Terms Of Reference (Tor): Consultancy Services For Development Of Christian Aid Kenya Strategic Plan For 2024-20 At Christian Aid

1.About Christian Aid
Christian Aid (CA) is an international development organization that has been advocating for dignity, equality, and justice for over 70 years across 37 countries, engaging with people of all faiths and none. Our vision is to eradicate extreme poverty by addressing its root causes. Together with marginalized communities, we amplify voices to challenge power structures and create lasting change. Our mission is to partner with communities to deliver programs that improve their lives and futures. Since 1997, Christian Aid has been active in Kenya, collaborating with over 30 partners across 30 counties, primarily in arid and semi-arid regions.

2. Background
The current five-year strategic plan for Christian Aid Kenya (CAK), developed in 2018, will conclude in early 2024. This plan has focused on supporting the extremely poor and marginalized communities in rural Kenya, particularly in the areas of Humanitarian Response, Health, Climate Change & Economic Justice, and Inclusive Markets. Significant achievements have been made over the past five years.
Christian Aid’s Global Standing Together Strategy (2019-2026) employs the 3P Framework:
•Poverty: Target those in extreme poverty, challenge structural inequalities, and respond to immediate needs.
•Power: Analyze, challenge, and transform power structures at all levels.
Prophetic Voice: Collaborate with the impoverished to realize a shared vision of a just and healed world.

Following a Mid-Term review, Christian Aid has emphasized enhancing its approach to the 3Ps and narrowing its focus to leverage organizational strengths for normative, behavioral, and political change in Climate Adaptation and Resilience, Governance and Rights, Gender Justice, Peacebuilding, and Conflict Transformation. Additionally, it prioritizes diverse partnerships, faith actor engagement, and localization.
CAK is now initiating the development of a new 5 – Yrs Strategic Plan to guide the organization from 2024 to 2028.

3. What We Are Looking For
CAK seeks a consultant to facilitate the strategic planning process and develop a Five (5) year organizational strategy. The consultant’s responsibilities will include conducting interviews with key staff in Nairobi and the CAK Board, analyzing data and research, consulting stakeholders, facilitating workshops, producing supporting materials, and compiling reports.
Main Objectives:
•Develop a comprehensive strategic plan that addresses the Kenyan context and aligns with Christian Aid’s corporate priorities and strategy.
•Identify strategic priorities and create action plans for CAK’s growth and development over the next five years.
Propose innovative approaches to strategic planning that encourage critical thinking among staff, partners, and stakeholders.
Ensure the strategic plan reflects lessons learned, achievements, challenges, and updated context analysis focusing on climate change, inequality, and future trends.

4. Scope of Work
We seek an individual consultant or firm for the following tasks:
•Review existing organizational documents, including past strategic plans, reports, and stakeholder feedback.
•Conduct stakeholder mapping, analysis, consultations, and workshops to gather input on strategic direction.
•Perform an environmental scan of the political, economic, social, legal, and emerging technological contexts affecting CAK.
•Facilitate in-person workshops with staff, partners, and stakeholders.
•Draft a Five -year strategic plan including goals, objectives, strategies, key result areas, performance indicators, and growth recommendations.

5. Proposed Methodology
The consultant should propose a methodology that ensures meaningful participation from the Board, leadership, staff, and key stakeholders. A participatory approach and critical reflection are essential to the process.

6. Key Deliverables
The consultant will deliver:
•Inception Report: A detailed timeline, methodology, stakeholder list, and documentation plan for the strategic development process. This report will be reviewed by CAK before commencement.
•Draft Strategic Plan: A document outlining the organization’s vision, mission, values, goals, objectives, and strategies.
•Implementation Plan: A detailed roadmap for executing the strategic plan, including resource allocation, timelines, and monitoring mechanisms.
•Stakeholder Engagement Findings: A report summarizing stakeholder input and aligning the vision and objectives for the new Strategic Plan.
•Presentation: A PowerPoint presentation and report for a validation workshop organized by CAK.
•Final Report: A consolidated report containing all findings, recommendations, and outputs for submission to CAK’s leadership.

7. Timeline
The assignment is to be completed within 40 days over 10 weeks from July 15th to October 30th, 2024.

8. Application Requirements
Interested candidates/firms must provide:
•A technical proposal, work plan, and evaluation framework addressing the scope and methodology.
•Samples of previous strategy development or related work.
•A financial proposal in KES inclusive of withholding tax.
•An organizational profile or CV with at least three recent and relevant references.
•An updated resume outlining the qualifications and experience of the key consultant(s).
•References from organizations that have contracted the consultant(s) for relevant work within the past three years.
Consultants should be based in Kenya.

Qualifications and Expertise:
•Proven experience in strategic planning for non-profits, organizational development, and advocacy.
•Expertise in participatory processes, stakeholder consultations, and drafting strategic documents.
•Familiarity with the development and humanitarian context in Kenya, with NGO experience being highly desirable.
•The lead consultant should have a minimum of a master’s degree in relevant fields such as Gender, Communication, Development or social sciences.

9. Future Use of Data
The consultant must adhere to CA’s data protection policy and the Data Protection Act of Kenya, ensuring data collection follows do-no-harm, survivor-centered, gender-sensitive, and safeguarding principles. All data collected will remain CAK’s property and cannot be used for other research or licensed without CAK’s written consent.

How to apply

Applications should be sent to nairobirecruitment@christian-aid.org by 5 pm, June 21st, 2024, with the subject line “CAK Strategic Plan FY 2024-2028.”

NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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