Technical assistance for the preparation of a transitional justice manual with a gender focus, San Salvador, El Salvador At UN Women – United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Closing date: Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Technical Assistance for the elaboration of a transitional justice manual with a gender approach.

Location: San Salvador, EL SALVADOR

Application Deadline : 09-Aug-23 ( Midnight New York, USA )

Additional Category : Democratic Governance and Peacebuilding

Type of Contract : Individual Contract

Post Level : National Consultant

Languages Required : Spanish

Starting Date : ( date when the selected candidate is expected to start )


Duration of Initial Contract : 3 months

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.



The United Nations entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, UN Women, based on the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works to eliminate discrimination against women and girls; for the empowerment of women, and to achieve equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, for human rights, in humanitarian actions, in peace and security. By placing women’s rights as the central axis of their work, UN Women leads and coordinates the efforts of the United Nations System to ensure that gender equality and mainstreaming commitments are translated into actions around the world. At the same time,exercises substantive and coherent leadership to support the priorities and efforts of Member States, building an effective partnership with the government, civil society, as well as with other relevant actors.

The six priority areas are:

  •  Expand women’s voices, leadership, and participation;
  •  Eliminate violence against women and girls;
  •  Strengthen the implementation of the women’s peace and security agenda;
  •  Increase the economic autonomy of women;
  •  Make gender equality priorities essential in national, local and sectoral plans, budgets and statistics;
  •  Implement global norms, policies and parameters on gender equality and the empowerment of women, laying the groundwork for action by governments and other stakeholders at all levels.

Two international agreements form the basis of the work of UN Women: the Beijing Platform for Action, resulting from the Fourth World Conference on Women held in 1995, and the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women, considered such as the Fundamental Declaration of the Rights of Women. The spirit of these agreements was reaffirmed in the Millennium Declaration and in the eight Millennium Development Goals established for 2015 and subsequently in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Security Council resolutions 1325 ( 2000 ) on women, peace and security, and 1820 ( 2008 ) on sexual violence in conflict,


Created at the end of 2013, the UN Women Office in El Salvador has the challenge of giving visibility to its work in the country, in order to position gender equality, to face the country’s challenges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and a 50:50 Planet. Likewise, UN Women supports advocacy activities that allow for the strengthening of projects and the work of public and private institutions and civil society in the area of gender equality in El Salvador.

The Country Office Strategic Note 2022-2026 is aligned with and contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, 2022-2026 and consists of four thematic areas of strategic impact that are aligned with the UN Strategic Plan Women, are the following: Governance and participation in public life. Women participate fully and equally in leadership and decision-making, women and girls benefit from gender-sensitive governance;

Economic empowerment of women. Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy;

End violence against women. All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence;

Peace, security and disaster and humanitarian risk reduction. Women and girls contribute and influence the construction of sustainable peace and resilience and benefit equally from conflict and disaster prevention and humanitarian action.

This action is part of the Women Guardians of Peace project, which aims to increase the participation and incidence of women, specifically those who participate in civil society organizations, networks of women and leaders from territories prioritized in peacebuilding processes and working on transitional justice issues through capacity building and empowerment.

The project contributes to the implementation of the National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 on “Women, Peace and Security” ( 2022-2024 ), for which the hiring of Technical Assistance is required for the preparation of a transitional justice manual with gender approach, which contributes to strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations for the implementation of actions in transitional justice.


The objective of this consultancy is the preparation of a transitional justice manual with a gender approach, aimed at Civil Society organizations that work on the subject.

The specific objectives are:

  •  Strengthen knowledge of Civil Society Organizations on transitional justice processes.
  •  Provide technical tools for the implementation of transitional justice actions with a gender approach.

The expected results of the consultancy are:

  •  Prepared a Manual on transitional justice with a gender approach.
  •  Disseminated Manual on transitional justice with a gender approach to the selected Civil Society Organizations, institutions that make up the Technical Committee for the implementation of Resolution 1325 and other related institutions or organizations.

Duties and Responsibilities

The owner is expected to carry out the responsibilities and activities necessary for the delivery of the products described below in order to achieve the objectives of the consultancy.

Such responsibilities will include:

  •  Comply with the activities and presentation of the defined products, according to the established periods.
  •  Obtain primary and secondary information from other sources when necessary.
  •  Permanently maintain coordination with the supervisor or supervisors for an effective execution and development of the requested products of this consultancy. As well as, it will provide information as requested within the framework of the terms of reference.
  •  Prepare the methodology and work plan of the consultancy.
  •  Take into account the good practices of the selected organizations in terms of transitional justice with a gender approach, for which you must carry out focus groups and/or interviews with key people identified jointly with the coordinator of the UN Women project. These workshops can be held virtually or in person.
  •  Carry out at least one socialization session ( can be virtual or face-to-face ) of the content of the Manual on transitional justice with a gender approach to the Civil Society Organizations participating in the Women Guardians of Peace project and to the Technical Committee for the implementation of Res. 1325.
  •  Attend the meetings called by the coordinator of the UN Women project to follow up on this consultancy.
  •  Throughout the process, the contracted person must maintain confidentiality regarding all aspects of it.
  •  The products are expected to be presented in digital format for due approval.
  •  Include work session logs and memories, including attendance lists, minutes of session agreements and / or graphic records.
  •  When the final product is validated, the consultant will present a CD / USB where it includes a copy of each report delivered and the attached materials must be scanned and incorporated into said document.
  •  Each product must include its respective index and cover, Word format, letter size, with a 12-point calibri font, spaced and a half.
  •  Other activities that are required to achieve the results.



Product / Deliverable

Delivery term

Definition of activities, methodology and strategy to achieve the established objective.

Schedule of activities

Formulation of the annotated index of contents of the diagnosis, sources to be used and methodology for obtaining the information.

Meetings with technical counterparts from UN Women for the presentation and approval of the commented index.

Product No.1

Annotated index, methodological proposal and research tools.

3 weeks after signing the contract.

Organize and develop focus groups, workshops, interviews, questionnaires or apply other necessary tools to identify the needs and/or good practices of at least five Civil Society Organizations on the transitional justice actions they carry out.

Collect inputs from the Civil Society Organizations selected by UN Women, for the elaboration of the Transitional Justice Manual with a gender approach.

Bibliographic review; incorporation of inputs from focus groups or workshops with Civil Society Organizations, among other sources.

Writing and presentation to UN Women of the first draft of the Manual.

Submission of final document for approval.

Product No.2

Transitional justice manual with a gender approach approved.

9 weeks after signing the contract.

Organize and develop a conference to present the Transitional Justice Manual with a gender focus, to the Civil Society Organizations participating in the project.

Organize and make a presentation of the Manual aimed at institutions that make up the Technical Committee for the implementation of Resolution 1325 and other related institutions or organizations.

Product No. 3

Systematization of socialization days of the Manual of Transitional Justice with a gender approach.

Presentation of the Manual in PowerPoint.

Record of attendance and audiovisual record.

12 weeks after signing the contract.

The Consultant is not an official of the United Nations and will carry out the activities related to his consultancy in his own work space, in which he must have the technical equipment and the necessary technology to provide the requested assistance. Throughout the process, the contracted person must maintain confidentiality regarding all aspects of the process.


Payment for the services will be made after the delivery of each product established in the table above, subject to satisfaction and approval by UN Women in accordance with the schedule established below. When processing the last payment, it must be accompanied by the performance evaluation of the consultant along with the certificate of payment ( COP ) to process the final payment.


Product / Deliverable

payment condition

First payment

Product No.1

30% of the total contract upon delivery of the approved product.

second paid

Product No.2

30% of the total contract upon delivery of the approved product.

Third payment

Product No.3

40% of the total contract upon delivery of the approved product.

The SSA contract determines the inclusion of all costs ( all inclusive ); the Organization will not assume additional costs or benefits to the fees for services. Therefore, it is the consultant’s responsibility to have medical insurance for the contract period and it is recommended that it include medical coverage for illnesses related to COVID-19. Medical coverage must be international in cases where the contract requires international missions or assignments.


The consultancy will be managed by UN Women El Salvador. The supervision of this consultancy will be carried out by the coordinator in charge of the Area of Peace, Security and Humanitarian Action of UN Women. The Consultant is not a United Nations official and will carry out the activities related to its consultancy virtually, from their own workspace in accordance with what was agreed in the work plan.

Three months after the start of the consultancy, an evaluation of the performance of the selected person and the products produced will be carried out, and if it is not favorable, the contract will be terminated by mutual agreement within the following 30 days.

For the proper development of the consultancy, the supervisor will provide the consultant with the existing documents and information available to UN Women related to the consultancy issues. It is the responsibility of the consultant to obtain primary and secondary information from other sources, if necessary.

The consultant will maintain permanent coordination with the supervisor for an effective execution and development of the requested products of this consultancy. As well as, it will provide information as requested within the framework of the terms of reference.

performance indicators

  •  Products / deliverables presented in a timely manner according to the TDRs
  •  Work quality
  •  Fulfillment of the expected results
  •  Compliance with the established competencies ( Ref. Profile of the consultant )


The right to equipment and supplies that may be provided by UN Women to the consultant for the performance of any obligation under this contract shall remain with UN Women and such equipment shall be returned to UN Women upon termination of this contract or when it is no longer necessary for the consultant. Said equipment, when it is returned to UN Women, must be in the same condition as when it was delivered to the consultant, subject to normal deterioration. The person representing the consulting team will be responsible for compensating UN Women for the damaged or damaged equipment regardless of its normal deterioration.

UN Women shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including but not limited to: patents, copyrights and trademarks, in relation to products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how, documents and other materials that the team Consultant has prepared or collected in connection with or during the performance of this Consultancy, and Consultant acknowledgments and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute work carried out under contract to UN Women. However, in the event such intellectual property or other proprietary rights consist of any intellectual property or proprietary rights of the consultant / contractor: i ) that existed prior to the consultant’s performance of its obligations under this contract,

At the request of UN Women, the consultant / contractor must follow all the necessary steps, legalize all the necessary documents and generally must guarantee the property rights and transfer them to UN Women, in accordance with the requirements of applicable law and this contract. Subject to the foregoing provisions, all maps, drawings, photographs, mosaics, plans, reports, calculations, recommendations, documents and all information compiled or received by the consultant under this contract shall be the property of UN Women and shall be available UN Women for use or inspection at reasonable times and places and shall be treated as confidential and released only to authorized officials of UN Women upon completion of work under this contract.


Core values:

  •  Integrity
  •  Professionalism
  •  Cultural sensitivity and diversity of values

Core competencies:

  •  Awareness and sensitivity regarding gender issues;
  •  Responsibility;
  •  Creative problem solving;
  •  Effective communication;
  •  Inclusive collaboration;
  •  Stakeholder participation;
  •  Lead by example.

Functional competencies:

  •  Excellent writing skills in Spanish;
  •  High team work capacity;
  •  Excellent communication skills;
  •  Commitment to the theme;
  •  Innovative thinking ability;
  •  Ethical values and professional integrity;
  •  Correct elaboration of knowledge products;
  •  Respect for diversity;
  •  gender perspective;

Required Skills and Experience

SELECTION PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION: The selection process will be carried out through a desk review, in which a formal verification is first carried out that the applications meet the documentary evidence to be examined and the minimum requirements established for the consultancy . Then, the technical evaluation of the applications received is carried out, which will be qualified based on the technical requirements established in the following qualification table: Evaluation criteria


one. Bachelor’s degree in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities, or related areas.


2. Master’s or postgraduate studies related to the Human Rights of women, gender studies or other related.


3. Demonstrable experience preparing manuals, guidelines or other documents for the mainstreaming of the gender approach.


4. Demonstrable experience in transitional justice issues.


5. Experience with issues related to the UN Women, Peace and Security Agenda ( desirable )





Requirements to Apply: Compliance with these requirements must be demonstrated through the presentation of a letter presenting the experience of the person applying.

To apply, you must submit: 1. UN Women Personal History Form ( P11 ) , which can be found at the link: 20Us / Employment / UN-Women-P11-Personal-History-Form.doc, copy of study certificates and / or degree obtained .

2. Personal identification document

3. Resume and certifies of the additional professional team , in case the applicant proposes it to achieve the results of this consultancy.

4. 2 samples of documents for the mainstreaming of the gender approach, prepared and / or certifies that accreditation work experience.

Those who do not send the complete documentation or who do so outside the established maximum date will not be considered. Only those who qualify on the short list will be contacted for an interview, if deemed necessary.


  •  When applying, you must upload one ( 1 ) single file in PDF format. A guide is attached for you to perform this step.
  •  UN Women does not assume responsibility and only describes one of the many ways to carry out this step. You can use the one you consider prudent.
  •  Applications received incomplete or after the closing date will not be considered.
  •  Only those applications that qualify on the short list will be contacted for an interview ( if applicable ).
  •  Consultants who have a labor relationship with public institutions may only be hired if they present proof of work permit ( license ) without expiration and a letter of no objection to the consultancy, issued by the employing institution. In the event that the candidate’s link is with a research institution, academic center or university, it is enough to present a letter of no objection issued by the employing institution.
  •  The selected consultants must have medical coverage and present proof of their coverage within two months of signing their contract.
  •  In the event that the consultancy requires travel, it must confirm medical coverage, required vaccinations according to the destination and travel insurance.

Diversity and inclusion

At UN Women we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women hires, employs, trains, compensates and promotes without discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin or any other condition contemplated by law. All jobs are decided on the basis of skills, competence, integrity and the needs of the organization.

If you need any type of reasonable accommodation to participate in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a policy of zero tolerance for conduct incompatible with the purposes and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. Selected candidates must adhere to UN Women’s policies and procedures and standards of conduct required of UN Women’s staff, for which reason they will undergo rigorous background and reference checks. The background check will include checking academic credentials and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information in order to conduct a background check.

The application of those people belonging to minority groups, indigenous groups or populations and people with disabilities is encouraged.

All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.


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