Technical Referent SERA and Data Management H/F Programmes At French Red Cross

As a major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French Red Cross manages a network of more than 600 institutions and services in the health, medico-social and training sectors. It is also the head of 12 regional institutes for health and social training.

At’international, the CRF intervenes in 16 countries alongside National Societies and 2 regional platforms (PIRAC and PIROI), on the following themes: Health and Disaster risk management. Just as in the professions that’elle develops and implements in France, the French Red Cross at’international inscribes all its missions in a sustainable humanitarian action plan. This is reflected in an articulation of the activities of’urgency, post-emergency, crisis exit and reconstruction aimed at the best efficiency. The’objective is to carry out actions with lasting effects and to allow populations to regain their full autonomy.

Our association is also committed to strengthening its presence and promoting its priority commitments within the International Movement.

By joining us, you will share our commitment and ethics and develop your skills.

We’re looking for

a SERA Technical Referent (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning) and Data Management H/F Programs

(post to be filled in CDI from November 2024) Technical Referent SERA (Request Assessment Accountability Learning) and Responsible Data Management will aim to accompany the field teams and support them on the deployment of SERA devices and responsible management of data program data. It will contribute to the structuring and framing of SERA and GRD activities to contribute to the quality of project implementation.


1) Accompany field teams on the deployment of SERA strategies and activities

– Technically support SERA teams and Delegations in the programming and planning of SERA activities and systems

– Methodologically support the teams for the planning and deployment of the monitoring and evaluation systems

– Support and support the teams in the deployment of CRF accountability mechanisms on the

Delegations (management and feedback mechanism of’information)

– Support the deployment of’learning systems on Delegations

– Contribute to the design of SERA training courses and to the accompaniment of CRF teams and National Host Societies to strengthen their SERA capacities

2) Support data collection and organize the structuring of data sets in accordance with the French Red Cross IS governance

– Contribute to the conceptualization of data collection methodologies related to the program teams in the field

– Adapt, build, configure, test and validate data collection forms/tools that meet the needs of programs via one or more computer tools

– Coordinate with the program teams the data entry and integration of secondary data in computer systems

– Participate in the training of the people in charge of the collection and contribute to the supervision of the collection by providing adapted methodologies and tools

3) Ensure data quality for operations

– Provide technical assistance and provide critical scrutiny to programme teams during all phases of the data cycle

contribute to the framework and strategy for monitoring activities and results to ensure their feasibility and relevance from the point of view of the data management cycle

animate and carry out the data management cycle process

train and raise awareness among all teams and local partners on good cross-cutting data management practices

– In connection with the CRF Data Protection Officer, organize and implement approaches ensuring responsible and ethical data management (implementation of data protection procedures and practices), methodological (archiving procedure, deletion, etc, minimization etc.).

4) Support the provision of data analysis and visualization products for the purpose of’decision support

– Contribute to the calculation of indicators from different data sources and contribute to the performance of descriptive statistical analyses

– Build graphical representations with recommended tools

– Create advanced dashboards that update automatically

– Support programme teams and Technical Referents in’analysis, interpretation and’ use of data for decision support purposes

– Support internal and external data communication by identifying suitable formats and thus contribute to Monitoring & Evaluation, accountability, donor reporting.


Are you looking for meaning and want to flourish within’a committed association that carries humanist values ?
Our employees benefit from various advantages such as the Time Savings Account, a’ compensation guarantee, a year-end premium, an advantageous mutual and contingency, etc, support on the themes of work, housing, family, health through our network of social workers…

The French Red Cross is an inclusive organization that considers the diversity of its employees as a key asset, and is a signatory to an agreement : Diversity and professional equality. Our Association thus marks its desire to prohibit any form of discrimination and S’ engages with its employees on topics as diverse as’equality women/men,’ employment of seniors, disability, etc, sexual orientation, the gender.

Similarly, committed to societal issues, the French Red Cross has included in its strategy two ambitious commitments in favour of the’environment. With the dual objective of raising awareness and equipping 100% of its volunteers with the consequences of climate change and halving its carbon footprint by 2030.

Date of taking of desired position

november 2024

Higher education, you have a similar experience of at least 3 years

You’ve got it’experience in managing prior information and the quality approach on SERA/MEAL positions in the field and/or at headquarters in the international solidarity sector.

You have’ experiences

in management of humanitarian programmes, you have intervened in recovery, development and emergency contexts

You master project management (project cycle, logical framework), especially on the stages of design and monitoring-evaluation, and, of accountability and’apprenticeship and have experiences and capacities in training and technical support of teams.

Rigorous, pragmatic and organized, you will prioritize and define the issues

Your mastery of computer tools, database management, collection tools (Kobo Collect) and graphical visualization (table, I, etc, DataStudio) will allow you to carry out your missions.

You speak fluent english.


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