5 billion CA annually) is both an association law 1901 recognized as a public utility. It brings together volunteers who have been involved for more than 150 years on many fronts in the fight against precariousness.

C’ is a non-profit company of services in the fields of health, social, medico-social and training.

The Elderly sector represents 11 Institutions and services in the region Auvergne Rhone Alps, PACAC and southern Burgundy Franche County


We’re looking for one (e) territorial director (trice) (CDI) to lead the 11 establishments and services and participate in its outreach and that of the red cross on the territory.

This territory represents approximately 450 FTEs and 40 million d’€ of annual CA.

You pilot the’activity of the French Red Cross establishments on the Elderly and home help sectors.

Your tasks are as follows:

– Contribute to the deployment of the’association strategy on the territory, in coherence with the national policy ;

– Supervise the’ team of directors of’establishment (10 People) : management of directors, monitoring of’activity, interface with regional and national teams, support for financial management, support in relations with supervisory and pricing authorities ;

– In connection with regional and national teams : ensure the development of the’internal-external activity on the territory, work on the mutualizations of the poles, the implementation of CPOM and the negotiation with the public authorities; reconfigure the’offre PA-DOM to reposition certain establishments into service platforms, meet the challenges of modernization (or even reconstruction) on the’immobilier ; represent the French Red Cross internally and externally.


You wish to join a sector “Seniors & Home” who :

– develops a singular philosophy of care and accompaniment around participation and social inclusion’ ;
– provides complementary structures offering the elderly an adapted life course and allows professionals a real professional career ;
– places the quality of life at work of professionals at the heart of its concerns;
– carries values that allow everyone (accompanied persons and professionals intervening alongside them) a real personal development.
and you give importance to the principes and values defended and carried by the French Red Cross (Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary, Unity, Universality)?

Date of taking of desired position

as soon as possible

Profile of the candidate

De higher education (Bac+5), you justify at least 10 years of’experience in management of’management teams, on multi-site/multi-entity activities and in the fields of’ intervention of the French Red Cross (health, social, medico-social).

Confirmed manager (e), your management skills as well as your coordination and’animation skills are essential assets for the success of your missions.

Visionary and pragmatic, you know how to conceptualize an offer from the strategy, carry it by accompanying the change and federating the teams around transformation projects.

Human issues are at the heart of your action; they require analytical skills and hindsight in decision-making. Convinced(e) of the leading role that the French Red Cross can play in its fields of’ intervention, you share its principles and values and are ready(e) to bring visibility, coherence and result to your scope of’intervention.

Post bringing together the territories Auvergne Rhone Alpes, PACAC and the south of the region Burgundy Franche County.


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